Saturday, February 26, 2022


Hacker collective Anonymous declares 'cyber war' against Russia, disables state news website 

Stop Donald Trump At All Cost Or Prepare for Democracy in the US to Collapse, Political Scientist Says

Democrats warn that Trump is 'undermining national security' with his claim that Putin's Ukraine invasion is 'genius'

Russian attempts to 'weaponise' energy may fast-track Europe's shift to renewables, after initial pain

Democrats and Republicans see each other as “more stupid than evil,” according to new psychology research.

The director of Roscosmos Dmitri Rogozine threatens to de-orbit the ISS over the USA or Europe. "If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS from uncontrolled de-orbiting that will fall on the United States or Europe."

Russia's space agency warns US sanctions could 'destroy' cooperation on the International Space Station

The Ukrainian Biolab situation. Here's a Twitter thread that explains the bioagent protection racket quite well. Metabiota... remember that name in the days to come.

Here's the Twitter thread. It might be the most important read of your life, especially if you want to make sense of the last two years:

There's confusion about the Ukrainian biolabs being "American Biolabs" as if they're official government business. They're not. They're owned by private interest groups that demand public funding. Then the public funding gets supplied and the labs develop bioweapons that governments "buy insurance" to protect themselves against. Sometimes that insurance comes in the form of vaccine contracts. Sometimes it's just pandemic insurance.

Note that the WEF is involved. They're big fans and financiers of entities in this game like Metabiota. And why is that important? For instance, a quote from the Twitter thread and another from one of the articles cited in the thread:

Metabiota ... produces bio agents under diplomatic cover at "secret" labs, then sells pandemic insurance and trackers to help countries get ahead of what they are putting out.


"AI modelling driven by companies such as BlueDot and Metabiota anticipated the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in China before it caught the world by surprise in late 2019 by both scouting its impact and its spread."

It's just like Cousin Vinny saying "I'm a compulsive window breaker and your coffee shop has windows. But if you pay me $200/week, I won't break your windows."

However, this protection racket leverages bioweapons and takes in billions of dollars.

Please take a moment to understand this situation and what it really means when you hear the word plandemic.

First point of understanding: a government type influence agency doesn't have to be affiliated with a country. For instance, the US Marine Corp and Blackwater both receive funding from the US government and ship soldiers into armed conflicts with geopolitical significance. However, one is a government agency and one is a private company. So we're seeing private labs in the Ukraine that receive US government funding, not US Government labs.

Second point of understanding: Covid has been confirmed as a lab produced bioagent. A private agency warned about it's release while trying to sell protection against it (refer to Cousin Vinny example above). Now think of the weaponized smallpox found in the Philly lab and Bill Gates warning about pandemics to follow. Why? It's a protection racket and he's the public face of the scam issuing the "we'll break your windows" threats.

I hope this post helps give a small window through the disinfo into the depth of the situation in Ukraine and why we aren't witnessing direct mass casualty confrontation between the Russian and Ukrainian army at the moment despite the media spin. Putin spoke of "cabal government." These biolabs are a significant money source for this "cabal government" enterprise. Let's hope the target is these labs like many are suggesting. And again, please take the time to go through the Twitter thread and the articles it cites. It makes the entire geopolitical mess we're in come into clear focus:

Follow the money.

Interested in the bio lab theory? This article has literally every piece of information you could possibly ever need including documentation of the 11 alleged U.S labs

It’s a long article but extremely thorough. About half way down you will see documentation of the bio labs.

crazy shit!

Astronomers Find Two Supermassive Black Holes Spiraling Toward a Collision

Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar?

The Russian offensive in Ukraine may be aimed at de-throning the US Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency

On the surface, Russia has clear strategic motivations for attacking Ukraine: prevent Ukraine from ever joining NATO and serving as a large US-friendly outpost right on Russia's borders. It is similar to the blockade, Bay of Pigs invasion, and threatened full-scale US attacks on Cuba in 1962 after Havana become pro-Soviet.

The question is, why is Russia attacking now? Moscow has had strategic worries about Ukraine becoming a US ally for decades. Why not attack five years ago? Why not wait until three years from now?

I suspect the answer has to do with US government debt, interest rates, and inflation.

Putin must've known the inevitable results of a full-on assault on Ukraine - massive US sanctions on Russia. Russia is a major energy and grain exporter. Ukraine is also a huge grain exporter.

Global food prices are rising rapidly amid the worst global monetary inflation in forty years. Energy prices are also way up. US sanctions against Russia are going to severely exacerbate inflationary pressure on food and energy. Russia surely knew this before launching their attack.

Also, the US debt-to-GDP ratio is extremely high - the highest since World War Two. The US economy "recovered" from the pandemic by borrowing trillions of dollars and giving it away as stimulus, vastly increasing government debt. The Federal Reserve has also lowered interest rates just about as low as they could possibly go. All this stimulus and low interest rates have contributed to the massive inflation we are now seeing.

The most direct way to fight inflation is to raise interest rates. This would make the US government debt burden much harder to support, forcing them to either raise taxes or decrease government spending.

By launching the war in Ukraine, Russia is exacerbating (already rapid) global inflation. If the US doesn't raise interest rates soon, the US dollar will rapidly lose value, and other countries may start to ditch their dollar holdings, undermining the US dollar's position as global reserve currency. The US government would then lose its huge economic leverage in terms of being able to impose unilateral sanctions on Russia, and many of Russia's friends and allies, such as China, Iran, Belarus, and so on.

