Tuesday, March 29, 2022



Space Force Gets Roughly 40% Increase in Biden Request

Judge rules Trump's efforts to overturn election likely criminal...

The looting of Covid relief: 'Biggest fraud in generation'...

The White House announced who is driving up food prices in the US in December, but everyone missed the memo.

There are only four companies that control the meat supply for the US. Even the government is trying to tell people capitalism is eating itself.

Here is the bottom line: the meat price increases we are seeing are not just the natural consequences of supply and demand in a free market—they are also the result of corporate decisions to take advantage of their market power in an uncompetitive market, to the detriment of consumers, farmers and ranchers, and our economy."


‘Biggest fraud in a generation': The looting of the Covid relief plan known as PPP

GOP bill would eliminate age restrictions on marriage in Tennessee.a “get out of jail free card”-Qanon pizzagate conspiracy theorists PLEASE CONNECT THE DOTS!

New Hunter Biden Emails: Biden helped secure funds for US biolab contractor in Ukraine ..... everything is connected

2019 report from the Rand Corporation detailing how to provoke Russia into confrontation over Ukraine

Digital currency is already here. It's done.

Lots of posts on here about WEF/NWO policies and concerns over digital id's, fully digital currency, social credit, and the rest of the globalist wet dreams. Not a lot of realization that digital currency is already ~95% here and your life can be shut down in a day.

Main example is the trucker freedom protest in Canada. Bank accounts, donation accounts, all digital and all frozen for the organizers and prominent protestors. They know everyone who donated to them.

Who believes that when shit gets real that you will have access to your life savings? It's all digital and can likewise be frozen with the touch of a button. If shit REALLY gets real your accounts will be set to 0.

Yes we still have cash, but how long will what you have in your wallet last? I would wager that most people don't have more than a couple thousand in paper money sitting around. Maybe some physical gold/silver if they are smart.

Digital currency is effectively already here for most people. Its not a conspiracy. You will be happy.

Russian Billionaire and Ukranian Negotiators Poisoned During Peace Talks?

G7 refuses Russian demand for its gas to be paid in rubles

A new report reveals how the Dakota Access Pipeline is breaking the law

New Google Chrome Update May Cause Massive Internet Outage This Coming Week

An EFF Investigation: Mystery GPS Tracker On A Supporter’s Car


AG probe says evidence suggests Trump Org misstated asset values over decade...

New Focus on How The Don's Tweet Incited Capitol Riot...

Judge rules efforts to overturn election likely criminal...

Ex-President Asks Putin to Release Dirt on Biden...

Military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battle...

Sen. Grassley Unveils Explosive New Docs That ‘Undeniably’ Show Strong Links Between Biden Family and Communist China

'Steve Bannon Media Coached Jeffrey Epstein Prior to Arrest'

Trump: I have never even heard the term "burner phone" 7 hour phone gap

Russia accuses the US of attacking the country's critical infrastructure and network systems in a massive cyberattack


DUDLEY: Fed Has Made Recession Inevitable...

8/9. Record on triggering while trying to fix inflation...

Consumers still confident, but outlook not as rosy...

Food Prices Could Spell Social Unrest, Demand Destruction and Less Bacon...

Mysterious beams of light in sky spotted around world...

The Supply Chain Crisis Is About to Get a Lot Worse - A seemingly endless supply chain crunch has fueled interest in tech that promises to track problems or predict where new ones might occur.

Biden’s new budget for 2023 is out & gives even more money to the military than Trump did: $813.3 billion/year. Biden has repeatedly said that a budget is a “statement of your values.” So what this budget tells us is Democrats value war & imperialism even more than Republicans.

Massive Black Holes Shown to Act Like Quantum Particles

Trump calls on Putin to release dirt on Hunter Biden


 Footage of Ukraine committing war crimes against Russian POWs. Already being suppressed on Reddit and ignored by the MSM.

Nancy Pelosi says government spending has nothing to do with inflation, thinking we stupid enough to believe printing an additional $5 trillion dollars would have no effect.

US Govt is conspiring with Zelenskyy to sacrifice Ukrainians to isolate Russia and to make the EU more dependent on the US

The advisor to President Zelenskyy said this in 2019:

“Our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia.”

He said a large-scale war with Russia and joining NATO as a result of defeating Russia is the coolest thing.

It seems that the precondition to joining NATO was to provoke a war with Russia.

Pause for a second and think about this. Could it be possible that the US Govt is conspiring with Zelenskyy to sacrifice Ukrainians to isolate Russia and to make the EU more dependent on the US?

US history is filled with malfeasance. Countless ruthless CIA operations have resulted in unspeakable human suffering & war. One example is of course the WMD lie to invade Iraq. If any country is capable of an evil plan like this it’s without a doubt the United States of America.

My question about BioLabs in the Ukraine is they were supposedly started under the Obama administration, why did Trump not shut them down? 

