Friday, December 31, 2021



The Military Industrial Complex has been overtaken by the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. 

Capitol Police officer says it's a 'disgrace' that Pence is dismissing January 6: 'We did everything possible to prevent him from being hanged and killed in front of his daughter and his wife'

Feds drop case against Epstein's jail guards. The cover-up is nearly complete.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book to remain secret in court deal

Nothing to see here 🤡source

FDR confiscated America's gold in 1933 and gave it to the privately owned Federal Reserve--under the gold standard the size of a​ country's money supply was determined by the amount of gold available. In 1934 FDR shifted the gold price from $20.67 to $35/oz, devaluing the US dollar by nearly half.

The Pentagon has streamlined the process for sending National Guard troops into DC

Like Donald Trump or Elon Musk, Joe Rogan is more than likely controlled opposition.

Seemingly, a lot of people here seem to have no suspicions about Joe Rogan. Just because he has people that talk about "forbidden topics". From what ive learned about this world, it would make no sense for someone like Joe to be as big as he is without having boundaries. People who really go against the grain get taken out, not huge deals from mainstream media.

Confessions Of A Dead Man: Personal Driver Of Jeffrey Epstein And Other Elites Tells All – The Clover Chronicle

Mass Formation - How The Left Got Duped - Interesting Read

Ghislaine Maxwell didn't kill herself

Just like we all knew Jeffery Epstein was going to be found dead in his cell, I think it's a safe call to start calling out that Maxwell didn't kill herself as her life outlook is bleak. Now, I want to know what threats the gov't made to keep her quiet? She often referenced that her father was murdered. Does she have a child, it's rumored that she does, and the gov't has her worried that any break in silence will lead to her child being involved in a single car accident? Do we really think the British Royal family is going to let Prince Andrew go down? Who else is in that black book that has both the means and motive to make sure she stays quiet? Who in that book doesn't have the means and motive?

Anyway, I'm just getting ahead of the news we all know is coming.

Maxwell didn't kill herself.

Alex Jones turns on Trump

I have always considered Alex Jones to be controlled opposition. While Jones has exposed many things I do believe that Jones turning on Trump could be one of the worst things to do as far as turning on Trump. He has already said that Trump is an evil man and that Trump is working for the elites. I have never supported Trump nor have I voted for him.The fact that people wanted Trump to save America it's not going to happen. Alex very life could be in danger. Alot of people r waking up to the fact Trump was always for himself and never had Americans interest.

Prepare for military coup after 2024 election, ex-general warns

Ivana Trump Recruited Schoolgirls For Epstein?

Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book under FBI review, says report




Apocalyptic Videos...


Next Prison No 'Camp Cupcake'...

Eyes turn to Prince Andrew...

Prosecutors Drop Case Against Epstein Jail Guards...

Fed Pumped Up Stocks. In '22, It May Pull Plug...

Theory: Fox News, CNN, and all the rest of the legacy media are propagandistic tools taking their orders from the same entity

I'm just going to say it. Epstein broke out of prison and faked his death and so will Maxwell.

The guards did their part to look the other way and most certainly were not going to be thrown under the bus for that, which is why the case against the prison guards were dropped. The footage of his cell was erased due to "technical errors". Epstein had close ties to many with unlimited resources so using all his available connections first would have made the most sense before planning anything that would actually cost him is life.

They protect their own or else that would send a bad message to the rest of the higher network.

I predict something similar is going to happen to Maxwell to make her vanish and ride off into the sunset. Maybe she will get "covid".

What do you think happened to Epstein? Do you think Maxwell will be rescued or thrown under the bus?

Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book under FBI review, says report

"prosecutors in the US have vowed to pursue all of those involved in the sexual-abuse ring centred on the disgraced socialite and the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein."

"The contact book reads like a “Who’s Who” of global leaders and the rich and famous."

"other names that came up during testimony as passengers included former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump."

Bear in mind who the article is written by as I've never particularly trusted them as a source. But, the key thing right now is the fact big news is bringing up the pedophile ring.

Also remember when they called us crazy for Pizzagate? Suggesting there could ever be a highly organized pedophilic ring was yet another 'conspiracy'.

Happy New Year!!!!


  The Trump Administration Wants USAID on the Blockchain China is testing experimental 'dogfighting' satellites in space, US general...