Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More economic troubles.

18% tax on soda, iPod tax, movie theater tax, sporting event tax, taxi tax, bus tax, limo tax, cable TV tax, radio tax, clothing tax...

Bush says sacrificed free-market principles to save economy...

Fed Cuts Rate to Lowest Level on Record...

Paulson: Major financial institutions stabilized...
Madoff tries to stay out of jail as probe widens...

Books in 'Disarray,' May Take Six Months to Unravel...

Downturn Spurs 'Survival Panic'...

582,000 Canadian jobs at stake if Big Three fail...

Depression possible: PM...

'Car Czar' Power to Force GM Bankruptcy?...

First the Chinese accumulated dollars, now everyone is joining the stampede:What caused the crisis? For some, the story is simple. It’s all about global imbalances.

Banks get another bailout: Judge signs order to protect Madoff investors: Stanton signed the order after the Securities Investor Protection Corporation asked that steps be taken to protect investors in the scheme, which has ensnared several major banks and prominent figures as victims and could result in as much as $50 billion in losses.

US consumer data shows record slump: The fall was the second straight month of record declines in the consumer price index (CPI) and the biggest since 1947, when the Labour Department began recording the figures, it said on Tuesday.

Best Buy 3Q profit sinks, company offers buyouts: - Best Buy Co. Inc. offered voluntary severance packages to virtually all its 4,000 corporate employees Tuesday as the nation's largest consumer electronics chain announced its third-quarter profit skidded 77 percent.

Unemployment: Worse Than it Looks: The most publicized measure of U.S. unemployment tells only part of the story

More people on S.F. streets newly homeless: Across the country, the nose-diving economy isn't just causing home foreclosures and stock market dips, it is squeezing people, particularly families, out of their homes. The number of hungry people has also jumped.

Helen Thomas - It's A Depression

'Bailout' Talk For Madoff's Victims!

Deflation Pounds Americans

IMF Chief Stark Warning Of Civil Violence

Euro Banks Show $8B In Alleged Fraud Exposure

SEC Failed To Inspect Bernard Madoff Fund

UK Offers Refuge To Pinstriped Pirates

Global Woes Fuel Russian Unrest

US Home Ownership Society, RIP

Russia To Help OPEC Cut Oil Supplies

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