Sunday, November 21, 2021


Massive: Ghislaine Maxwell co-conspirators list and accusations in this court document. Lots of people and companies shown. Hundreds listed. Save before this gets removed 

Ghislaine Maxwell attempts to obtain settlement documents with victims of Epstein

Beyoncé, Kanye West, Lil Wayne and Hundreds of other Sealed Names in on the Decades Long Global Criminal Enterprise

Nevada Man Who Claimed to Have Proof of Illegal Voting Pleads Guilty to Voting Twice

Kyle Rittenhouse case is a distraction to passing the “build back better” plan

Trump The Democratic Wolf in Republican Sheep's Cloathing

Trump is a democrat sent to destroy the republican party!

  1. He was friends with the Clintons and they were at each others special events

  2. They all partied with Epstein

  3. Trump was not fiscally conservative

  4. Trump bailed out the rich

  5. Trump was racist like democrats were

  6. Trump raised the deficit and signed democratic emergency spending

  7. Trump promoted stimulant checks

  8. Trump promoted socialist insulin price control

  9. Trump believed in big government

  10. Trump used to be a Democrat.

Conclusion. Trump is a republican imposter sent to discredit a fiscally conservative morally conservative party with moderate democratic policy shift!

New Observations on Cosmos 1408 Breakup

However, it has been difficult to grapple with the low debris count number observed by our LeoLabs data relative to the large mass of the Cosmos 1408 satellite (~2,200 kg). Frankly, we expected to see many more fragments by now. As we have watched our own identification and characterization rate start to level off (currently at 250–300 unique fragments from Cosmos 1408), it struck us that there was a simple explanation for all of these quandaries.

Our hypothesis up until now is that this was a hypervelocity collision, but there is a possibility that it was not.

If (and only if) it is correct that this was a non-hypervelocity impact, we believe the total large debris fragment count is likely to not grow significantly beyond our current count. In addition, estimates for lethal non-trackable (LNT) debris would also be much smaller. This would of course be welcome news, all things considered.

As stated in Part I of this analysis, the one obvious ramification of the good news of fewer pieces of debris is also the bad news that the resulting debris will be larger and more long-lived than typical smaller fragments.

If this turns out to be the case, it's somewhat comforting since the severity of the danger it imposes towards other objects in LEO wouldn't be nearly as large as first speculated.

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