Sunday, July 31, 2022



Congress Regulating Themselves Is 100% Proof The Market Is Going to Crash Soon

So within the next few months, Congress is going to vote on whether to ban themselves, staff, and family from trading stock. This is long past due as the conflict of interest in members owning stock in industries they are regulating is more obvious than banks being irresponsible when they regulate themselves. But why now? Yes the midterms are coming up and this could be used in TV ads for re-election campaigns. “We’re so responsible we regulate ourselves”

But with anything Congress does, what they say are the reasons for doing things are just coincidental to why they are actually doing those things. I believe Congress will pass this bill (40 years too late) for the same reason the Fed banned it’s insiders from owning stock and other assets. It gives them a plausible excuse to exit all of their positions right before the Mother of All Market Crashes happens.

The Fed insiders got out coincidentally right at the ATH of the market, and this will give Members of Congress the excuse they need to exit the markets en mass right before the biggest drop off since the Great Depression. If there is one thing you can count on, it’s Congress will always and only act in its own best interest.

My guess is they pass this by September, and the market crashes Mid September/beginning of October, just like in 2008.

PS: the market is 100% rigged and controlled by algorithms to extract the most amount of money from Retail, 401k’s, and retirement funds all for the benefit of the top .01% and govt insiders

rump says "we never got to the bottom of 9/11." This the same dude who was president for 4 years and never called for a new 9/11 investigative committee or released the JFK or 9/11 files? Because Trump knows damn well it was CIA/MOSSAD. But instead of pardoning Assange, etc. he protects the swamp

Hot mic captured Gaetz assuring Stone of pardon, discussing Mueller redactions

Reminder that politicians are NOT your friend. Ted Cruz and Steve Daines FIST BUMP after blocking a Veterans Healthcare Bill

The government is actually controlled by an oligarchy who are puppetmasters over our elected officials. The rich bought our government years ago and only give us enough so we are complacent and won’t fight back. They want to destroy the middle class and turn us all into poor consumers.

BREAKING - China's People's Liberation Army posts "Get ready for war!" over US visit to Taiwan

UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global 'War on Farmers': Experts. The globalists next scam is food scarcity.

Democrats vs republican….none of it matters. What matters is that we stay hating each other while the bigger powers at play decide how the world is ran.

The next 200 years are probably already laid out and every agenda will love forward under the guise of “our safety”.

Uncontrolled Rocket Returning From Space. Where Will It Land?

China Threatens to Shoot Down Pelosi's Plane if She Makes a Stop in Taiwan

Outrageous: Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Shell and TotalEnergies produced a combined profit of $51 billion, returned a total of $23 billion to shareholders in the second quarter in dividends and share repurchases!

Video: As Pelosi's Plane Is Coming Close To Taiwan The Chinese Army Begin Firing Live Artillery Shells In The Taiwan Strait

GOP officials refuse to certify primaries: “This is how Republicans are planning to steal elections”

Secret Service may disable iMessages to avoid repeat of Jan. 6 controversy

US charges Russian with conspiracy to have Americans act as illegal agents of Russia Gov't. "The influence campaign used various U.S. political groups to sow discord, spread pro-Russian propaganda, and interfere in elections within the United States,"

Small Asteroid Explodes over Puerto Rico

Key Narratives In Pro-Kremlin Disinformation Part 1: The Elites Vs The People. The narrative is also strongly connected with various conspiracy beliefs. A common feature is a claim about the existence of secret elites: shadow rulers, puppet-masters with odious intentions

$2,245.62 a second: ExxonMobil scores enormous profit on record gas prices

Ad-tech watchdog looks to dismantle disinformation economy — by targeting ads on Fox News

Saturday, July 30, 2022



Online ‘fake news’ is an existential threat to democracy - not because most people believe bogus content, but because of the corrosive effect it has on trust among citizens and their faith in democratic institutions representing them, according to a new study.

Michigan Supreme Court: Law bans discrimination based on sexual orientation

Jon Stewart Lashes Out After GOP Senators Block Veterans’ Health Legislation: “F— The Republican Caucus”

US Congress Passes Long-Awaited Bill To Boost Chipmakers To Compete With China

Both houses of the US Congress strongly support sending long range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine which have a range of 300 km. This will stop enemy attacks from Belarusian bases, the Black Sea and Crimea.

Democrats revive the fight for net neutrality - Democrats put out a new bill to codify the rules

Trump Says "Nobody has gotten to the bottom of 9/11"

Congress approves International Space Station extension to 2030

Here we go! “Israel bans use of cash for purchases larger than NIS 6,000”.

