Sunday, June 07, 2009

More Economic Issues


Unemployment rises to 9.4%...

Hits 25-Year High...

Jobs Report Fuels Attacks on Obama...


Oil prices spike above $70...

Securitization: The Biggest Rip-off Ever

By Mike Whitney

Is it possible to make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits on securities that are backed by nothing more than cyber-entries into a loan book? It's not only possible; it's been done. Continue

Time to Break Up the Banks

By Peter Rothberg

This new video, which neatly breaks down the causes and effects of the economic crisis. Continue

Illiteracy in High Places

Forgetting What We Learned

By Paul Craig Roberts

The hubris is extraordinary. A bankrupt government that has to send its Treasury Secretary begging to China thinks it can spend limitless amounts in a futile effort to control the culture, mores, and political system of distant Afghanistan. Continue

U.S. jobless rate hits 9.4 percent: The BLS said the unemployment rate continued to rise, increasing to 9.4 percent from 8.9 percent. Steep job losses continued in manufacturing, while declines moderated in construction and several service-providing industries.

Canada Jobless Rate Hits 11-Year High, Led by Plants : A net 41,800 people lost their job during the month and the unemployment rate climbed more than expected to 8.4 percent, Statistics Canada said today in Ottawa.

Jobless Rate in Europe Rises Further: The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the 16 countries that use the euro currency rose to 9.2 percent in April, the highest rate since September 1999, from 8.9 percent in March, the Eurostat agency, the bloc’s statistics office, said Tuesday. In April 2008, the unemployment rate was 7.3 percent.

Ireland's unemployment rate hits 13-year high of 11.8 percent; welfare claims at record high: The report said the number of people claiming jobless benefits has nearly doubled over the past year to 397,000, an unprecedented high dating back to the foundation of the Irish state in 1922.

Housing Bubble Caused Great Depression, Too

Ingredients For Bull Run On Gold, Gold Stocks There

China Considers Buying $50B In IMF Bonds

German GDP To Fall 6%

Credit Card Rates Rise Despite Low Bank Rate

US Mtge Rates Surge To Highest Since December

What A State-Run GM Could Do

Uganda Oil Reserves Rival Saudi Arabia - US Expert

US Regulator Details Derivative Plans

Ex-Countrywide Chief Exec Charged With Fraud

House Seeks Bigger (ANY) Scrutiny Over Fed

Brown Resignation Rumor - Pound Plunges

British Airways Won't Rule Out End Of Pensions

Baby Boomers Last To Retire With Good Deals

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