In this blog I will document America's decent into Fascism as it happens.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bush signs $162 billion war spending bill
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More economic issues
House of Cards
You thought the housing crisis was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
By Danny Schechter
While many eyes are focusing on the housing meltdown and its hugely negative effect on an economy clearly moving into recession, few are paying attention to the next bubble expected to
The Sub-prime Trump Card
Standing Up To The Banks
By Ellen Brown: More than 1.5 million homeowners are expected to enter foreclosure this year, and about half of them are expected to have their homes repossessed. If the dire consequences Jefferson warned of 200 years ago have been slow in coming, it is because they have been concealed by what Jerome a Paris calls the Anglo Disease – “the highly unequal economy whereby the rich and the financial sector . . . capture most of the income but hide it by providing cheap debt to the middle classes so that they can continue to spend.” Continue
Oil tops $142 a barrel : Oil prices reached a record high of $142 a barrel on Friday as world stocks fell to a three-month low.
OPEC chief sees oil at $150-170 in coming months Crude oil prices could rise to as high as $170 per barrel in the coming months but are unlikely to hit $200 and should ease towards the end of the year, OPEC President Chakib Khelil said in an interview on Thursday.
Consumer Sentiment Index Falls in June: Confidence among U.S. consumers fell in June to the lowest level in 28 years as record-high gasoline and rising joblessness rattled Americans.
This Recession, It's Just Beginning: . Corporate bankruptcies, bond defaults, bank failures, hedge fund meltdowns and 6 percent unemployment. We're caught in one of those vicious, downward spirals that, once it gets going, is very hard to pull out of.
City Pension Funds Lose Billions: New York City officials are bracing for increased pressure on the budget as the city's pension funds are reeling from the credit crisis and posting billions of dollars in losses.
Credit crunch forcing US middle classes to live in their cars: As mortgage foreclosures continue to rise, growing numbers of middle-class professionals are losing their homes and downsizing from four bedrooms to four wheels.
World Financial Crisis
The Dow-Crash, The Dollar, Gold, And WAR
Bank Implode-O-Meter - End Game Of Modern Banking
UK Savings Rate Sinks To 49 Year Low
burst: credit cards. Continue
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dow Tumbles 300 Points as Oil Tops $140
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75% Blame Bush's Policies for Deterioriating Economy
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More economic issues
URGENT: Bush Hosts Abu Dhabi Crown Prince at Camp David...
Fed Reviews Rules for Investing in Banks, Seeking More Capital...
Oil shoots above $140 a barrel...
OPEC predicts fresh high$...
BAD ECONOMY Cancels City's 4TH OF JULY...
FLASH: USA: 1% Growth...
Native Americans demand billions from US in land profits suit: Lawyers for the Native Americans said the government had failed to pay out tens of billion dollars in oil, timber, mineral and grazing royalties from lands held in trust by the Department of Interior since 1887.
Oil climbs $3 on Libya, OPEC comments: - Oil surged Thursday following reports that Libya may cut production and an OPEC official said crude could hit $170 a barrel this summer.
Global Stock Market Crash Warning Issued
BoE - 2009 To Be 'Uncomfortable' For All
Economic, Geopolitical Dangers For 2008-2009
Grim World Forecast For July-December 2008
RBS Issues Worldwide Stock, Credit Crash Alert
Morgan Stanley Warns Of 'Catastrophic Event'
Things Will Get Worse, Warns BoE Governor
RBS Market Alert - Fund Managers React
If The Fed Fights 'Non-Existent' Inflation...
US Stocks - Worst June Since Depression
Subprime Trump Card - Standing Up To The Banks
Stocks Hit 21 Month Low - Oil Jumps To $140
Foreclosures Bring Homelessness To Middle Class
Credit Crash - US Middle Classes Living In Cars
Inflation To Unleash Financial Tsunami
Energy Expert - US Gas Use May Have Peaked
Foreclosure Fallout Goes Far Beyond Home-Losers
Eurozone's Stagnation, Inflation Present Dilemma
Game Over- No Housing Market Rebound
How The Fiat Money System Invents Money
We May Be Facing A Fall Stock Market Disaster
UK Mtge Meltdown For Purchases, Equity Withdrawals
Higher Gas Prices Will Help the Chinese Economy
Natural Gas Prices Set to Jump 52%!
