Monday, December 29, 2008

More economic troubles.

Stimulus: $6 million to make snow -- in Minnesota?

FINAL WEEK: Wall St. faces record losses in 2008...
Chicago's newspapers facing troubled futures...
Music industry looks to internet for revival...


The Federal Reserve Abolition Act

By Stephen Lendman

It worried Thomas Jefferson enough to call banking institutions "more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies" at a much simpler time in our history. The right to create and control money belongs to the people through their elected representatives. For the past 95 years, powerful bankers accountable to no one have had it. They effectively run the country (and own it), and unless We the People change things, we'll continue to be victimized by economic tyranny and the eventual political kind that's coming. Continue

Chávez: Capitalists Have Manipulated the Message of Christ to Exploit the Poor

By Venezolana de Televisión

"The Kingdom of Heaven is not a kingdom or life in the clouds. Either it exists here or else it exists nowhere," President Chávez issued a wake-up call during the last Sunday program of 2008. " Continue

25% of Retailers May Go Bankrupt: Analysts estimate that from about 10% to 26% of all retailers are in financial distress and in danger of filing for Chapter 11. AlixPartners LLP, a Michigan-based turnaround consulting firm, estimates that 25.8% of 182 large retailers it tracks are at significant risk of filing for bankruptcy or facing financial distress in 2009 or 2010.

Low Oil Prices Force Russia To Devalues Ruble

The Shadow Money Lenders

Madoff May Have Stashed Cash Offshore (Nah...)

Comprehensive List Of Madoff Victims

Only Full Disclosure Of Toxic Debt Will Work

Madoff Probe Focuses On Tax Havens

Demand For Oil Tol Drop Most In 25 Yrs

2008 Can Become Worst Ever For Wall St

Bargain Shopper Fail To Save Retail Season

US Shopping Season Worst In Over 40 Years

GM Becomes Bank To Get On Gravy Train

32,000 UK Realtor Jobs Wiped Out

Doubts Grow Over Barky's Giant Spending Promises

Economy On Edge - Japan Faces Deflation

Retailers Foresee Dire 2009

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