Saturday, December 27, 2008

More economic troubles.

Germany resists calls to spend its way out of trouble...

Autoworkers Union Keeps $6 Million Golf Course for Members at $33 Million Lakeside Retreat...
Retailers Want In on Stimulus Plan...

Sales Plummet; Discounts Don't Revive Holiday Spending; High-End Walloped...

Justice For Mr. Madoff?
All Right, But Just This Once."

By Dave Parts

The victims go after other victims? The perpetrator sits in his town home, living as a king in exile, and the investors must fight each other over the scraps? It is beyond absurd. Continue

Japan output data casts more gloom: The figures released on Friday shows Japanese industrial production slumped more than eight per cent in November from the month before, the biggest fall on record.

U.S. Economy: Home Prices Fall Near Depression Pace: Sales of single-family houses in the U.S. dropped in November by the most in two decades and resale prices collapsed at a pace reminiscent of the Great Depression, dashing speculation the market was close to a bottom.

Visits to U.S. Retailers Fell 24% on Weekend Before Christmas: Customer visits to U.S. retailers fell 24 percent last weekend compared with a year earlier, the biggest drop on record, as deepened discounts failed to attract consumers.

Cash-strapped states look to cut from Medicaid: States from Rhode Island to California are being forced to curtail Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, as they struggle to cope with the deteriorating economy.

1/3 Of US Banks May Fail Or Merge In 2009

The Madoff Victims - Not Anti-Semitism

Detroit Ave Home $18,513 - Unemployment Rate 21%

Early Suspicions About Bernard Madoff

Shopping Bonanza - Up To 90% Discounts

Financial Markets As 'Recession' Deepens

Insolvent Financial System Signals Higher Gold

Fiscal Insanity Virus Hits Canada, Italy, IMF

US Nov-Dec Holiday Sales Off 20%

Burien - US Hides $60 Trillion Off Books - Vid

NYC Synagogue Mogul Sued Over Madoff Scam

The Fallen Giants Of Finance

British Economy Set Back Five Years

Families Try Insurance Fraud To Save Selves

UK Plans Secret Tax On 'Nice' Homes

15 Big UK Retailers Face Collapse

The Grimmest Of Years

Oil Near Dives To Near $35 A Barrel

Japan Output Drops To Lowest Level In 55 Yrs

Massive Hedge Fund Redemptions As Investors Flee

Bleak Economic Future Seen In New Data

Japan Car Production Biggest Drop Since 1967

The Fed OKs GMAC To Become A Bank

US Retail Traffic Fell 24% Pre-Xmas Weekend

CA Budget Deficit Now $42 Billion

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act

Unemployment Filings Hit 26 Yr High

US Economy Shrinks Fastest Since 9-11

California Runs Out Of Money In February

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