Sky-High Oil Will Break The US -
Thursday, June 26, 2008
More economic issues
FLASH: USA: 1% Growth...
...home sales edge up 2% in May
CITIGROUP faces '$8.9 billion writeoff, capital need'...
GM Lowered to 'Sell' by GOLDMAN...
OPEC predicts fresh high$...
Soaring gas prices force rodeo cowboys to carpool...
American Express: The Economy is Worsening | Infinite Unknow
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More Dollar issues
Texas Real Estate Slump Lets Mexicans Take It Back!
Faster Inflation May Unleash `Financial Tsunami': Rising consumer prices will leave more U.S. consumers unable to pay their debts and may lead to a ``financial tsunami,'' according to Bennet Sedacca, president of money manager Atlantic Advisors LLC in Winter Park, Florida.
House-sellers outnumber purchasers by 15 to 1: There are 15 times more homes for sale than people to buy them - a worrying signal of the imbalance between supply and demand in the housing market.
Food relief line grows long, tense: The chaos that erupted outside Milwaukee County's main welfare office Monday over disaster-related food aid had more to do with a weak economy and crushing poverty in parts of this community than the devastating floods that swept through the state earlier this month, local government and food relief officials said.
Exxon oil spill damages reduced: The US supreme court has overturned a lower court's ruling that ordered ExxonMobil, the oil giant, to pay $2.5 billion in compensation for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill in Alaska.
Global Stock Market Crash Warning Issued
BoE - 2009 To Be 'Uncomfortable' For All
Economic, Geopolitical Dangers For 2008-2009
Grim World Forecast For July-December 2008
RBS Issues Worldwide Stock, Credit Crash Alert
Morgan Stanley Warns Of 'Catastrophic Event'
Things Will Get Worse, Warns BoE Governor
RBS Market Alert - Fund Managers React
Energy Expert - US Gas Use May Have Peaked
Foreclosure Fallout Goes Far Beyond Home-Losers
Eurozone's Stagnation, Inflation Present Dilemma
Game Over- No Housing Market Rebound
How The Fiat Money System Invents Money
We May Be Facing A Fall Stock Market Disaster
UK Mtge Meltdown For Purchases, Equity Withdrawals
Higher Gas Prices Will Help the Chinese Economy
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
McCain Admits Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Are About Oil & Gas
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More Dollar issues
CASH DASH: CITIGROUP Chairman Meets With Kuwait Sheikh...
Kuwait sovereign wealth fund pumps billions into American financial institutions...
Gasoline Demand Fell 2.7% Last Week on Record Prices...
Oil prices won't come down: OPEC president...
Suburbia becomes untenable with rising gas costs...
Summer of discontent: Greenspan says economy on brink of recession...
Inflation May Unleash 'Financial Tsunami'...
Gas-Pump Gouging; Just Don't Blame The Saudis
By Mike Whitney
I've seen this bad movie before. It's the Enron movie, which hit the West Coast power-markets like a bomb because the federal government was asleep at the switch. Now it's happening again with oil prices." Rep. Jay Inslee D-WA Continue
Gas Could Fall To $2 If Congress Acts, Analysts Say
Limiting speculation would push prices to fundamental level, lawmakers told
By Rex Nutting & Michael Kitchen,
The price of retail gasoline could fall by half, to around $2 a gallon, within 30 days of passage of a law to limit speculation in energy-futures markets, four energy analysts told Congress on Monday. Continue
Greenspan says U.S. economy on brink of recession: He said via video link to an investment conference in Johannesburg the chances of that economy falling into recession were more than 50 percent and a rebound was unlikely.
