Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Lauren Boebert says Ghislaine Maxwell trial will spur "misguided outrage" – Politicians are already trying to gaslight us about what will come out 

Day 1 of Ghislane Maxwell trial. A quick summary

SS: First of all the prosecutor presented the charges Maxwell faces. Maxwell pled NOT GUILTY. Prosecutor went on introducing the four star witnesses who claim to be victims of the charges presented. Defence portraied Maxwell as "scapegoat" of Epstein, she was just an "employee" who wasnt close to epstein at all. Furthermore Epstein was described in a fairly postive light that he had good treats was attractive and had a halo effect. The Defence is expected to discredit the four witnesses insinuating that the witnesses suffered some kind of memory altering influenced by all the bad light that has been falling on Epsteins person and the case surrounding him, also due to the time between the trial and the alleged crualties they had to get through (prior to 2000).

Jet Pilot was also testifying. Questioning him will continue tomorrow.

Charges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktIJinYk2gU



Pfizer to pay $2.3 billion, agrees to criminal plea.

Uranium is the most common fuel for nuclear power stations but is a finite resource. A new material inspired by fractal-like nature of blood vessels can absorb 20 times more uranium from seawater than previous approaches. It could provide a reliable energy source that could last thousands of years.

Something big is coming in December, and it's not covid.

Before or on December 21st, which is the winter solstice, I believe alien contact will occur. The pandemic has been the strangest and most divisive time of my relatively young life (32), and yet I've had this gut feeling since about March of this year that something is coming. I've had this persistent feeling of waiting for it to happen. I didn't know what it was initially. To clarify, I had always scoffed and thought the topic of aliens and UFOs to be silly and boring for all my life till the middle of this year. Then, inexplicably, I suddenly became very, very interested in the subject. I dove down all the old rabbit holes, from old stories like Operation High Jump to the more contemporary government funded agencies investigating Skinwalker Ranch and all the high strangeness therein.

Then the UAP report comes out. Some saw the preliminary report as inconsequential. I saw it as the Pentagon and DoD finally admitting that something is routinely violating our air space and 1. We don't know what it is and 2. We have no capability to stop it. Add into the mix people like Bill Nelson, the head of NASA, making some very interestingly worded comments about discovering where we as a species came from and comments from Ross Coulthart, a respected Australian journalist, who claims he's being briefed by American officials in the military and government and being told some sort of big reveal is in the works.

Now, finally, add in the experiencers. There are dozens of people claiming to be in contact with aliens, which is nothing new. People have been "channeling" supposed beings for decades. From the grey-like entity called Lam that Aleister Crowley contacted in the, early twentieth century to the present day, where you can even find such people making claims here on reddit, youtube, and even Twitter. Of course you shouldn't take everyone seriously, especially of in involves any money being earned on their part. And as far as scams and cults go, most of the fakers prefer to have a specific message to separate themselves from the others. They have to be the "chosen one" and be privy to information that no one else knows. And yet something strange has happened.

They're all claiming that something will happen in Fall of this year. With Fall officially ending on December 21st. Many of these supposed channelers seem unaware of one another. And yet the time frame of Fall of this year is not only consistent with them but with others who are unrelated to the UFO topic. If you look hard enough, you'll find everything from proclaimed psychics, mediums, remote viewers, and astral projectors all having the same feeling I mentioned earlier. The feeling that something is coming this year.

In 1963 Saddam's Ba'ath party violently deposed the leftist administration of Abd al-Karim Qasim, slaughtering thousands of communists with the help of lists provided courtesy of the CIA.

Researchers propose a simpler design for quantum computers.They used a laser to manipulate a single atom that, in turn, can modify the state of the photons via quantum teleportation. The atom can be reset & reused for many quantum gates, eliminating the need to build multiple distinct physical gates

Apparently, according to the new GOP, the Maxwell case is just a 'leftist panic'

FBI and US government officials are so Corrupt--they are letting Israel get away with spying/blackmailing on US politicians. No doubt Epstein and Maxwell were M*SS*D.

