Wednesday, July 06, 2022


Massive underwater drones used for smuggling drugs seized by Spanish police 

Statistics supporting the notion that stricter gun laws do not prevent/lessen violent crime in the US?

Overall confidence in US institutions at record low.The presidency, Supreme Court and Congress all saw all-time lows in confidence: Gallup

Oil down 25%. Gas, down 4%

The foundation is cracking as Georgia goes after Trump lawyers.

YouTube, Instagram, Discord appear to pull pages belonging to Illinois shooting person of interest

Russian State TV Claims they "Installed" Donald Trump as the American President in 2016

How China built a one-of-a-kind cyber-espionage behemoth to last

Citi Warns Oil May Collapse to $65 by the Year-End on Recession

Georgia grand jury in Trump election probe subpoenas Giuliani, Senator Graham

U.K. On The Verge of Something Big? 6 High Ranking Government Officials Resigns Today, So Far

Rishi Sunak Finance Minister

Sajid Javid Health Minister

Saqib Bhatti Private Secretary

Bim Afolami Vice Chairman of The Conservative Party of U.K

Jonathan Gullis Private Secretary

Andrew Murrison Trade Envoy to Morrocco

July 4th Mass Shootings - Linked?

Is it just me or could the July 4th shootings have be been orchestrated together? They span across multiple major cities ( and

There was only an arrest for Highland Park but none yet in Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Sacramento, Kansas City, Tacoma, or Mullins.

Everyone is saying Crimo was a lone wolf, mental issues, sky kid, etc. but it’s clear he was radicalized online (

Maybe I’m wrong and I’m sure we’ll learn more as the other shooters are arrested, just seems like a lot of mass shootings/attempts at once.

Before you demand Christianity be taught in schools maybe you should demand it be taught in churches

Last month when a watered down gun safety bill was voted on in Congress, only 29 Republicans of 260 in House & Senate voted for it. That's barely 10% of GOP. Why did 90% of GOP oppose gun safety laws? At this point we must assume they feel gun violence helps them politically

Riddle me this…wholesale gasoline prices are down nearly 30 cents today already — yet not one word from media when it’s ALL they have talked about for weeks and weeks…

The FBI right now is having to trace the weapon left behind is Chicago by hand because republicans won’t allow records of weapons be put on a data base.

Wow! Russian State TV anchors just admitted they “installed” Donald Trump as President in 2016. They were debating — on air — as to whether or not they should “install” him again in 2024. There you have it, folks. Donald John Trump colluded with Russia. See below for the video.

The Proud Boys were GIVEN the plan, '1776 Returns' it was a military op. The Capitol was breached in 19 minutes. Lauren Boebert tweeted 1776 6:30am the morning of J6. I filmed the mob screaming 'January 6 is the new 1776' the national guard was denied 14 times. THEY ALL KNEW

When you hear people complain about Democrats, remind them that DEMs have fought to lower insulin costs, make baby formula accessible to poor families, stop oil & gas from price gouging, and defend women's rights to choose. Republicans are against all those issues.

In addition to book bans and educational gag orders, Florida will now require public university students to register their politics with the state. So much for freedom.

The fact that they’re upset the shooter was exposed as one of their own and not that six people

Reminder that Thomas Jefferson who helped write the Declaration of Independence also said we should rewrite the constitution every 20 years so that dead people wouldn’t rule over modern society.

Fun Fact: The NSA has more employees than the FBI and CIA combined.

If Republicans want to blame mental health as the issue for mass shootings. PERFECT, then show us your commitment to ending mental health induced mass shootings by getting everyone Universal Healthcare that includes broad mental health coverage.

Republicans are taking away our freedoms. Freedom of choice. Freedom to say gay. Freedom to vote. Freedom to peaceably protest and redress grievances. Freedom to attend a parade without being shot. Freedom to read books. Freedom from religion. They are NOT THE PARTY OF FREEDOM

Your reminder that if you see a sign in front of a church about politics you can report them to the IRS. You're welcome.

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