Democrats planning legislation to ban stock trading in Congress after Insider exposed widespread wrongdoing

Recession?? Not if We Change the Definition and Lie

Demanding justice for the US Troops from the Government who poisoned them

The cover-up keeps growing: not only are text messages from the Secret Service members closest to Trump missing from Jan 6, so now are text messages from Trump's DHS Chad Wolf and Deputy Acting Secretary Ken Cuccinelli

‘Explosive’ Documents Reveal How CDC, Social Media Giants Colluded to Suppress Free Speech

DHS Watchdog Fails To Notify Congress Over Missing Jan. 6 Texts Of 2 Trump Officials

Thompson, Maloney call for Secret Service watchdog to be removed from probe of erased texts

Engineers develop stickers that can see inside the body

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum: A Mind Influencing Technique That Was Spread Through T.V. And Radios To Control Minds During Gulf War

Fears grow that massive debris from Chinese rocket could crash in populated parts of the US this weekend

British UFO Expert Claims Aliens Are Advanced Form Of Humans, Hiding Under Ocean

Leaked: US power companies secretly spending millions to protect profits and fight clean energy

GOP senators block burn pits veteran healthcare bill without explanation

Jan. 6 texts missing for Trump Homeland Security’s Wolf and Cuccinelli. "The discovery increases the volume of potential evidence that has vanished regarding the time around the Capitol attack…”

'Fake Electors' Told They're Target of Probe After Cooperating (and that's perfectly legal)

Blindsided veterans erupt in fury after Senate Republicans suddenly tank PACT Act

North Carolina town's entire police department quits after town hires Black city manager

China says U.S. chip act will distort global semiconductor supply chain

White House insists economy strong as allies grow uneasy about Fed...
Yellen denies recession...
Inflation highest since 1982...
WALMART hawks used goods...
Big Tech Results Spotlight Breadth of Upheaval...
How other half lives: Luxury companies thrive...
$2,245.62 a second: EXXON scores enormous profit...



Trump uses presidential seal at Saudi golf tournament...

Criminal complaint...

Defends Kingdom From 9/11 Families...

Republicans will try to blame Biden for the current inflation. But tell me: Who is blocking higher taxes on the wealthy, a windfall profits tax, and Medicare's bargaining power?

resident Brandon
Who the fuck blocks healthcare for veterans with cancer?

We should have known the Republican party didn't give a damn about Veterans when they were dead SILENT on trump calling them "suckers and losers."

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen
Why did the same party that gets mad when people kneel during the anthem because it “disrespects the troops” just block health care for veterans with cancer?

David Weissman
Mr , I’m no celebrity so I’m sure I’ll be ignored, but I’m a Veteran who got asthma from the burn pits in Afghanistan and demand an answer why you voted against the PACT act.

Dr. Jack Brown
Hey Alito, we don't have a “hostility to religion,” — we have a hostility to you cramming your religion down our throats. The difference is not nuance — it's lightyears.

Vote for the party that will allow women to travel across state lines. It’s really that simple.

Aaron Parnas
I'm still not over how Republican Rep. Glenn Thompson voted against codifying the right to same-sex marriage three days before attending his son's same-sex marriage.

Sheldon Whitehouse
A Tale Of Two Reconciliations: Republicans blew up deficit by $2 trillion to help rich donors and big corporations (i.e. dark-money donors); Democrats help families with lower drug prices, deficit reduction, climate gains, fairer taxes — notice the difference??

Jeff Merkley
Shell broke a record and made $11.5 billion in profits in the last quarter. That's why you're paying more at the pump. The oil companies are ripping Americans off.

Robert Reich
Why is the establishment spewing myths about inflation? Because one of the main drivers of inflation is corporate profits. Corporations get away with price gouging because they face little to no competition. They use the specter of inflation as cover to rip us all off.

It’s becoming pretty apparent how vast the conspiracy was on Jan 6th, from the Secret Service agents that were Trump toadies, to the DHS & members of Congress. That was a straight-up coup attempt. It was only the mediocrity of MAGA that made it fail. Lock them all up.

Don Lewis
Trump held a golf tourney today. Talked up the Saudis. Disrespected 9/11 families. About time he sits for that sworn testimony postponed when Ivana died, yes?