There's a possibility that 2 POTUS (Bill Clinton, Donald Trump) and what could easily be dozens of members of congress--were all blackmailed by our bff Israel.

Did the spy ring help move forward the False Flag 9/11 Operation?

Did the spy ring influence how much military aid Israel receives?

What other legislation or events did the spy ring affect?

Geraldo claims Maxwell held without bail is unjust

The ruling class is finding new ways to funnel (steal) more tax-payer money with the excuse of a "new virus strain " that was (allegedly) found

Source: https://www.dw.com/en/who-omicron-variant-underlines-need-for-global-pandemic-treaty/a-59966468

We bust our asses for every cent earned, and the useless eaters at the top keep trying to scoop as much possible off of the little we have and put it in the pockets of their crony friends. all under the guise of a health crisis. since when do we need to deposit billions into the bank accounts of private corporations (because that is where the money is funneled to at the end) because of a virus strain?

Apple says it will notify users whose iPhones were hacked by spyware

Epstein, Mossad, US intelligence. What’s the angle?

It seems obvious to me that Epstein with his accomplice Maxwell was running a kompromat operation against a (frankly incredible) array of targets for Mossad.

Does someone have insights into why the US intelligence agencies (as well as the British) wouldn’t push back extremely hard on this. I mean it’s clearly a borderline act of war.

The Government is using Fear to Control You

Surrounded From All Sides, The Pentagon Will Lose Its UFO Battle - And That Starts This Week In Congress

Quantum Computing Shows US Fears It Can’t Outcompete China

The Arctic Ocean has been getting warmer since the beginning of the 20th century – decades earlier than records suggest. Since 1900, the ocean temperature has risen by approximately 2 degrees Celsius, while sea ice has retreated and salinity has increased.

The evidence is compelling and 3 leaked memo's tell a very dark and intriguing conspiracy,


A Hacking Spree Against Iran Spills Out Into the Physical World

Subreddit Icon r/technology •Posted byu/TheVideoGaymer 3 hours ago Gold Helpful Wholesome2 Silver2 Democrats Push Bill to Outlaw Bots From Snatching Up Online Goods

Republicans Are Undermining the Vaccine and Blaming Biden for It

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen said the investigators looking into the Trump Organization could 'indict Donald Trump tomorrow' and be successful

If Democrats don’t fight for voting rights, not much else matters

Space Force General: China and Russia attacking U.S. space assets ‘every day’ with non-kinetic means, 'including lasers, radio frequency jammers and cyber attacks'

New York City chief medical examiner resigns on first day of Maxwell trial, during her 23 years, she oversaw the autopsies of Eric Garner, Joan Rivers, and Jeffrey Epstein

Ghislaine Maxwell: Pilot says Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Trump flew on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’

FAA accidentally disclosed more than 2,000 flight records associated with Epstein's private jets...

Epstein pilot resumes testimony at Maxwell trial...

Schoolgirl Outfits, Abuse...

Dark Movie Exposing House of Horrors...

China Mysterious Hypersonic Weapon Can Stay In Orbit...

Pentagon to Upgrade Bases in Guam, Australia to Confront...

Commander Calls for More Aircraft Carriers in Pacific...

Leaked Docs Detail Xi's Extensive Role in Muslim Crackdown...

Shadow war in space heating up fast...

Moscow Missile Max Speed Mach 9...

Epstein’s “Little Black Book”

FBI Document Says the Feds Can Get Your WhatsApp Data -- in Real Time. A previously unreported FBI document obtained by Rolling Stone reveals that “private” messaging apps WhatsApp and iMessage are deeply vulnerable to law-enforcement searches


RECAP: Epstein Guards Admit Willfully & Knowingly Falsifying Records of Watching Him. Get Off Easy. No Media Interested in Interviewing Them. Weird. 

