Thursday, April 09, 2009

More economic issues

Big Jumps in Taxes Loom in 10 States...

China auto sales surpass US for 3rd month...

Chavez in Beijing Touts 'New World Order'...

STRESSED OUT: Feds to delay bank test results; avoid market melt...
Author who predicted crisis sees inflation ahead...

Bernanke's Financial Rescue Plan:

The Glide-path to Destitution

By Mike Whitney

The United States defaulted on its debt in 1933 when Roosevelt took office and pulled the country off the gold standard, thus, shrugging off the claims of foreign investors who were assured the US would honor its obligations in gold. The dollar plummeted. Bernanke's muddled strategy has the nation walking down that same path once again. Continue

Should We Kill the Fed?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

"The Fed was the greatest single contributor to the crisis that unfolds before us," Woods writes of today, and "more dollars were created between 2000 and 2007 than in the rest of the republic's history." Continue

The Crash of '09, The Collapse of '10

By By Humayun Gauhar

Many American analysts are saying that America's real economic collapse could come by the end of this year. But what's amazing is that America remains mired in stunning denial, continuing to make bad situations worse with useless bailout plans and messing around with the world instead of facing up to the reality that its time as a hyper-power is up. Continue

Global Financial Collapse

A Must Watch Video

An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. How will the Global Financial Collapse end? Are we on the way towards global war and world government? Continue

The Financial New World Order

Towards a Global Currency and World Government

By Andrew G. Marshall

Following the 2009 G20 summit, plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. Continue

G8 warns of hunger threat to stability: The world faces a permanent food crisis and global instability unless countries act now to feed a surging population by doubling agricultural output, a report drafted for ministers of the Group of Eight nations has warned.

George Soros warns 'zombie' banks could suck lifeblood out of economy: IMF estimates toxic debts could spiral to $4tn

Estimated U.S. taxpayer cost for bailout jumps: The Congressional Budget Office had originally projected the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program would cost taxpayers $189 billion.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac executives to receive millions in bonuses: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage lending giants currently under federal conservatorship, will pay out $210 million in retention bonuses over the course of 18 months, a recent letter by the companies’ federal regulator, James Lockhart, states.

Why didn't Fed force big banks to take less of AIG bailout?: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York in November chose not to pursue tough negotiations with large foreign and domestic banks and instead allowed them to receive 100 cents on the dollar in government funds to settle tens of billions of dollars of exotic financial bets guaranteed by American International Group.

Quarter of Companies Globally Plan to Freeze Pay: A quarter of the world's companies, and 40 percent in the United States, plan to freeze salaries this year, but employees in South America and India can look forward to robust rises, a global survey shows on Tuesday.

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs: A House subcommittee wants to legalize payday loans with interest rates of up to 391%. Lobbyists from the payday industry bought Congress' support by showering influential members, including Chairman Luiz Gutierrez, with campaign cash

The Recession's Impact: Closing The Clinic: 60 Minutes: Bad Economy Leaves Cancer Patients Without Health Insurance In Dire Straits

1934 FDR Depression Era Cartoon - Look Familiar?

Stanford, Merkin Face Fraud Cases Set

Derivatives Trading Crackdown Begins

ECB Hits G20 IMF Drawing Rights Plan

Japan Goods And Services Fall By Half

Soros Warns Shares Will Fall Further

Gold Sold For Scrap Outstrips New Purchases

Gold - Is Silver The New Gold?

Irish Hike Taxes, Cut Spending

World Bank Sees China Recovery This Year

General Motors Close To Bankruptcy

Goldman Chairman Admits Wall St Greed

AIG Payments To Banks To Be Probed

Moody's Uses First Amendment ­ When It Suits

UK Store Food Prices Soar

RBS Cuts 9,000 More Jobs

WH Accused Of Bailout Double Standards

Stanford - 'It's Baloney, Baloney, Baloney'

UK Court Freezes Stanford Bank Assets

UK Ind Production Down Most In 40 Yrs

G8 Warns Of Hunger Threat To Stability

Soros - 'Zombie' Banks Could Destroy All

Japan Announces $100bn Stimulus Package

Irish Govt To Deliver Emergency Budget

Oz - Historic A$43B Broadband Network Plan

UBS Halts Foreign Travel Over Tax Worries

Taiwan March Exports Drop 35.7%

Derivatives - The New Ticking Bomb

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