More bad news for US economy: US consumer confidence has fallen to its lowest level in 16 years while US home prices fell in April at the fastest rate in years, two economic reports have said.
Natural Gas Prices Set to Jump 52%!
Sky-High Oil Will Break The US -
UK Mtge Approvals Fall 56% To Record Lows
Congress Acts To Stop Runaway Oil
Quarterly Window Dressing - Common Wall St Scam
Credit Crisis To Worsen On Derivative Debacle
Central Banks Will Printing Money Full Speed
US Housing Slump Rivals Lowest In 62 Years
Gas Could Drop To $2 If Congress Acts - Analysts
Wide Reach Of Mortgage Crisis Hits Home
Chain Store Closings - Depressed Economy Signs
New Loan Crisis Hitting Smaller Banks
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What Exactly Concerns Us About Gas Prices?
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When will the market face reality?
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More Dollar issues
UNITED Will Cut 950 Pilot Jobs as It Eliminates Seating Capacity...
Citigroup to cut thousands of jobs: The job cuts are part of a plan to reduce about 10 per cent of the investment banking group's 65,000 staff, it said.
The Fourth World War
Video - Taken from a speech by Marcos calling the war against globalization
Despite the titanic struggles of dispossessed peoples around the world, the wealth of nations continues to reside in fewer and fewer hands. The economies of poor countries collapse under vicious IMF policies, and capitalism's global 'clubs' thrive ever and ever upward. Meanwhile, people keep struggling, ultimately downward. Continue
Alternatives to Free Trade: Fair Trade and Beyond
By Shamus Cooke
Capitalism cannot be reformed. In the dog-eat-dog world of profit-making and competition, "fairness" plays absolutely no role. Continue
US Housing Slump Rivals Lowest In 62 Years
Gas Could Drop To $2 If Congress Acts - Analysts
Wide Reach Of Mortgage Crisis Hits Home
Chain Store Closings - Depressed Economy Signs
New Loan Crisis Hitting Smaller Banks
Blood In Your Tank - The Petrofraud War
New S&P Bank Of America Rating - Sell
$2T Credit Contraction - Consumer Debt Defaults Soar
Fed And US Dollar Credibility Now At Stake
Gold May Rise To $5,000 On Inflation
Dollars, Oil & The Big Wipe Out - Vid
Global Stock Market Crash Warning Issued
Unscathed Japan Banks Buy Up Western Asssets
Central Banks Buy Securitized Debt To Save Banks
IMF Says US Economy Set To 'Stagnate'
Oil Price Fuels Inflation In Asian Economies
Stocks Drop To 3 Month Low On Oil Surge
Zionist Banksters Are Behind The Oil/Fuel Crisis
6M UK Homes Into Fuel Poverty This Year
Paulson Wants Bigger Role For Federal Reserve
Oil Giants To Sign Contracts With Iraq
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Fed, Between a Rock and a Hard Place
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Marketwatch: Brokers threatened by run on shadow bank system
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More Dollar issues 10%
Gas prices rises 10 cents gallon -- over 2 weeks...
Obama calls for oil crackdown...
Asset-price Inflation is Giving Way to Debt Deflation
The Game is Over. There Won't Be a Rebound
By Mike Whitney
Bernanke is merely being polite in not rubbing the faces of European and Asian governments in the fact that unless they are willing to make a structural break and change the world monetary system radically, they will remain powerless to avoid giving the United States a free ride – including a free ride for its military spending and war in the Near East. Continue
Secret Pentagon Funding Near All-Time High: The latest Pentagon budget request contains a near record high level of money for classified, or "black" programs, reports the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
IMF says US economy is set to ‘stagnate’: The US economy is likely to “stagnate” in the second half of this year, the International Monetary Fund warned on Friday, as stock markets in the US and Europe fell to their lowest levels since March and US bank shares hit a five-year low.