Obviously this plandemic is about saving the citizens of the world. It has nothing to do with profits and control.

Day 7 of informing about the Ghislane Maxwell trial. It is set to start TOMORROW. The there wont be a frequent broadcast, only the jury decision will be televised (per Yahoo).

SS: I will try to summarize the trial but after a quick search, this trial transcript maybe harder to find than I thought. If someone knows where to access it, please share the link in the comments down below. Thank you!


Further info on why it wont be televised: https://meaww.com/ghislaine-maxwell-case-no-live-stream-federal-court-rules-not-like-kyle-rittenhouse-case

After charges were filed, EPSTEIN was allowed to leave the USA to visit Israel. There are also photos of Ehud Barak visiting Epstein in NYC. Epstein/Maxwell was a M*ss*d Operation.

New Info From Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Has America Groaning in Disgust

"Free Market" at work: Twitter CEO steps down, NASDAQ halts trading Twatter stocks. Rigged game.

Shocker - Access Code for Ghislaine Trial Not Working

I called the number listed on this page and enter the access code, but get a message saying "your access code is not recognized."

Anyone else get it to work?

Scientists discover potential cause of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroscience

Why is Ghislaine Maxwell alive while Esptein is(supposedly) dead? Why are their fates different, what's the smoking gun we're not seeing?

Now i've heard theories that Esptein didn't kill himself, that he did kill himself, that he vanished and the body was a fake double. So what's going on with Ghislaine? Is there a theory that unifies whatever happened to Esptein to whatever is happening to Ghislaine?

The best thing i can come up with is that Esptein didn't manage to set up a dead man's switch on time, or they found his dead man switch, while Ghislaine still has hers.

Ghislaine Maxwell news – latest: Juror problems delay trial as accuser addresses crowd outside court

Trump loves to flash the seal of satan/downward prayer hand gesture

Alex Jones pushes back on Jan. 6 Committee subpoena; says it’s part of a global push to destroy what liberty remains

One of the defendants in Maxwell civil suite died.

Virgil Abloh died today, on the 28th November.

He was defendant nr 28 in the civil suite vs Ghislaine Maxwell.

DOJ moves to limit Bannon media circus over January 6 investigation

Are the 50-100 person attack squads looting big box stores across the country a warmup for doing the same in residential neighborhoods or apartment complexes? We keep seeing "No arrests were made"... Seems like a bad slope to be on.

Even in Mpls now, where there are no criminal protections from prosecution like in CA. But, that doesn't seem to matter. "No arrests have been made" after HUGE smash and grabs at Best Buy and others?? This is something that should concern everyone. What happens when it's 300 people? When it's 1000, with guns? Absolute bizarre and terrifying occurrences in this dystopian shithole we are living in.

Maxwell Trial - Opening Statements

Not the official transcript. Imported from this [thread.] (https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1465395758920876041?refresh=1638220309) Notes in [brackets].

[Ghislaine Maxwell has been taking notes at far side of the defense table, next to the marble wall. Now Assistant US Attorney Lara Pomerantz is getting set in the glassed-in COVID podium, as the jurors come in. It's on.]

Assistant US Attorney Lara Pomerantz (AUSA), Opening Statement:

I want to tell you about Jane. She turned 14 years old that summer when a man and a woman walked by. The man said he was a donor who gave scholarships to students at this camp. The woman asked for her phone number. It began a nightmare.

The man and woman were predators. Jane was not their only victim. There were other young girls. Who was that woman? It was the defendant, Ghislaine Maxwell. The defendant took these girls on shopping trips and won their trust. She talked sex

There were times she was in the room when it happened. That is why we are here today. Between 1994 and 2004 the defendant sexually exploited young girls. She preyed on them and served them up to be sexually abused. She was trafficking kids for sex.

He owned a ranch in New Mexico, an apartment in Paris, a mansion in Manhattan, Palm Beach, a private island. Epstein has private planes and pilots. The defendant got to enjoy that luxury right along with Epstein.

