Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Trump, Unprompted, Tells GOP Donors He Doesn’t Like Having Women Pee on Him

7-Eleven breached customer privacy by collecting facial imagery without consent

After 20 years, it's time to repeal the Patriot Act and begin to dismantle the surveillance state | After 9/11, Congress gave the government unchecked authority to spy on its own people. It's been a disaster

Native American Woman In Oklahoma Convicted Of Manslaughter Over Miscarriage

Today I was called a conspiracy theorist by someone who makes 50k a year because I pointed out that the wealthy use complicated investment and accounting techniques and pay off politicians to hide money from the tax man.

Rich people aren’t the problem, the problem is half of America makes 50k a year but they defend the rich like they are going to be rich themselves one day. News flash, American dream died along time ago. Wake up and stop defending the obscenely wealthy. This whole system is a fraudulent joke. That is why we are all here, because honest hard work only leads to more hard work in this country now because greedy billionaires have sucked the country dry for too long.

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