Sunday, December 12, 2021


China's Central Bank declares Evergrande officialy enters the bankruptcy liquidation process

Hello! European Ape living in Shanghai. Last night at 21:30, Mr. Yi, the China's Central Bank Governor has announced the Evergrande has officialy entered into the bankruptcy liquidation process. The news were published in the social network platform for investors called 雪球 (XueQiu).

Screenshot for reference.

r/Superstonk - China's Central Bank declares Evergrande officialy enters the bankruptcy liquidation process

In addition to this news, Evergrande made an estatement denying the new and stating that they were not entering the liquidation process (funny)

There is a video circulating in the social media platform Weibo, stating who is going to get the priority during the liquidation process. The video says the order of liquidation will be the following:

  • 1st. The people who has not received the property they bought. Make sure they will get it.

  • 2nd. Pay all Evergrande employee's salaries.

  • 3rd. Taxes owned to the Governement need to be paid.

  • 4th. Construction companies fees and bills.

  • 5th. Mortage Bonds, Banks and Financial Institutions.

  • 6th. Ordinary creditors. Financial products.

(this is all according to the China's Bankruptcy Law) and sorry for my translation, it might not be very accurate cause my chinese is not that good.

Link of the video:

All these post are on Weibo and cannot confirm the total autenticity of them.

48 members of Congress have violated a law designed to stop insider trading and prevent conflicts-of-interest

44 House Dems Urge FCC, FTC to Boost Privacy Protections for Consumers' Location Data

Reddit-trained artificial intelligence warns researchers about... itself

Upvote before it gets taken down. Elite high level pedophiles go to jail!

48 members of Congress have violated a law designed to stop insider trading and prevent conflicts-of-interest

How are you going to feel when Maxwell goes free and Julian dies?

What happened to all the pedo video recordings Epstein made?

So clearly somebody disposed of all of Epsteins video recordings of major elites abusing children in his NY brownstone. The question is who? and why is nobody asked where it is, or how it has gone missing?

This was his way navigate the elite society and perhaps adds weight to the idea he was a CIA 'honey-dick' asset. In any case, the US government is complicit in facilitating child sexual abuse, covering it up and protecting the abusers. Epstein used to brag he had 'three bills in his pocket' - Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bill Cosby.

r/conspiracy - What happened to all the pedo video recordings Epstein made?

'Three bills in my pocket'


I pledge allegiance to the Inverted Totalitarian States of America; and to the Oligarchy for which it stand; one nation under debt with slavery and injustice for all.

Financial transactions in the days before the 9/11 attack suggest that certain individuals used foreknowledge of the attack to reap huge profits.

"American Airlines and United Airlines, and several insurance companies and banks posted huge loses in stock values when the markets opened on September 17. Put options -- financial instruments which allow investors to profit from the decline in value of stocks -- were purchased on the stocks of these companies in great volume in the week before the attack."

"On Sept. 6-7, when there was no significant news or stock price movement involving United, the Chicago exchange handled 4,744 put options for UAL stock, compared with just 396 call options -- essentially bets that the price will rise. On Sept. 10, an uneventful day for American, the volume was 748 calls and 4,516 puts, based on a check of option trading records. 5 "

Insider Trading Conspiracy ... ?

Julian Arrange has stroke in Belmarsh prison. Fiance blames extreme stress

Ghislaine believes Epstein was murdered!

Mysterious husband, once seduced by power, now MIA...

The Clinton Chronicles - Original Documentary - The Clinton Crime Family - Clinton Body count - Bill Clinton is a Sex Offender, Rapist & Murderer.

Did you know, After the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke National headlines, Two other of Bill Clinton's female interns were murdered? They were going to file charges against Clinton for sexual harassment. Mary Mahoney & Sadly I forgot the other woman's name but her death was attributed to the Potomac River killer.

Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Jeffrey Epstein, JFK Jr, Christopher Sign, Ron Brown, Ed Willey, Jerry Parks, James Bunch, Kathy & Dan Ferguson, Kevin Ives & Don Henry (AKA, The Boys On The Tracks) this is just a partial list. RIP to everyone who isn't a pedophile.. I would appreciate if you liked & Subscribed to my channel.............. 🙏👍👍👍🙏

"The FBI just released new documents about 'The Finders,' which conspiracy theorists think was a CIA-linked child abuse cult." "This Cult From the 80s Was Patient Zero for Epstein and Pizzagate Conspiracies" - VICE

Late last month, after years of demand from conspiracy theorists, the FBI released over 300 pages of documents related to The Finders—a D.C.-based organization whose origins date back before WWII but didn’t become known to the general public until that phone call in Tallahassee swept them up in the Satanic Panic of the late 80s. The police reports, memos, and archival press clippings—particularly related to the arrest of two members in 1987 on misdemeanor child-abuse charges that were dropped a few weeks later—have recaptured the attention of conspiracy theorists around the Internet.