The defendant was the lady of the house. She imposed rules. Employees were to hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing. There was a culture of silence. That was by design. The defendant's design.

They had a play book: get access, gain trust. They often targeted the daughters of single mothers, struggling to make ends meet. They made these girls feel seen. But that was a cover.

To get the girls to touch Epstein, they used the cover of massage. The defendant massaged Epstein then told the girls to do it. Epstein brought girls into his massage room every single day. It was sexual abuse.

Before I describe those so-called massages, let me say: these are the facts. Epstein touched the teenage girls with equipment... He sometimes penetrated... The defendant helped Epstein find those girls, for so-called massages.

They lured their victims with a promise of a brighter future then destroyed their lives. The defendant was jet-setting in private planes.

[And holding press conferences at the UN, getting Antonio Guterres' official Amir Dossal on her board]

So what happened to Jane? You will hear from her. Someone from Epstein's office invited her to Epstein's house. He told her mother he was offering a scholarship. Jane was 14 - a kid. Epstein was in his early 40s, the defendant in her early 30s

Jane traveled to New York to Epstein's mansion, where he abused her. She was not the only one. You will learn about multiple girls during the course of this trial. You will learn about a 16 year old girl who traveled to the ranch in New Mexico

The defendant told the girl she was going to give her a massage. But she touched her elsewhere. The girl was 16 years old. There's a 17 year old, spotted in a parking lot. The driver pulled over.

[Maxwell puts on her glasses and jots down notes]

They moved beyond scholarships and moved on to a pyramid scheme of abuse. They encouraged girls to bring other girls, for extra cash. The defendant knew exactly what she was doing. That's what we expect the evidence will show.

You'll hear about a fund that paid millions to the victims of Jeffrey Epstein. But you will learn that these victims would have paid anything to have this not have happened to them. You will hear from relatives. You will hear from staff members.

You'll see massage tables. A school girl's outfit. You'll see other records - flight logs showing the names of some of Epstein's victims

[What about Unindicted co-conspirators?]

At the end we will speak again. Until then, pay attention, follow Judge Nathan's instructions, & use your common sense. You will reach the only verdict possible: that Ghislaine Maxwell is guilty.

Judge Nathan: Thank you Ms. Pomerantz. Ms. Sternheim?

Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim, Opening Statement:

Ever since Eve, women have been blamed for the evil deeds of men. Ghislaine Maxwell is not Jeffrey Epstein or any of the other men, moguls and media giants who abuse women.

Epstein will be mentioned throughout the trial. He is the elephant in the room. He is consuming this entire courtroom and the overflow courtrooms. You are not here to judge Epstein. You are here to determine if Ghislaine Maxwell committed these crimes

We are proud to represent Ghislaine Maxwell, me and Christian Everdell, Laura Minninger & Jeffrey Pagliuca

These witnesses want a jackpot of money. There are 4 accusers. They'll say Ghislaine groomed them .

Memories fade and become contaminated.

[Get ready for expert Elizabeth Loftus, who also testified for Harvey Weinstein and others]

Jeffrey showed only what he wanted to show.

[Get ready for Maxwell's "halo effect" expert(s)]

The Epstein Victims Fund did not test the claimants' stories. They got millions of dollars. Ghislaine Maxwell is on trial because of her association with Epstein. She is a scapegoat --

AUSA: Objection!

Judge Nathan: As stated, overruled.

Ghislaine is a stand-in for a man who behaved badly--

AUSA: Objection!

Judge Nathan: Let me hear from counsel at the sidebar.

[Non-public whispering]

Sternheim returns from the sidebar and says:

Ghislaine Maxwell can pilot a helicopter. Her life of luxury is not a crime. You all said you would not be biased by affluence or opulence and your word is your bond.

In the 1990s Ghislaine met Jeff Epstein

Epstein had made positive traits. Attractiveness. He radiated what's called a halo effect. Ghislaine became his employee, to administer his real estate like small boutique hotels. Like many New Yorkers, he wintered in Palm Beach.