Alexander S. Vindman
It’s hard to think of a party getting lower than acquitting a president who tried to get a foreign government to interfere in our election, and then tried to overthrow that election. But voting against vets who are ill is bottom feeding levels of low. #PACTAct

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Donald Trump has been on a crime spree all of his f*cking life.

Lakota Man

Forcing your religious beliefs unto others is not religious freedom — it’s spiritual terrorism.

Barbara Malmet
White House logs on 1/6 missing. Presidential daily diary entries on 1/6 missing. Secret service texts missing. DHS Wolf and Cunccinelli texts are missing. Sensing a theme?

The Lincoln Project
In the last week, the MAGA GOP has voted against protecting human trafficking victims and veterans. It is almost as if they care more about making a political statement than serving the American people. They didn’t vote for you, so why vote for them? 🇺🇸

I must have missed the part where Jesus told his Apostles to make the sick suffer for revenge.

Andrea Junker
Imagine being able to help veterans with cancer, but you’d rather betray them to retaliate against your political opponents.

Hamish Mitchell
The Trumps grieve like everybody else. They hold rallies, go to Nazi conventions, host golf tournaments where the body is buried. Totally normal stuff.

BREAKING: an official criminal complaint has been filed with The Department of Justice over Trump's use of the presidential seal

Jo 🌻
A five time draft dodger who attacked a POW, degraded a Gold Star family, accused a grieving military widow of lying & called the fallen heroes of war “suckers” and losers” is the de facto leader of the Republican Party. Is it any surprise they turned their backs on our veterans?

Every single one of the 25 Republicans who voted AGAINST relief for veterans should lose their next election.

StrictlyChristo 🇺🇦🌻
When did the Republican platform become, "We're against anything that helps people"?

Lindy Li
Republicans are punishing veterans cuz Dems are making billionaires pay their fair share Susan Collins is threatening gay marriage cuz Dems are lowering drug prices ALWAYS count on Republicans to hurt everyday Americans in order to protect their billionaire donors

Justice Department investigating data breach of federal court system

Republicans Tweet Support For Troops, Right Before Blocking A Veterans Health Care Bill

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen
Republicans are now openly admitting that they are voting out of spite against gay people’s right to marry, health care for veterans with cancer, and bringing manufacturing jobs home from China because they’re mad that Democrats are working to pass the Inflation Reduction Act.

Elie Honig
Every federal law enforcement agency - including DHS / Secret Service - is fully aware that it must retain emails and texts, and has internal policies and technology to ensure compliance. You don’t get to say “technology upgrade” and just toss everything out. They know this.

Andrew Weissmann
DELETED and MISSING — White House call logs, Secret Service texts, DHS texts. Rampant use in WH (and other Agencies?) of apps like Signal that are impermissible for feds to use for biz. Confident J6C will find more.

Aaron Parnas
Voter won't forget how Republican Senators celebrated when they blocked a bill meant to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.

Juanita Barrett
"They pulled the ol' bait and Mitch." Stephen Colbert.

Chris Hahn
House Republicans complain about the economy on their way to vote against creating jobs in America.

Why do ultra-MAGA Republicans keep voting against common sense bills that would help Americans?
194 House Republicans vote against a bill to protect the right to birth control.
193 House Republicans vote against a bill to cap the cost of insulin at $35/month.
157 House Republicans vote against a bill to protect the right to marriage equality.

Still waiting on the media to report on how Hunter Biden's laptop was a fake and Steve Bannon is caught on tape admitting it was an op.

Steven Beschloss
What’s more on-brand for Republicans than gleefully fist-bumping each other after denying support to veterans who suffered injuries from burn pits? That’ll show the libs.

Families of 9/11 victims are being so MEAN to me because I defended doing business with #SaudiArabia by saying the true story of 9/11 hasn’t come out! Only I know the TRUTH is that the Saudis weren’t to blame for 9/11! 9/11 happened because of Hillary’s emails! #TrumpCult #QOP

Trump holding a golf tournament days after his first wife & mother of some of his kids is basically buried in the backyard is a new low in long life of crassness. I saw the pics and there’s literally a patch of dirt and a paving stone with her name on it.

Kurt Eichenwald
When Barr spoke at Notre Dame maintaining that law must be subjugated to religion, I raged in disgust. "Religion" in his speech was Christianity. That Alito - a Supreme Court Justice! - now does the same thing shows our Constitution is being overruled by religion. We are Iran.

BREAKING - China's People's Liberation Army posts "Get ready for war!" over US visit to Taiwan

Video shows Republicans fist bumping after blocking veteran healthcare bill


  The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...