Saturday, April 02, 2022



Big tech doesn’t require four-year college degrees. Other companies should take the hint

Facebook users angry after accounts locked for no reason

Russia will end cooperation on International Space Station citing sanctions

45% of survey respondents likelier to vote if Biden cancels student debt

If you're here arguing about whether Biden or Trump is better you're still brainwashed. Trump was buddies with Epstein and Biden is a puppet.

Trump was just as much of a puppet as Biden. I have some proof. When Trump tried to release all of the JFK documents, he was told by the CIA there were certain documents he could not release and he did not release those documents. When Biden tried to release all of the JFK documents, he was told by the CIA there were certain documents he could not release and he did not release those documents. That tells me Trump's and Biden's strings are being pulled by the puppet masters, TPTB.

Scammers are texting you from your own number now — here’s what to do if that happens

The psyop in front of your face. people believe that the US is a christian country...

Judge upholds Ghislaine sex conviction despite juror with past abuse...

Trump 'TRUTH' social filled with fake govt profiles...

Ghislaine Maxwell’s bid for new trial denied

Jeffrey Epstein helped Ghislaine Maxwell's father stolen millions

Federal Reserve Bank is secretly printing money that's why you won't have anything, you won't have fuel, won't have housing, won't have healthcare. Earthquakes, LRAD energy weapons in Australia are connected with Trump and Federal Reserve.

The whole Russia-Trumpgate was a distraction by mainstream media. When deep state agencies and mainstream media claim something, that's actually a distraction from the real thing.

If CIA admits that they pretended curing STDs to black people by giving fake vaccines, that's actually a cover for the real thing. In reality they were the one giving STDs.

If Ghislaine Maxwell is convicted of pedophilia/child trafficking, that's a distraction from Mossad operations.

John Trump, Donald's uncle probably developed directed energy weapons for CIA. Australian protestors getting damaged by LRAD energy weapon? This is connected to John G Trump, Chan Thomas and others making energy weapons for the department of defense, depending on the work of Nikola Tesla.

This is the real conspiracy. Donald Trump loved his uncle because John G Trump is kinda the reason Donald got to be the president. It's a big club and you ain't in it. The cabal.

Australia had a major earthquake around the day of protest in September 2021.

Australia had many earthquakes on the west side.

This is connected to magnetic pole reversal. North pole may come to the Bay of Bengal, not very far from Indonesia and Western Australia.

Australia also has a low frequency radar on S twenty one E one hundred fourteen. This suspiciously looks like Nazca lines.

Why do Australia have earthquake around the time of protest? That's because LRAD energy weapons are not 'free' energy. Rather, it kinda uses energy from spirits. Without ranting about esoteric knowledge, it's kinda metaphysical, spiritual, aether based energy. So, the earthquakes are distantly linked to energy weapon usage.

Federal Reserve claims they are auditing themselves. That's a lie. Federal Reserve allows their friendly cabal organizations to 'audit' them. Federal Reserve often print several billion or even trillion dollars without telling congress, then a week later pressure congress to approve their already printed money or else.... bad things will happen.

You were supposed to get 20-30 thousand dollars in 2020 and 2021 from the government. Instead you got a thousand bucks. Fed gave the covid relief to big corporate cabal to control the stock market. That's why you can't afford fuel. You can't afford food. You don't have housing. Crime rate is up by 300%. Nation is collapsing. World war 3 is looming in. You can stop all that. Audit the fed!

If you don't audit the fed, things will go even worse. You will own nothing, you won't even have anything. Wont' have a place to rent.

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