Now, if you want to get really into the tin-foil, maybe parts of the US government are in on this too. After all, rapid inflation would effectively decrease the government's debt burden. Russia gets blamed for the crisis, and the US gets to avoid raising rates. Moscow and Washington both "win", while the losers are soldiers and civilians, along with the global poor and middle class facing rapidly increasing food and energy prices.

“People of the United States of America, your Congress is bought, your Congress is incapable of making legislation on healthcare, banking, trade, or taxes because if they do it, they will lose their political funding and they won’t do it.” — Dylan Ratigan exposing Greedy Bastards

I didn't realize what it would be like if they "destroyed small businesses"

I didn't realize what people meant when said "they want to destroy small businesses" and what that would actually look like. I was devastated watching my favourite small businesses tank in 2020 during lockdowns. It scared me the other day when I noticed every new district that's popping up just feels copy pasted, the same stores everywhere.

The silliest experience is when I go into a giant shoe store, basic shoes... I go into the store a few spaces down with a different name... the same shoes... a few spaces down... different name, same shoes O.o I can name a few other types of retail that are like this.

I remember a time when there were malls and parts of town that still let in mom and pop shops that carried their own specialty selections. My little corner of town, I am grateful they are still here - this one store carries really cool shoes from all-over the world you'd never see in one of those big box shoe stores (very fairly priced too!). But retail space has gotten so astronomically high, only the big businesses can afford it... what's even stupider is I see retail spaces sitting empty for YEARS instead. If someone does move in, it has to be a money laundering operation because I never see customers and somehow they can pay the crazy rent.

"4th industrial revolution" AKA "The Great reset" as a result of the aftermath.

Zelensky and Putin both are members of Klaus Schwab's WEF. Wake up. Open your eyes. Pray for the innocent lives that are going to be lost because of this...

Ever notice corporate greed can override public safety when they’re in bed with government agencies? And rarely will anybody be held accountable!

Question: What is stopping the government and corporations from lying and manipulating the public via media?

Nothing, correct? Nothing is stopping them?

So basically they can say things like:

  • Oh no! America loses power grid access due to hackers, when in reality they just called someone to flip the switch?

  • Wow! The food supply is short when in reality they've just stopped farmers from selling?

  • Oh no! The internet is out due to the underwater cables being destroyed by an enemy, when in reality all they did was access a shut off switch?

  • Oh no, there's no more water! When in reality they've just shut off the pipes...

What is stopping them from using their position of power in this way? Literally nothing... Right?

They could literally CGI their way through an entire crisis, lie on media, and have everyone be fooled. What a poop show.

Russian troops are reportedly being kidnapped by aliens.

Klaus Schwab admits in interview that Vladimir Putin is a graduate of the WEF Young Leaders Program.

The Illuminati Is Real And Controlling The World Says Former Canadian Defense Minister

Trump, who was impeached for withholding nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine, said 'this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened' if he were in office

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his brother are under investigation for alleged insider trading

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Family Now Fears for Her Safety — Worried That She Will ‘Kill Herself’ Like The Others

Abolish the two party system. Put aside our differences for we are One Nation. Please Democrat or Republican this is a message for all of us American citizens.

Its become clear to me that we the people are the "enemy" today and whether we are left or right, Democrat or Republican, upside down or backwards. We are constantly being distracted from the real evil in our government and the laws they enact against us to take our freedom piece by piece. Our constitution starts with We The People... And these days it seems no one remembers the power we were given long ago by brave men (supported by the brave women who are and were central to our future) who wanted the tyranny and absolute power to be rid of through solidarity, undying will to protect our freedoms and god given rights; and also the freedom to pursue happiness however we pleased. Taxation without real representation is purely ROBBERY!!

Please it is our duty as patriots to practice your rights and read the constitution and stand your ground. Each day that passes where those who do not exercise their freedoms is another day closer to us losing them. Our forefathers cursed the creation of the two party system purely because if we are not united than we are only half as strong as we once were. Stop the bickering, stop following the news, become wolves and stop following the flock. Through enlightenment comes true freedom and the power to see through narratives. Together we are one!!! Together we shall fight!! Together we shall prevail!!! May god bless the land of the free and may we let freedom ring once again my brothers and sisters.

Russia Today Suggests Anonymous Took Down Its Site

Russia is actually banking on the idea that they will be removed from SWIFT.

Russia is actually banking on the idea that they will be removed from SWIFT. Over history, the DOLLAR is what has given the American machine its power, it makes up half the global economy. Get rid of that advantage, we’re done for. If Russia is removed from swift, it will be the first domino in a series events that would lead to Russia and China taking over the global economy with cryptocurrency, which they are fully set up to do. At that point, all the air craft carriers and f22’s in the world won’t be able to help us.

Why would anyone try to take on America toe to toe with a military of their size? Maybe a global pandemic to bring the economy to its knees, followed by this next crisis would be the best way to bring a super power to its knees.

Trump NY criminal probe has new prosecutor after lawyers quit...

House Panel Widens Investigation...

SS: MSM reports increased radiation in Chernobyl after Russian occupation. Who's ready for another 2 weeks?

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