The release of the Finders documents, after years of requests, is as good a time as any to look back at an incident that set the stage for several modern child trafficking conspiracy theories. These were among the most heavily requested documents from the FBI due to the lingering, decades-old allegation that the group was some kind of front for the CIA, which led to a coverup of the Finders’ most heinous and abusive activities. Anyone looking for a smoking gun in the docs will come away disappointed. But even just the agreed-upon facts around The Finders, and the mysteries those facts create, make for a compelling yarn in their own right.

By their own account, The Finders were a kind of alternative lifestyle commune based in the Washington, D.C. area, made up of 20 adults and 7 children around the time of the 1987 arrest. Whether they’re more Manson Family or Merry Pranksters—abusive Satanists or whimsical followers of a charismatic leader named Marion Pettie—depends on how much you’d like to read between the lines on the official reports, and which side of the conspiracy theory you fall. Whether they were evil or harmless, the existence of The Finders seemed to revolve entirely around Pettie, a high-school dropout who said later in life that the group began in the 1930s, when he rented two apartments in D.C. and “opened them up for anybody that wanted to come in, and the idea in my head was that they were going to teach me something about power, money, or sex.” - VICE

guys, VITAMIN D. You can show this critical info to prove you DON'T need vaccines.

Today, Dr. John Campbell uploaded a interview video he did with Dr. Michael Cohen, a clinician, currently in Israel. His own experience of using and prescribing Vit D among other minerals seems to indicate the importance of these minerals EVEN IF NOT viable cures of covid -19. More facts to contend with that natural resistance to the new corona virus should be prioritized before considering a vaccine.

Clip I've made of the interview, containing the most important statements

full interview here:

WW3 or just fear?

Russia has its 100.000+ troops on Ukraine's border, we all know where it leads if the decide to invade. Russia did it before using referendum card with no penalties whatsoever, claiming "there are russian citizens in Crimea and they are in danger".

Or maybe there's another part of the story we don't know, and that part is NATO pushed their bases too far, and Putin isn't stupid.

Either way, smells smelly for me...

Fauci wins $1 million Israeli prize for 'defending science'. I guess that's cool, just a high ranking US government official in charge of your health take money from a foreign power (as an "award" conferences)

Never before seen state of matter could advance quantum tech

Anyone else think these tornado storms( 30+ tornadoes) that spanned multiple states and killed like 50 people was weather modification?

The United States is the world’s most powerful rogue state

Some real-life people are more evil than comic book villains.

How to prepare for cyber attacks?

There’s been a simulation by the World economic forum and now by the IMF. It’s probably inevitable there will be cyber attacks that will cripple the economy, shutdown internet, erase banking details etc.

Is there any way to prepare for this? Buying physical gold for example? And how do you guys think it will play out?

80,000 South Australian Government's workers were exposed to a massive cyber attack

The data breach includes police, doctors, premiers, yet excluded the educational sector. Addresses, payrolls and such, were exposed in this attack.

I wonder if other states and territories, will be exposed to such an attack.

I wonder why this happened at a time like this? Hmm, really makes you wonder huh?

The major cyber attacks that are happening, I hope they are not excuses to do something drastic to the internet, which might control the people who use it, a whole a lot more. And if it is, it makes you wonder who are causing this attacks. I do hope however, that it is people trying to expose corruption.

automated 575% markup on hospital bills across the country!

FBI feared Pennsylvania would seize fabled Civil War gold and legislative staffer plotted to get loot, affidavit says

EXCLUSIVE IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system

New IBM and Samsung transistors could be key to sub-1nm chips

Narendra Modi's Twitter account hacked with Bitcoin post

Warning devastating solar storm 'could send mankind back to the Dark Ages'

Timetable to tyranny..Check out the article in the link 😈

6 dead in Amazon warehouse in Illinois. More than 80 feared dead at the Mayfield Candle Factory in Kentucky. These were senseless deaths of lives that mattered. The rich are actively taking lives for profit. How many more lives will they take from us? The strikes, the boycotts, they aren't enough...

It's time for a revolution.

Edit: since people keep brigading this post with the same comments, here you go. A 30 minute warning. Unheeded. Not passed on to the employees. One employee stated she didn’t know until her phone alerted her moments before the lights went out.

DeSantis Proposes $8 Million in Budget to Relocate Illegal Immigrants to Delaware, Martha’s Vineyard

The Constitution does not grant you rights, it simply says the government cannot infringe upon the rights you were born with. We have all been lied to for a very long time, and I personally am sick and tired of it. Some cunt in a suit makes loads of money for speaking bullshit while we do real work.

