Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Trump, Zuckerberg meet at Mar-a-Lago

Mark Zuckerberg lies about content moderation, describes fact-checking program as “something out of like 1984”

More than 60 German universities and research institutions leave X

Brazil gives Meta 72 hours to explain changes to fact-checking program

Mexican Firefighters on their way to help Los Angeles’s Firefighters efforts

Following the news of Justin Trudeau resigning as Canadian PM, Donald J. Trump releases new statement calling on Canada to join the U.S.A. in a unified state.

It’s sickening how the far right has politicized this disaster. Instead of helping people, these fake Christians like to throw out their hate to the victims just like their cult leader, trump.

X's new parody labels won't fix its impersonation problem

This is literally what conspiracy theorists accused Soros of. Only difference is, they like it when Elon does it. Elon admits he’s doing this.

Republicans Can Slow but Not Stop Electric Vehicles, Experts Say

MAGA Has Emotional Meltdown After Trump Is Declared a Felon

Ronald Reagan is the worst thing to happen to the United States, and the 8 years he served as President is attributed to the downfall of the American Dream

Reagan normalized the “I got mine, screw you!” mentality. 

All I know is, I’m still waiting for my wealth to trickle down!

People before Reagan were able to buy a car, property/land, and still save money at substantially higher interest rates.

He also cut all federal funding and subsidies for daycare for the working class, which was .0000000000001% of the Federal budget, JUST to break the working class.

You can also thank Reagan for all the homeless. He got rid of the Mental Health hospitals/treatment.

And not to mention AIDS, Crack, union busting, the war on drugs, and the destruction of John Hinckley's musical career.

But the single worst thing was repealing the fairness doctrine which allowed propaganda in the media.

Not to mention:

• Reagan supplied weapons to America's enemies.

• Reagan ignored the atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein.

• Reagan illegally supplied arms to both sides of the Iran-Iraq War.

• Reagan caved in to the demands of terrorists…Twice.

• Reagan was weak in the war on terrorism.

• Reagan supported the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Nicaragua.

• Reagan started an unnecessary war in Grenada to divert attention from his failure in Beirut.

• Reagan failed to defend the US From Saddam Hussein.

• Reagan helped create Al-Qaeda by abandoning the Mujahideen Rebels in Afghanistan.

• Reagan supported the racist apartheid government in South Africa.

• Reagan supported the most brutal dictators in the world as long as he didn't consider them “Communists”.

• Reagan’s administration had more documented corruption than any previous President in U.S. History.

• Reagan frequently repeated bald-faced lies even after they were publicly revealed to be untrue.

• Reagan set records for budget deficits.

• Reagan's economic policies put millions of Americans out of work.

• Reagan’s policies allowed hundreds of thousands of family farms to go out of business or declare bankruptcy.

• Reagan’s financial policies caused the savings and loan industry to collapse.

• Reagan robbed the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for his budget shortfalls.

• Reagan largely ignored the AIDS epidemic while tens of thousands of people were dying of the disease.

• Reagan’s administration pushed Congress to pass the Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act, which mandated that the FTC would no longer have any authority whatsoever to regulate advertising and marketing to children, leaving markets virtually free to target kids as they saw fit.

• Reagan’s Supply Side (i.e. “Trickle-down”) Economic policies slashed taxes for the rich, allowing the upper classes to horde more and more money, leaving the rest of the nation with crumbs.

• Reagan mobilize anti-black sentiment among whites for political gains by actively fostering racial disharmony and hatred as a strategy to gain white electoral support.

• Reagan’s “War on Drugs” was a race war on inner-city blacks by law enforcement and the America judicial system to flood American prisons with African-Americans.

• Reagan’s confrontation with the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization undermined the bargaining power of American workers & their labor unions. It also polarized our politics in ways that prevent us from addressing the root of our economic troubles: the continuing stagnation of incomes despite rising corporate profits and worker productivity.

And the list just goes on and on….

Zuckerberg urges Trump to stop the EU from fining US tech companies

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