Blood In Your Tank - The Petrofraud War
New S&P Bank Of America Rating - Sell
$2T Credit Contraction - Consumer Debt Defaults Soar
Fed And US Dollar Credibility Now At Stake
Gold May Rise To $5,000 On Inflation
Dollars, Oil & The Big Wipe Out - Vid
Global Stock Market Crash Warning Issued
Unscathed Japan Banks Buy Up Western Asssets
Central Banks Buy Securitized Debt To Save Banks
IMF Says US Economy Set To 'Stagnate'
Oil Price Fuels Inflation In Asian Economies
Stocks Drop To 3 Month Low On Oil Surge
Zionist Banksters Are Behind The Oil/Fuel Crisis
6M UK Homes Into Fuel Poverty This Year
Paulson Wants Bigger Role For Federal Reserve
Oil Giants To Sign Contracts With Iraq
Thursday, June 19, 2008
more economic troubles.
Treasury Sec. To Urge New Fed Powers; Bank Would Help Police Wall Street...
CRACKDOWN: 2 former BEAR STEARNS managers surrender to FBI...
Mortgage Mess...
House Democrats Call For Nationalization Of Refineries...
Stocks fall as oil prices surge...
Are They Really Oil Wars?
By Ismael Hossein-zadeh
Behind the drive to war and military adventures in the Middle East lie some powerful special interests (vested in war, militarism, and geopolitical concerns of Israel) that use oil as an issue of “national interest”—as a façade or pretext—in order to justify military adventures to derive high dividends, both economic and geopolitical, from war. Continue
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert: The Royal Bank of Scotland has advised clients to brace for a full-fledged crash in global stock and credit markets over the next three months as inflation paralyses the major central banks.
Nearly Half of Wall St. Bank Profits Are Gone: Only a year ago, Wall Street reveled in an era of superlatives: record deals, record profit, record pay. But a mere 12 months later, nearly half of the profits that major banks reaped during that age of riches have vanished.
Wall Street Credit Crisis Heads Into 2nd Year
Stocks Drop On Bank Worries, FedEx Warning
JPMorgan Chase - We Got Bear Stearns Cheap
Fed + Wall St -- Secret Meetings, Secret Deals
RBS Issues Worldwide Stock, Credit Crash Alert
Morgan Stanley Warns Of 'Catastrophic Event'
Producer Prices Jump - Housing Starts At 1991 Low
UK Inflation Highest In 16 Years
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
More Dollar issues
Down for the Count
Bush's "Ownership Society" Hits The Canvas
By Mike Whitney
There is no way to escape the day of reckoning now facing the financial system; the hundreds of bank failures, the corporate defaults, the meltdown in real estate, the massive loss of jobs, the dreary contraction of credit, the tumbling stock market, and the blow to our national confidence. But there is a way to rebuild. Continue
Colliding Bubbles, US Unemployment, the Credit Crisis and Oil Price Surge
Unemployment Jumps to 5.5%, On Its Way to 6%
By: John Mauldin
The headline number said the US lost 49,000 jobs in May, somewhat fewer than expected. The details were much uglier. Continue
Oil at record near $140 a barrel: The price of crude oil has hit a new high of close to $140 a barrel in New York trade, despite Saudi Arabia agreeing to increase output in July.
Producer Prices Jump - Housing Starts At 1991 Low
UK Inflation Highest In 16 Years
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
U.S Official Fired For Not Approving Questionable Iraq Funds
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Senate will bail out mortgages, even though 35% will default
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Where is FireFox 3.0????
Anybody know where it is?
More Dollar issues
Wealth Creates Poverty?
Video - Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalization and Conspiracy"
Globalization is an attempt to extend corporate monopoly control over the whole globe. Over every national economy. Over every local economy Over every life. Continue
Report: Rich nations failing Africa : The world's richest nations are falling short on pledges to double aid to Africa by 2010 at a time when soaring food prices risk a global food shortage, a watchdog has reported
Bear Stearns Hedge Fund Mgrs May Be Indicted
ECB Calls Bernanke's Bluff On Defending Dollar
Central Banks Turn Guns On Inflation
Eurozone Inflation Hits 16 Year High
China's Output Rises Despite Global Downturn
The Difference Between Lehman And Bear Stearns Is...