Houses require upkeep. Epstein spent time with other women and traveled with them without Ghislaine. The jets were like a Hamptons Jitney in the air. Very interesting people on them: politicians, celebrities, even a former astronaut who became a Senator

There will be Jane, Annie, Kate and Carol. They will tell their stories only from memory. But memory, as you will here, changes. Sternheim: Consider the incentive of personal monetary gain. These women were not initial interviewed by investigators with experience

AUSA: Objection!

Judge Nathan: Sustained. Jury will disregard.

You decide if they are credible.

Epstein was a manipulator. He had no children. He had no boss. But he attracted these rich and famous people. Before his fall from grace. He was a 21st Century James Bond. His mystery has stirred interest and his accusers have shaken the money tree

Epstein traveled with an entourage but kept parts of his life locked up. Other manipulators? Lawyers, media & money have impacted the memories you'll hear. Civil lawyers targeted clients and primed them.


Judge Nathan: Just a moment. Grounds?

[Another whispered sidebar. Maxwell drinks from a water bottle, straighten her glasses: she does not go up to the bench with Sternheim]

[In the 2d row: new US Attorney Damian Williams, being whispered to by senior AUSA Tom McKay]

Sternheim is back:

For people to receive money from the Epstein Fund, they receive more if they cooperate with the government. These witnesses have gotten money, lots of money.

The Epstein Fund has many of the same administrators as the 9/11 fund. But for 9/11, there was hard proof. Let's talk about Jane. Yes, she was and is a talented singer and Epstein, a patron of the arts and a supporter of young talent, sponsored her

After Epstein died, when money was on the line, Jane hired a lawyer and became a client, they got in touch with the government because it would help with her monetary claim,

Jane is now on a soap opera. She got $5 million from the Epstein fund. Consider that. And this, about Annie - her sister is an artist. She came to NY when she was 16 and met Epstein. Ghislaine was not in the country.

Long sidebar. US Attorney Damian Williams has left the courtroom.

Annie will tell you she stopped writing in her diary before the events in NM. Annie is a 41 year old psycho-therapist who only met Ghislaine once, in NM. She promotes herself as a victim

She will say she's scarred. But why did she keep the boots Epstein gave her? They are well worn. She was awarded $1.5 million. Let's talk about Kate. She has admitted she is ambitious. She was involved with an older British gentleman.

She eagerly spent time with Epstein. Her emails to Epstein continued a relationship with him for over a decade. When he was in jail she sent him pictures of herself. Kate is a 44 year old former actress and socialite from the UK.

She came on an entertainment visa but she is no longer in the entertainment field. She got $3.25 million. She is also seeking assistance from the government to help her get a visa, a special visa for US witnesses.

The last accuser -- she had a dangerous lifestyle, using drugs. This is 2002. Carolyn was introduced to Epstein by Virginia Roberts, who was paid to recruit for massages. This is for the trafficking charges 5 and 6. This had nothing to do with Ghislaine

She sued Epstein and his assistant, but not Ghislaine. Ghislaine had not come up in the interview in 2007. It was Carolyn who groomed and trafficked for Epstein. But when he died, her story changed to include Ghislaine. She got $3.5 million minus $40k

We are not here to smear anyone, just to test the government's proof. In NY the age of consent is 17. For trafficking, the age of consent is 18. But for Carolyn, the charges will not be proven.

The government is trying to stitch together four different story. But the only common denominator is they got big payouts. These are paper cut-outs. The charges are not supported.

Jeffrey Epstein is not here. Ghislaine is here. You have the power - find Ghislaine not guilty.

Judge Nathan: Thanks. 10 minute break then 1st US witness.


DOGE Has Deployed Its GSAi Custom Chatbot for 1,500 Federal Workers   Where's the Epstein, 9/11, and JFK Assassination Files we were pro...