Monday, April 11, 2022


Facebook Suffers a Big Setback 

Google Says AI Generated Content Is Against Guidelines

Jan. 6 Panel Has Evidence for Criminal Referral of Trump, but Splits on Sending...

Garland under pressure to charge...

Thorny questions for DOJ...

Judge appears likely to allow candidacy challenge against Greene...

'Stop the Steal' Rally Organizer Agrees to Cooperate with Probe...

S&P downgrade indicates Russia headed for historic default

Republicans call Trump “selfish” because he’s keeping donations for himself instead of midterms

Trump deflects blame for Jan. 6 silence, says he wanted to march to Capitol

Biden needs to start going after large corporations if he wants to win again

Jan. 6 Panel Has Evidence for Criminal Referral of Trump, but Splits on Sending

This just shows the anti-choice movement is about punishment, not life, not helping a person in need, just punishing women who dared to have sex without permission.

How Amazon plans to fix its massive returns problem

Federal Reserve is taking your housing, food, healthcare, freedom and slowly killing you one after one. Welcome to colonization. Identity politics is being promoted by Fed to distract from auditing, why didn't any celebrity cared about occupy wall street? Audit the fed and CIA!End corporate donation

I don't want to be devil's advocate, but if you don't believe neo-colonization exists you kinda deserve to be colonized. This is almost theological, in Abrahamic religion, if you don't believe idolatry is wrong then you will suffer because of satan.

Federal Reserve is the problem. Unaccountable, 'inauditable' central banks are evil. They want you to be distracted by some right wing nuts or some left wing social justice warrior so you don't audit the fed or CIA. The sides are not different, go ask your favorite politician from red team and blue team. Both parties want to hang Julian Assange from the tallest building in the country and feed him to the vultures.

One of the move of a colonizer is to create the problem then prescribe a half -a$$ solution. Federal Reserve creates the problem, you can pretend to raise minimum wage and forgive student loans, but that's not addressing the real problem of neo-colonization.

It's kinda like Batman. Many superheroes create problems, specially Batman. Bruce Wayne is creating problem with Wayne Corp then pretending to solve that by wearing some capes. Gotham is fudged up because of Wayne Corp shareholders.

Both groups are being fooled by mainstream media and central banks. BLM is screaming Biden is going to give them healthcare and reduce police corruption.

Right wingers like Qanon is screaming that Trump is going to give them healthcare etc.

But nothing will change, nothing will fundamentally change. Both sides want to get funding from Federal Reserve and associates by signaling virtue. It's a religious ritual for them, to signal virtue to their left wing and right wing base.

If you don't think they are not signaling virtue like religious prayer, then why doesn't Biden or Trump run on a platform of auditing federal reserve? Identity politics is encouraged by Fed Res to divide the country.

Big tech wants to censor everybody in twitter not because of hate speech, because of federal reserve. They want to create an alternate reality where you will be blinded by censorship. You will end up thinking- hey nobody really wants to audit the fed or tax the rich, so maybe I am in the minority. But maybe you are not. Maybe your stance is popular but you are in a 'reality' that makes it seems nobody wants it. Manufactured consent.

Auditing the fed is not super-popular but it's not really unpopular either. If you ask people around- hey do you think there should be a bank that is in-auditable, like American exceptionalism, this bank should be in-auditable so it can be able to spread freedom and democracy? Most people will say- no, please audit all the banks.

Same for corporate campaign donations. If you ask, even the right wing prosperity gospel people will say hey corporate campaign donations are evil and stop it now. But if you are a Hillary Trump supporter, you will be oblivious to the reality. You will end up caring about the wrong issues and not the real issues. Identity politics is encouraged by Fed Res to divide the country.

Audit the fed, abolish CIA, end corporate campaign donations.

Else you will be eating each other, hunger games style. You will own nothing but you will be happy because you will end up being a satanist cannibal. Vision 2030.

Foreign Gift Records for Trump, Pence Missing: State Department

Space Development Agency to accelerate deployment of missile-tracking satellites

The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2

"UFO Crash" Sighting Near Lazy Mountain, Alaska With Similar Sighting In South Korea

The Sacramento Mass Shooting Somehow Isn’t a Mass Shooting

Bernie Sanders: If we are able to accomplish the extraordinary goal of sending a person to Mars, I want the flag that will be flying on that planet to be the flag of the United States of America, not the flag of SpaceX or Blue Origin.

This week Republicans accused the Democrats of bein’ a “party of pedophiles”, hopin’ you wouldn’t notice how each day last week a Republican was indicted or convicted of child molestation.

Breaking: Trump is not running for reelection, he’s just taking your gas and grocery money. #TrumpRallyNC

BREAKING: America’s first woman U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance declares that Trump Jr.’s “Big Lie” texts to Trump aide Mark Meadows are the “smoking gun” and “powerful evidence” that prosecutors need to file conspiracy charges against Trump.

If Fox News is registered as entertainment, why is Doocy allowed in the press briefings? Otherwise shouldn’t Steven Colbert be allowed in the press briefings as well?

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