Barclays Looks To Asia To Raise $8B
Food - The Global Crisis Deepens
UK Fuel Strike - Increasing Shortages Due
UK Home Building Lowest Since 1945
Why Gold Could Hit $8,500 An Ounce
US Home Foreclosures Rise 48% - Inflation Surges
Fuel Protests Spread As Prices Soar
Oil Prices - Market, Manipulative Forces At Work
Bank Of Intl Settlements Warns Of Great Depression
Monday, June 16, 2008
Treasury Looted: Exposing Bush Administration Corruption
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More Dollar issues
Could cause rifts in opec cartel...
The Difference Between Lehman And Bear Stearns Is...
Barclays Looks To Asia To Raise $8B
Food - The Global Crisis Deepens
UK Fuel Strike - Increasing Shortages Due
UK Home Building Lowest Since 1945
Why Gold Could Hit $8,500 An Ounce
US Home Foreclosures Rise 48% - Inflation Surges
Fuel Protests Spread As Prices Soar
Oil Prices - Market, Manipulative Forces At Work
Bank Of Intl Settlements Warns Of Great Depression
Saturday, June 14, 2008
How Speculators Are Causing the Cost of Living to Skyrocket
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Why Oil Price Is High - Fed Printed Way Too Many Dollars
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More Dollar issues
Plan Would Lift Saudi Oil Output to Highest Ever...
US foreclosure filings surge 48 percent in May: Housing crisis worsens as number of US homes facing foreclosure in May up 48 percent
Oil Prices - Market, Manipulative Forces At Work
Bank Of Intl Settlements Warns Of Great Depression
UK Job Losses To Accelerate Sharply
Bernanke Declares Worst of Credit Crisis Over (huh?)
Friday, June 13, 2008
More Dollar issues
Speculation crackdown urged...
Price Of Oil Will Double
By Danny Fortson, Business Correspondent
The chief executive of the world's largest energy company has issued the most dire warning yet about the soaring the price of oil, predicting that it will hit $250 per barrel "in the foreseeable future". Continue
U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves: . The only thing left in the entire CCC inventory will be 2.7 million bushels of wheat, which is about enough wheat to make 1/2 of a loaf of bread for each of the 300 million people in America.
Bank Of Intl Settlements Warns Of Great Depression
UK Job Losses To Accelerate Sharply
Bernanke Declares Worst of Credit Crisis Over (huh?)
Fed, ECB Will Ignore Debt Consequences
Stocks Fall Sharply As Oil Prices Surge
US Home Price Crash Wipes Out $4 Trillion
We Face Longest Turmoil Era - BoE Boss
RBS Chief Say More Turmoil Ahead
UK Unemployment Rises For Fourth Month
UK April Trade Deficit Widens To $15B
UK House Builders See $22B Gone In 1 Year
US Dollar Lifted By Talk Of Intervention
BP Dismisses Gazprom's $250 Oil Forecast
Oil Shortage A Lie Says Industry Insider
US Trade Gap Grew In April On Oil Imports
Thursday, June 12, 2008
More Dollar issues
'May peak at $150-170 soon'...
Oil-price summit to involve heads of state...
Corn hits new record...
EURO POWER: Italian company buys New York's Flatiron Building...
Why the Oil Price Is High
By Paul Craig Roberts
How to explain the oil price? Why is it so high? Are we running out? Are supplies disrupted, or is the high price a reflection of oil company greed or OPEC greed. Are Chavez and the Saudis conspiring against us? Continue
Home price drop means $4 trillion in lost capital: U.S. housing decline, sparked last year by subprime mortgage debt defaults, will likely last another two years as a wider group of consumers, including prime borrowers, feel the pinch from a tightening of credit.