If you say that Trump was not aware of them, I highly dought that. This information would have been in the daily security briefings the President receives.  It was said that Trump never read those briefings, so if this is true, that is why Trump did not shut them down. It makes me wonder what other information Trump ignored.

Saudi Arabian oil refinery hit by missile attack after threatening to sell in the Chinese Yuan instead of the US dollar

Anonymous Starts 'Huge' Data Dump That Will 'Blow Russia Away,' Leaks Rostproekt Emails

Congressman Schiff Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

Ukraine lied when it said Russia killed their troops on snake island, Russia allowed them to safely surrender. Ukraine on the other hand is shooting and torturing Russian POW’s

Apprehensive-Cat4116  day ago Trigger event for apocalyptic WW3 could happen this week: History shows globalists push ‘manufactured chaos’ – would bring unprecedented slaughter, carnage and destruction

Fox News Anchor Calls BS on GOP Senator’s Spin Over Taxing the Poor: ‘It’s in the Plan!’

Trump rescinds endorsement of Brooks, Brooks turns on Trump and possibly gives gift to Jan. 6 Committee

Bombshell: CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden And Says They Would Do It Again

The White House announced who is driving up food prices in the US in December, but everyone missed the memo.

There are only four companies that control the meat supply for the US. Even the government is trying to tell people capitalism is eating itself.

Here is the bottom line: the meat price increases we are seeing are not just the natural consequences of supply and demand in a free market—they are also the result of corporate decisions to take advantage of their market power in an uncompetitive market, to the detriment of consumers, farmers and ranchers, and our economy."


Monday, March 28, 2022



A physicist has designed an experiment – which if proved correct – means he will have discovered that information is the fifth form of matter. His previous research suggests that information is the fundamental building block of the universe and has physical mass.

The petrodollar system is why we are not in hyperinflation right now, it’s the reason for the current war, and it’s the reason for all wars since WW2.

Footage of Ukraine committing war crimes against Russian POWs. Already being suppressed on Reddit and ignored by the MSM.

How many jobs can be done at home? - 37% of jobs in the United States can be performed entirely at home.

“America is trapped in this notion that we care about human life." – President George W Bush. (BBC; 2008).

9/11 False Flag: There Was Actual Good Reporting On 9/11--36 Reporters Mentioned "Explosives" or "Controlled Demolition" (or similar)...but by the end of the day CIA/FBI put the UBL Myth in place and these same reporters Never mentioned Explosives again.

URL rendering trick enabled WhatsApp, Signal, iMessage phishing

FBI named their 9/11 investigation PENTTBOM (PENtagon Twin Towers BOMbing)...so, why didn't they test for explosives at WTC??? abc's Jon Miller even quoted FBI "assuming there are pre-planted explosives in the buildings" but never mentioned it after that day

FBI Documents Reveal Saudi Spy Linked to Prince Bandar Assisted 9/11 Hijackers

Manchin Wants $1 Trillion Tax Increase...

If We Call Russia’s Invasion a War Crime, What Do We Call What the US is Doing to Iraq & Afghanistan

Fake war brought to you by CNN

Evidence that the US imperialists "predicted" Russia's invasion of Ukraine months before it happened

Sunday, March 27, 2022



Russia starts military drill on disputed islands off Japan

Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal

Blackrock says "The Ukraine Crisis is the end of globalism". What do you think?

Attorney Brent Wisner Tells RFK, Jr.: Drugmakers Knew Zantac Caused Cancer But Sold It Anyway for 40 Years

The Rothschild Family Owns Russia And Ukraine's Central Banks


On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine for joining NATO, political disagreements, and territory disputes. This occurred when Ukraine made the decision to join NATO which would cause Putin to become anxiously nervous about the situation. Now, when you're searching through your news feed, the first few topics you would probably see is the ongoing conflict in eastern Europe between Ukrainian and Russian army forces. Gunshots, explosions, missiles, bombs, and soldiers probably come to mind.


However, this is not a conflict. It's a stage where the directors are the central bankers, producers are the politicians, military generals are the crew, and the civilians are the viewers. They've planned this war to take place 5 years before.

You're probably asking, "Why's that?". Because that's exactly what they do!

Ask yourself this question.

Why are these 2 countries fighting when their Central Banks' are both controlled by the same family?

The Rothschild Family.

Not only do they own, control and operate nearly every nation's central bank in the world, they also own, control, and operate everything in the government's branches. They own the politicians, celebrities, military, science, technology, engineering, education, mainstream media, music industry, film productions, news anchors who deliver information, journalists that are supposed to produce insightful overviews of the world, and nearly anything you can possibly think of.

They did the same thing in Iraq in 2003, Libya in 2011, Afghanistan in late 2021, and are trying to reel North Korea and Cuba into their Central Banking Ponzi Scheme.

