Saturday, December 11, 2021



Assange just lost his case. He will now be sent to the U.S where he will no doubt die in prison

Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, court rules

Israel led a 10-country simulation of a cyber attack on the global financial system. The last simulation was Event 201 and then it happened which as we all know isn't coincidental. Are these countries practicing to take the world economy down together?

If you remember Event 201 was a simulated event that somehow managed to predict COVID-19 would happen.

Remember these groups test stuff for years for all possible scenarios and failsafes until they finally pull the trigger.

So do we think this is going to happen, and if so what should we do before we're all broke and potentially killing each other for food or necessities or resources?

The last independent investigative journalist to stand was Julian Assange, and a complete takeover ensued, everything we see now in the con artist fourth estate MSM is a direct result of this NWO power grab and no one gave a shit.

I was going to post this as a comment but op deleted his post. This clown world CIA programmed MSM madness is happening because people don't give a shit and the don't give a shit mentality is becoming more widespread, and conspiracists are all turning a blind eye as if journalists exposing the establishment is none of their business.

A federal appeals court has ruled against an effort by former President Donald Trump to shield documents from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capital

The propaganda machine against Silver is a thing to behold. Why? Because it's the Federal Reserve's achilles heel

The Federal Reserve conspiracy is the greatest of all. The theft enabled by that system funds all [their] nefarious activities - their centuries long crimes against humanity.

Silver is the Fed's Achilles heel and at the same time we the people's opportunity to participate in the biggest upset of all - the transfer of wealth away from the Super Criminals back to WE the PEOPLE. But you have to get involved and buy physical silver. Exchange your eroding in value paper $ with sound money.

Do some research and trust yourself. Act now. Join r/wallstreetsilver and access the Newbies tab.

Here is a teaser.

The propaganda machine against Silver is a thing to behold. Why? Because it's the Federal Reserve's achilles heel

Evidence suggests that silver has already been in a supply deficit for decades, Charles Savoie suggests with references that excluding the 1930's, since 1959 silver has been in a supply deficit where non-government demand exceeds total supply.

A chronicle of evidence from articles in the Wall Street Journal from 1963 to 1980 shows article after article like this - “THE ENTIRE WORLD OUTPUT OF SILVER ISN’T NEARLY ENOUGH TO MATCH RAPIDLY RISING INDUSTRIAL USE.” (Emphasis added) Wall Street Journal September 10, 1964, 232-919.pdf (

During that time massive scavenging and recycling has already occurred. By reducing silver from circulating coins (90% of coin silver has already gone to industry, Charles Savoie), from jewelry, silverware, amalgam fillings and from extraction of the Tons of silver from the US militiary's nuclear set up - part of the Department of Defences stockpile, and so on. Industrial users have been aided and abeted in this by our corrupt governments anxious to hide the supply shortage by keeping the price low and at the same time giving the industrial users a free kick.

As this turns around, the scenario will be extraordinary, material for a great novel, if it were not about to come true in large part -

"A war erupts between industrial silver users and nations withholding their silver from export. A consortium of international financing institutions offers to trade Latin American debt for silver, gold and platinum exploration rights. Shareholders of the best-positioned mining companies see their shares up a mind-blowing 60,000% due to horizontal leverage (number of ounces per share) and 25,000 buyers to every 1 seller in a global bidding war for more silver than is possibly available! Men like Gates, Soros, Kaplan, Buffett, Bacon, Fleckenstein and Tisch are vilified as vultures in some sections of the press by those who secretly envy them, and those who held silver prices below cost of production for so many years accuse the longs of engineering the crisis".

Who is Charles Savoie? In “Silver Gurus” on YouTube Brother John F remarked, “Charles Savoie, wow, this guy’s a classic. This guy talks about stuff in history, you had no idea. You could get lost in this guy’s stuff for years. It’s just fantastic stuff.” In “Silver Devils” Brother John F also remarked, “Make sure that these Charles Savoie articles are preserved for future generations because these are very, very important historical documents that Charles has created. It would take years of your life to study everything he’s done. This was almost 10 years ago and he called the CFTC for what they are---“an infested hotbed of subversion for silver shorts.”

Listen to the U.S Navy’s Esoteric View of Reality.

This comes from an anti-gravity vehicle patented by the U.S. Navy (officially called a “Craft using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device”)

“Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. Matter is confined energy, bound within fields, frozen in a quantum of time. Therefore, under certain conditions (such as the coupling of hyper-frequency axial spin with hyper-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems) the rules and special effects of quantum field behavior also apply to macroscopic physical entities (macroscopic quantum phenomena).”

And for my fellow UFO researchers. Check out the diagram of the triangular shaped craft and the diamond shaped craft. And tell me if that looks familiar 😂😂😂

UFO researchers have been saying the triangular shaped craft were covert U.S. military vehicles for decades


By the way around the same time the U.S. Navy also released a patent for a “Plasma Compression Fusion Device”.

(What even Forbes described as a UFO Fusion Energy Patent)

Who/What is the flying bat humanoid in Chicago that hundreds of witnesses have seen, including pilots and workers at O’Hare airport? Even Chicago city hall knows about it. Astral being? Hybrid lab experiment? Alien?

Never forget the president doesn't run the country

Government runs the country

Government has many arms, branches, legs whatever you wanna call them

They all check each other. Congress just checked the president.

Its scary how blindly people are following

The Forever Prisoner: CIA Cover-ups, Government Complicity, and Outright Disgusting Human Rights Violations. The only reason Zubaydah is still locked up is to keep the world from knowing what we really did to him

If you haven't watched the documentary The Forever Prisoner, its outstanding. It gives you what little insight we have into what these CIA black sites were all about, the way the government rewrote laws and made backdoor deals to give the CIA complete impunity to do whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted whenever they wanted.

Here's a small background on Zubaydah's treatment while at one of the black sites.

So what did this guy do? Really, not much, especially not enough to justify what they did to him. According to a senate report, pretty much all the info provided by the CIA to justify their actions was faulty, overstated, or fabricated.

The OLC "relied on inaccurate CIA representations about Abu Zubaydah's status in al-Qa'ida and the interrogation team's 'certain[ty]' that Abu Zubaydah was withholding information about planned terrorist attacks

The CIA assessment that Abu Zubaydah was the "third or fourth man" in al-Qa'ida was "based on single-source reporting that was recanted prior to the August 1,2002, OLC memorandum

"The CIA later concluded that Abu Zubaydah was not a member of al-Qa'ida


So to give you a small TLDR:

Zubaydah was picked up by the CIA based off faulty intelligence that he was a senior Al-Qaeda member with valuable and time sensitive information on future terrorist plots. The CIA worked with the President, his lawyers, and several other judicial/executive members to find loopholes and rewrite legislation to torture this guy without facing legal consequences. After they nearly killed him they moved him around several black sites and finally dropped him off at Gitmo as his final destination. He's being detained there while facing no charges and will remain there indefinitely.

‘We Have One President at a Time’: Federal Appeals Court Smacks Down Trump’s Executive Privilege Assertion Over Jan. 6 Documents

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