Stocks Fall Sharply As Oil Prices Surge
US Home Price Crash Wipes Out $4 Trillion
We Face Longest Turmoil Era - BoE Boss
RBS Chief Say More Turmoil Ahead
UK Unemployment Rises For Fourth Month
UK April Trade Deficit Widens To $15B
UK House Builders See $22B Gone In 1 Year
US Dollar Lifted By Talk Of Intervention
BP Dismisses Gazprom's $250 Oil Forecast
Oil Shortage A Lie Says Industry Insider
US Trade Gap Grew In April On Oil Imports
Oil Prices Surge Has Only Just Begun
Russia's Gazprom Predicts $250 Oil By 2009
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Oil price conspiracy theorists: Rev your engines
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More Dollar issues
Airlines in frenzy to save on fuel...
OPEC Chief appeals for calm...
Russia monopoly predicts oil 'will reach $250'...
Dollar Posts Biggest Two-Day Gain Since 2005...
US trade deficit jumps to 60.9 billion dollars: The monthly jump in the trade gap by 7.8 percent was the largest since September 2005 and was higher than economists' estimates of 60 billion dollars.
US Trade Gap Grew In April On Oil Imports
Oil Prices Surge Has Only Just Begun
Russia's Gazprom Predicts $250 Oil By 2009
UK House Buyers Vanish - Recession Closer
Europe Faces Angry Summer Over Fuel Prices
Hard-Talking Bernanke Spooks Markets
UK Household Bills Face Biggest Leap Since 1980s
Asian Stocks At 2 Month Low - Oz, China Tumble
Top Analyst Predicts $200 Oil, $5.75 Gas
US Average Price For Regular Gas Breaks $4.00
Credit Crisis To Hit $62T Credit Default Swaps
UK Home Gas Bills To Soar Another 40%
Oil Reserves 'Will Last Decades' (Like Indefinitely)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
NY Times: Threatening Iran--Saber-Rattling Is Not A Strategy
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Bush and Congress offer no immediate help on gas prices
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Oil seen hitting $150 this summer: Goldman analyst
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Gov. Mistake Could Cost Taxpayers Billions in Oil Money
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More Dollar issues
Saudis call for meeting about oil prices...
BP CEO: 'Lack of investment' to blame for spike...
Corn Jumps to Record...
Bernanke Says Risk of 'Substantial Downturn' Lessens, Vows Inflation Fight...
Interest Rates to Rise?
A blatant and absolute fraud!
What Is The Cause Of The Word-Wide Rise In Oil And Food Prices?
By Ibrahim Turner
What is in store for the billions of poor people around the world who live on $1 a day? What is in store for the relatively rich populations of America and Europe when fuel prices have greater and greater impact on already rising food prices, driven up by these same speculators? Continue
US Economy is a National Security Crisis: 'US Needs to Raise $6 Trillion" : The Achilles Heel of the United States is our economy. According to Glynn, in the aftermath of September 11th almost a trillion dollars was wiped out of the economy, and we are still reeling as a result of it.
Recession fears as US markets dive : US stocks have suffered their worst day for 15 months after the government said unemployment had risen by the biggest rate in more than 20 years.
Asian Stocks At 2 Month Low - Oz, China Tumble
Top Analyst Predicts $200 Oil, $5.75 Gas
US Average Price For Regular Gas Breaks $4.00
Credit Crisis To Hit $62T Credit Default Swaps
UK Home Gas Bills To Soar Another 40%
Oil Reserves 'Will Last Decades' (Like Indefinitely)
Monday, June 09, 2008
So We're at $4 Gas. When Are We Going to See $5?
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Oil Speculation and Israeli Sabre Rattling
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This is why we're worrying about Oil going to $200
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More Dollar issues
Gas hits national average of $4 for first time...
Pressure from oil prices spreads...
Uneasy Wall Street...
Iran sees oil at $150 a barrel this summer...
OPEC sees no need to pump more...
Medvedev puts blame on US for financial crisis...
A blatant and absolute fraud!
What Is The Cause Of The Word-Wide Rise In Oil And Food Prices?