Link Source: https://ammo.com/articles/founding-fathers-quotes-central-banking-americas-economy

r/conspiracy - The Rothschild Family Owns Russia And Ukraine's Central Banks

The United Nations Plans Ahead While Everyone Is Distracted!

r/conspiracy - The Rothschild Family Owns Russia And Ukraine's Central Banks

Joe Biden Talks New World Order!

Link Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z5VtVARMag


In conclusion, all modern-day conflicts are engineered by politicians, bankers, and corporate lobbyists to make a profit off of people's pain, misery, and suffering. All of these wars are funded by:

  • Central Banks

  • Taxpayer funds

  • Forfeiture from citizens (legal government theft)

All wars that are fought are financed by central bankers to depopulate and screw everyone over.

It's basically one giant stage.

In order to contribute to destroying the New World Order and Agenda 2030, and 2050,


By doing this very simple task, you're preventing secret societies, royal families, and the Illuminati from poisoning your children with vaccines, polluting the skies with chemtrails, destroying forests, wildlife, and marine life from toxic contaminants emitted by factories, and many more.

Paying taxes enables injustice.

Criminals with ties who speak likes steal your money in the form of taxation.

List Of Central Banks Owned By Rothschild:

Link Source: https://reasonandscience.catsboard.com/t2934-complete-list-of-rothschild-owned-and-controlled-banks

‘Right to Repair' Bill Aims to Give Consumers Product Fix Choices - Recently introduced Right to Repair legislation would allow customers to use independent repair shops to fix everything from cars to phones without the threat of a warranty being voided

US media outlets received millions of dollars from China to sell its propaganda

Russian invasion is not going as planned by Putin but they are winning

I think Russia thought that in a week they would already conquered Ukraine

350.000 men sent 35 % of the armed forces

Tanks are not what it used to be, the personal missiles US sent can destroy them easy

Ukrainian army is much more trained that in 2014 they have nazi militias or what media calls now nationalist

They have lots of civillian conscripts and they are at home

The western world is emotionally with Ukraine and thats give them morale

Ukrainians are resisting incredibly well no one thought this would be possible

Russia army has logistic problems and the number of russian generals dead suggest that the middle ranks are not good, generals in the frontline?

Drones are the new thing Ukrainians have some

But the key point is

I keep seeing everywhere things that suggest Ukranians are winning but when we see the map its obvious that Russia conquered a lot in 30 days

Media tells Ukraine is winning but Ukranian cities fall

No logic only propaganda

Ukranians can for sure hold the Russians and even counter attack the stretched russians but without air units its very unlikely they can push the russians

Russia is winning but at great cost

Why does MSM want us to think Ukraine is winning?

I was wondering, we know MSM pushes the good guys vs bad guys narrative a lot, conveniently ignores the Azov nazis, Biden's ties with Ukraine, fakes videos and photos saying Russian forces are behind all the attacks, but we know false flags are real war and propaganda tools.

But I can't figure out why they want to push the Ukraine is winning narrative. Isn't it better for them to show us the "pure evil of superpowerful Russia crushing Ukraine" so we get more and more angry at Russia, thus increasing support for Ukraine?

It's almost like the MSM is being that guy that always sees the glass as half full even when the world around them is falling apart. Maybe they are losing control over the situation, they know it but don't want us to see their weak spots?

"War" in Ukraine is the biggest media psyop humanity has ever witnessed

  • constant reports beginning with 'heavy shelling' and 'heavy fighting' without showing us anything of that (SkyNews video - one tank firing at nothing and driving backwards and forwards while reporter starts running for some reason)

  • constant showing of helpless old ladies and, of course, small children walking across the stage (sorry) when reporters start talking

  • news reporters 'caught in a crossfire' and miraculosly surviving (I'm gonna throw up), backed by heavy camera shaking and blurred footage so we see shit every time.

  • reporters interviewing random civilians which for some reason talk like propaganda puppets: "Oh f*ck him (Putin). Translate everything I said. Slava Ukraine"

  • at refugee centers there's always big rush around reporters, everybody rushing somewhere, on their phones, dragging their bags, moving in a straight line, don't stop, don't turn around, just walk, 'look alive people!' Why would refugees hurry somewhere? Do they always get late on that goddamn train station?

  • slow-down videos of 'rescuers' extracting 'victims' from the rubbles show these people doing weird and unprofessional stuff, like 'petting' a piece of stone, touching it twice and looking unsure what to do next (reminds me of that footage of 'chemical attack' in Syria), one 'rescuer' grabbed a piece of broken glass and just... put it back, he doesn't need that :)

Gas prices have been fake the entire time.

We Have New Evidence of Saudi Involvement in 9/11, and Barely Anyone Cares

Ben Sasse says Judge Jackson is an “extraordinary person” but refuses to vote for her anyway Susan Collins says she’s “concerned” but votes to acquit Trump anyway Republicans say they care about Ukraine but refuses them aid anyway Watch what they do. Ignore what they say


  Flights to Reagan National Airport in D.C. receive false collision alerts while landing Rubio signs declaration to expedite delivery of $4...