Thursday, December 02, 2021


Eppstein was a Mossad Operative in Charge of a Sexual Blackmail Operation

Eppstein=jewish=probably had connections to israel=might have been recruited

Israel: has the US government in its pocket, WHY? --> As part of his Operation Eppstein and probably others invite powerful people into private, secluded places where they provide them with every pleasure imaginable, no matter how degenerate, while taping them, they then use those tapes as blackmail, to get what Israel wants done.

Some evidence: Eppstein was visited in jail by former Israeli pm (one of only 2 people) - might have been a spy, sent to discuss what would follow, after he was sentenced a second time (this time to a way less luxurious jail) they probably feared he would talk and so killed him.

Big Pharma isn't spending 5 Billion a year on commercials to sell their products. They're spending it to control what gets said between the commercials.

According to a 2009 study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, with the exception of CBS every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one drug company. Let me put it in perspective for you, these board members wake up, they go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer, and then they have their driver take them over to a meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that network is going to air. For those board members who aren’t pulling double duty with a media conglomerate and a big drug company, they still understand that they can’t be honest and objective about big pharma because big pharma pays their bills.

Drug companies spend about $5 billion a year on advertising with these corporate media outlets, so when Pfizer or Merck or Eli Lilly, or any of the drug companies, kill or cripple Americans with defective drugs, do you really think these board members are going to allow their story to be told on the air?

Most people have no idea that big pharma has the entire mainstream media by the short and curlies.

Qualcomm has a solution for 'stingray' devices hijacking your cell connection, and apps will be able to use it too

We are reliving Nazi Germany times. What an incredible time to be alive.


Donald tested positive for Covid days before Biden debate, chief of staff says in new book...

Infected -- But Still Had Meeting With Gold Star Families!



Alex Acosta made an ethically compromised decision 11 years ago. Here are the detail of how Epstein escaped justice and was let off the hook. Trump then hired him for him cabinet.

Several members of the Trump family – including the president, his ex-wife Ivana Trump, daughter Ivanka, Melania, – are listed in Epstein’s little black book. Including Trump Organization, “Trump Security,” “Howard Wilson Houseman,” and “Norma direct-emergency contact.”

The U.S. has fallen out of love with the hard work of invention

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