By Ibrahim Turner
What is in store for the billions of poor people around the world who live on $1 a day? What is in store for the relatively rich populations of America and Europe when fuel prices have greater and greater impact on already rising food prices, driven up by these same speculators? Continue
Russia criticises US over economy : Russia new president has used his first major speech since taking power in May to blame the United States for the global financial downturn.
US Economy is a National Security Crisis: 'US Needs to Raise $6 Trillion" : The Achilles Heel of the United States is our economy. According to Glynn, in the aftermath of September 11th almost a trillion dollars was wiped out of the economy, and we are still reeling as a result of it.
Recession fears as US markets dive : US stocks have suffered their worst day for 15 months after the government said unemployment had risen by the biggest rate in more than 20 years.
US Average Price For Regular Gas Breaks $4.00
Credit Crisis To Hit $62T Credit Default Swaps
Saturday, June 07, 2008
More economic issues
'Serious Concern'...
Medvedev Says USA 'Economic Egoism' Has Contributed to Global 'Crisis'...
Japan Urges Effort to Combat 'Abnormal' Prices...
Gold Surges Most in Six Months...
Oil Up $11 Per Barrel, Hits New Record: Crude oil futures prices ended sharply higher and at a new record on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The near-month contract for the benchmark grade rose $10.75 -- closing at $138.54 a barrel.
Consumer anger as oil prices soar : Many goverments have had to cut their fuel subsidies, sparking widespread protest. The rises came amid a report by Morgan Stanley, a financial services company, that crude could reach $150 a barrel by July 4.
From his office in clouded cockoo land; Bush Says Signs Show Stimulus Plan Is Working to Boost Economy: President George W. Bush said the administration is seeing signs that the economic stimulus is beginning to work and urged Congress to make permanent his tax cuts.
U.S. Jobs Fall For Fifth Consecutive Month: May's U.S. unemployment rate rose to 5.5%, up from 5.0% in April--the largest jump in the jobless figure since October 2004 and the fifth straight month of job losses, according to the Labor Department's monthly report Friday.
Americans $1.7 trillion poorer: The amount of equity people have in their homes fell to 46.2%, the lowest level on record.
Despite Interest Rate Cuts, Foreclosures Hit Record High: Foreclosures continue to reach new heights as more than 1 million homeowners face losing their home, according to industry figures released yesterday.
Think the Economy Is Bad? Wait Till the States Cut Back: Struggling as we are with the housing bust, the credit crunch, shrinking consumption, rising unemployment and faltering business investment, we can be forgiven for thinking that all the big shoes have dropped. There is another one up there, however, and it is about to come down.
Next Phase Of The Financial Crisis - CDS Defaults
The Sub Prime Meltdown Is Tip Of The Iceberg
Wall St Freaks Out - DOW Dives Almost 400 Points
Credit Crunch Will Stall US Economy
Euro Banks Hit Harder Than US Banks
European Economy Risks Hitting Brick Wall
Barclays Uses Patriot Act To Close UK Citizen Accts
UK House Price Bear Market Only Beginning
Obama Will Install The Carbon Tax
UK Housing Sliding Faster Than 90s Recession
Subprime Crash May Yield 2 Yr Credit Recession
Bernanke To Defend Dollar Vs Commodities
Withering Economy Evidence Is Everywhere
US Banks Hiding $5 TRILLION Off Balance Sheets
Is $135 New Crude Oil Benchmark?
Lehman Hedges Lose $500M To $700M In 2Q
Bush, Cheney Knowingly Lied about Iraq Threat
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U.S. Payrolls Fall, Unemployment Rate Climbs to 5.5%
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Déjà vu all over again - Iran has NO nuclear weapons!
