Wednesday, December 08, 2021


SS: So, Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Yep. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs' HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic... Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on...

Index file:

Send to everyone you can as fast as you can 

Biden infrastructure bill says new cars have to have remote kill switch

RFK Jr.: CIA-led ‘military response’ to pandemic was meant to drive democracy from the world and usher in global totalitarianism

Clinton emails

Shocking Truth of where World is Headed. End Game of Schwab’s School of Dictators!

Honeywell-backed company to sell super secure quantum encryption key

SolarWinds hackers have a whole bag of new tricks for mass compromise attacks

What about Hunter? Biden admin releases report highlighting money laundering in the art industry - while president's son's paintings sell for up to $500K to mystery buyers. This is a joke,in our face BS.

-Top generals accused of perjury over Jan 6 statements by Natl Guard general.-

DARPA Funded Researchers Accidentally Create The World’s First Warp Bubble Space

Bitcoin Trial: Defendant Wins Dispute Over $50B in Bitcoin

Why would they lie about election fraud? - Sidney Powell group raised more than $14 million spreading election falsehoods

DoJ sues Texas, saying electoral map plans violate Voting Rights Act

Evergrande misses payments after grace period, officially defaults.

Michael Flynn’s brother lied to Congress in Capitol riot testimony, ex-aide says

Attorney asks court to unmask Jan. 6 footage of suspected undercover agents

Apple made secret 5-year $275B deal with Chinese government

Dogs understand 89 words on average, study reveals. Due to their evolutionary history and close association with humans, domestic dogs have learned to respond to human verbal and nonverbal cues at a level unmatched by other species

The co-founder of a company trusted by Google and Twitter to text security codes to millions of users also ran a service that helped governments secretly surveil and track mobile phones, according to former employees and clients.

They will never let us stsnd stand together if we're too busy worrying about if our neighbor is racist or homophobic. It's all to push us apart instead of focusing on the peodphile class of billionaire elites that runs everything.

“The government is simply the largest corporation with a monopoly on violence. And you have no recourse” Elon Musk

TIL the Telecommunications Act of 1996 loosened regulations on how many stations a single company could own, leading Clear Channel (now iHeartMedia) to grow from 40 stations to 1,240 in just six years, homogenizing playlists nationwide & radically (negatively) altering the music industry.

Never Forget That Trump Purged the Pentagon Leadership Between the Election and January 6

American productivity falls by the largest amount since 1960

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