Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Subreddit Icon r/science •Posted by u/yeendmum 3 hours ago Solar Panels That Make Electricity at Night are Finally Here 

Elon Musk's Hostile Takeover: Here's How it Will Happen

An interstellar object exploded over Earth in 2014, declassified government data reveal

Hackers hijack adult websites to infect victims with malware

U.S. House Democrats introduce bill requiring time off for voting

USD Inflation surges to 8.5% on an annual basis, highest since 1981 (according to newly released CPI Report)

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.2 percent in March on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.8 percent in February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The gasoline index rose 18.3 percent in March and accounted for over half of the all items monthly increase; other energy component indexes also increased. The food index rose 1.0 percent and the food at home index rose 1.5 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in March following a 0.5-percent increase the prior month. The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase, with a broad set of other indexes also contributing, including those for airline fares, household furnishings and operations, medical care, and motor vehicle insurance. In contrast, the index for used cars and trucks fell 3.8 percent over the month.

The all items index continued to accelerate, rising 8.5 percent for the 12 months ending March, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending December 1981. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.5 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. The energy index rose 32.0 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 8.8 percent, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1981.

Small-business owners say inflation has become a bigger problem than the labor shortage

“Gay people getting married is ruining the blessed sacrament of marriage!” Says the rich republican male on his 3rd or 4th marriage with women his daughter’s age.

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson told a group of churchgoers he is NOT vaccinated against Covid. If he violated Fox News' policy that EVERYONE be vaccinated to work there, should't he be FIRED?

Candace Owens among Trumpworld defendants in new lawsuit filed by regretful Trump supporters

Meat prices increased by double digits.

Tyson’s CEO says they’re asking customers to “pay for inflation.”

Meanwhile, Tyson’s posted $1 billion in profits last quarter — a 48% increase from the first quarter of 2021. Don't be fooled. This is about corporate greed. It always is.

The Congressional Budget Office, run by a Republican, estimated that Medicare for All could save the American people $650 billion each year while Yale estimated that Medicare for All could save 68,000 lives each year.

Consumer prices rose 8.5% in March, slightly hotter than expected

The Republican judge blocking her party from rigging electoral districts — Some Republicans are calling for Ohio supreme court chief justice Maureen O’Connor’s impeachment because she is refusing to let them distort electoral districts to their advantage

Ron DeSantis claims Florida is a “Free State” but he just had journalists forcefully removed from his press conference.

: "There was $7 trillion in new debt just from the four years of Trump and 2.6 million jobs lost during the Trump years. But when Senator McConnell and Republican leaders come to this podium, all they do is complain that we're not cleaning up their mess fast enough."

Sidenote: the Biden administration just got the credit agencies to stop putting most medical debt on credit scores — one of the biggest boons for consumer rights in a decade — and I have not seen any Democrat anywhere bragging about this.

PG&E Avoids Criminal Charges for 2 Massive Wildfires by Paying $55 Million

The Average Temperature of the Universe has Been Getting Hotter and Hotter

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