"Targeted Individuals are people who are illegally harassed, tortured, mind controlled, stalked and spied upon 24/7 by the government."

"Kellogg's products are contaminated with GMOs. If you write Kellogg's to complain, they will tell you how great GMOs are. We know better!"

"Under oath, Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook DOES have "tools" to track its users across the internet, across platforms, across accounts - all without user knowledge. When asked how many times this tool has been used domestically against Americans, Zuck won't say."

"The Federal Reserve's trillion dollar printing presses will eventually plunder the world economy. It must be abolished."

"The two-party circus in the U.S. is the epitome of ridiculous. It is scripted and operated by the same people with the exact same goals."

"Governments slaughtered more than 170 million people during the 20th century."

"Everyone knows that curing cancer isn't as profitable as treating it."

"Fake history is what you were taught on purpose."

"The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe." ~ H.L. Mencken

"Think for yourself. Question authority."

"Free your mind for they have twisted your thoughts."

"Are you going to remain a slave for the rest of your life?"

"If we can get enough people to wake up, perhaps there is still enough time to turn this world in a different direction."

In 1996, Maria Farmer reported Epstein, Maxwell & Wexner to the FBI, yet that report was suppressed, allowing 100s more children to be abused, trafficked, raped and exploited by this pedophile ring for a further 25 years. The FBI is 100% culpable. Pedophiles run the world.

r/conspiracy - In 1996, Maria Farmer reported Epstein, Maxwell & Wexner to the FBI, yet that report was suppressed, allowing 100s more children to be abused, trafficked, raped and exploited by this pedophile ring for a further 25 years. The FBI is 100% culpable. Pedophiles run the world.

“The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants...” - Albert Camus [1913 - 1960]

Sounds incredibly familiar with the so-called pandemic and the experimental penetrations!

‘It’s for your safely’, ‘it’s for everyone’s safety’, ‘protect your community’.

Confidential Documents Show Pfizer Blackmailed Governments Worldwide! WATCH

Capitol rioters' social media posts influencing sentencings

Deadly Collapse at Amazon Warehouse Puts Spotlight on Phone Ban

Your devices spy on your audio conversations to show you targeted ads.

I sincerely believe that we are being recorded - nope wait let me rephrase that.

I sincerely believe that our conversations are being analyzed, maybe with AI - to show us targeted ads.

Yesterday, I had a phone conversation with someone, talking about really random things. At one point we spoke about people who inspired us in life.

I mentioned a couple of names, which included Elon Musk, and Leo Major (a legendary Canadian soldier).

I had NOT googled Elon Musk or Leo Major names prior to that. Leo Major is an historical figure I've known since my high school years.

I did NOT mention their names in any way in the text conversation with that person or with any other person.

Here is the ad I received shortly after:

An ad on Facebook containing Elon Musk's face next to Leo Major's.

I swear that everything that I wrote above is TRUE.

Big Brother is watching US. Literally 1984.

Existing Democracy - is there a better alternative?

SS: In theory democracy is a good idea, but in the world we currently live we clearly see that it can't function properly:

There is no transparency on tax funds usage.

A lot if not all real decisions, priorities and agendas of a country are decided completely behind the scenes.

Most governments are a huge, corrupted and controlled puppet shows.

The 1% control, manipulate and have unlimited power over the 99%.

Education system is set in a way that enslaves us.

Our choices of who can be a country leader and the election process itself is rigged

Judicial system is unfair and filled with loopholes

And on and on and on...

My point is that even if we "WIN" against the current fake reset, we are still going back to the same capitalist, greedy, "money is god" system, so it is bound to just happen again and again and again because people with power will never want to give that up and will fight to (our) deaths to keep their status.

So without having at least a theoretical, better system to fight for, we are not really winning.

My question is if anyone read, explored, checked articles, academic researchers or anything at all about any kind of alternative system to build a prosper society that might replace the current one in a positive, fair way?

A New World Order Rothschild's Illuminati Division's of us.

Tech Giants Microsoft, Amazon, and Others Warn of Widespread Software Flaw

Probing topological spin liquids on a programmable quantum simulator

Royal Raymond Rife cured cancer in the 1930’s, with 16 terminal human cases of cancer being reversed into full recovery, a 100% success rate. His research, the tools he built, and his story have been destroyed and suppressed for almost a century. Link is article only

Royal Rife’s work was seized from him after he presented it to his peers. What they saw from him was the ticket to true human healing… something they suppressed in the name of profit. His work would have officially stifled the multi-million dollar cancer industry as we know it now.

He’s been mentioned maybe once a year on this sub. There are more of us here now, and everyone should know about this “forgotten genius”

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Lauren Sanchez sparks outrage with 'visible lingerie'... 'Government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and for the wealthy'......