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Friday, June 06, 2008
Sen Intel Comm. Releases Another Rpt to Show Bush LIED
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Senate: Pentagon Concealed Intelligence Reports from CIA
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Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False
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More Dollar problems
Mortgaging America
By Eric J. Weiner
Investment funds run by foreign governments are keeping the U.S. afloat. Continue
US banks fear $5 trillion balance impact: Analysts at Citigroup warn the planned tightening of accounting rules for off-balance sheet vehicles would force US banks to reconsider arrangements and could result in up to $5 trillion (£2.5 trillion) of assets coming back on to their books
Bankruptcy toll increases: Nationally, the total number of bankruptcies filed in the first quarter rose 26.9 percent, to 245,695, compared with the year-ago period, according to data released Tuesday by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
Soaring diesel hurts truckers: Many are parking their rigs - or going bankrupt: In the first quarter of this year 935 trucking companies, about 2 percent of the nation's total, filed for bankruptcy
Obama Will Install The Carbon Tax
UK Housing Sliding Faster Than 90s Recession
Subprime Crash May Yield 2 Yr Credit Recession
Bernanke To Defend Dollar Vs Commodities
Withering Economy Evidence Is Everywhere
US Banks Hiding $5 TRILLION Off Balance Sheets
Is $135 New Crude Oil Benchmark?
Lehman Hedges Lose $500M To $700M In 2Q
Thursday, June 05, 2008
More Dollar problems
Bernanke's Speech: "It's all China's Fault. Really"
By Mike Whitney
Thanks to the Fed's ham-fisted monetary policies, a Force-5 economic hurricane is presently looming right offshore and there's nothing Bernanke or Paulson can do to stop it from touching down. If Bernanke cuts rates; commodities (and oil) will skyrocket and foreign investors will ditch the dollar. If he raises rates, banks will fail and the housing crash will accelerate. There are no good options. Continue
Is $135 New Crude Oil Benchmark?
Lehman Hedges Lose $500M To $700M In 2Q
Bernanke Blames Everyone BUT The Fed
Behind The Faking Of US Economic Data
Soros - Oil Speculators Could Trigger Stock Crash
Why Does A Mint Lease Out Gold/Silver?
Inflation Watch Continues On Wall Street
Montana May Have 40 BILLION Barrels Of Crude Oil
America - Debts Unpayable, Financial System Bankrupt
Banks' Credit Crisis Fixes Echo 1929 Depression
US Staring At Double Dip Recession
'08 Muni Bond Defaults Already Triple All Of '07
How The Oil Crisis Has Shocked The World
Wall St Aided/Abetted Mtge Securities Fraud
Is Crude Oil A Bubble Ready To Burst?
Here's Some Home Price Drops By City
US Home Prices Still In Free Fall
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
The Fed’s War on the Middle Class
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More economic issues
May Drop HUMMER; Shift to Small Cars...
CHRYSLER sales fall 25%...
FORD sales drop 16%...
REVOLT: Icahn to seek removal of YAHOO CEO Yang!
Oil prices: George Soros warns that speculators could trigger stock market crash: He believes that the doubling in the price over the last year is partly due to investment institutions, such as pension funds, who are pumping money into indexes that track the cost of crude.
US banks likely to fail as bad loans soar: US banks set aside a record $37.1bn to cover losses on real estate loans and other credits during the first quarter in a sign of the growing economic pain being caused by the global credit crisis
GM closing 4 truck and SUV plants in North America: General Motors is closing four truck and SUV plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico as surging fuel prices hasten a dramatic shift to smaller vehicles.
Behind The Faking Of US Economic Data
Soros - Oil Speculators Could Trigger Stock Crash
Why Does A Mint Lease Out Gold/Silver?
Inflation Watch Continues On Wall Street
Montana May Have 40 BILLION Barrels Of Crude Oil
America - Debts Unpayable, Financial System Bankrupt
Banks' Credit Crisis Fixes Echo 1929 Depression
US Staring At Double Dip Recession
'08 Muni Bond Defaults Already Triple All Of '07
How The Oil Crisis Has Shocked The World
Wall St Aided/Abetted Mtge Securities Fraud
Is Crude Oil A Bubble Ready To Burst?
Here's Some Home Price Drops By City
US Home Prices Still In Free Fall
The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...

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