Saturday, October 23, 2021



The fastest-spinning white dwarf ever seen rotates once every 25 seconds

“The Founders never intended for Americans to trust their government. Our entire Constitution was predicated on the notion that government was a necessary evil, to be restrained and minimized as much as possible." - Rand Paul

Edward Snowden: ‘If you weaken encryption, people will die’

There is a mountain of evidence being released detailing the plot to steal the 2020 election. This thread starts to put the puzzle pieces in place.

Bitcoin's Price Crashed 87% on a Major Exchange Thanks to a Bug

Liberal poll worker proves instance of voter fraud and collects bounty from Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

Internet providers collect "staggering" amounts of data -- U.S. FTC chair

China launches WW3

I have been searching for a while and I can't find anybody who is talking seriously about China igniting the next world war. When you think about all of the global issues plaguing the world today there is a theme that emerges that implicates China as a major international aggressor. Instead of crafting into a narrative, I will just put some info into bullet points.

  1. Sometime during the Cold war, between the 70's and 80's, China put their hat in the ring to become the world's leader for manufacturing, energy, and labor.

  2. 1980s/1990s, The West becomes intrigued about China's cheap manufacturing potential and starts scouting manufacturing opportunities.

  3. 1980/1990 large American enterprises are seeking globalization to fatten the margins and the PRC grants favors to all private and public orgs that support the PRC.

  4. 1980-2020 - The entire planet becomes reliant on China for producing a majority of raw materials, most of the planet becomes reliant on China for manufacturing goods, a great deal of the planet relies on China for fuel, and a good chunk of the world relies on China for its very survival.

  5. 2018/19 - China release COVID-19 from lab materials. This is controversial i know but, there are plenty of solid sources that cry foul play. I include it here because it supports my argument, however my main argument is not dependent upon this point.

  6. 2018-2019-2020 COVID-19 sends a test shock to our global system. The experiment results show that governments and economies have been creating conditions for a breakdown. By various tax policies and prioritization of EBITDA as a success marker, Authorities have been effectivily penalizing the holding of inventory and thus promoting a world reliant upon 'just in time' manufacturing. The switch has shown our global supply chains to be extremely exposed to any outside influence.

  7. 2021 - After a history of barely budging on emissions, China suddenly claims an environmental duty to shut off huge portions of the countries' coal generated power. Which shuts down the power source for a majority of customers both industrially and commercially.
    This move forces production heavy prefects to halt operation both abruptly and indefinitely, since they will be unable to meet any of the "enironmental quotas"

  8. China's energy shutdown and raw material's supply chain disruption have brought the global exonomy to its knees. Countries can no longer manufacture goods, process raw materials, or transport raw materials due to material/energy/infrastructure/chemical/political shortages. China forces the world to realize that we have allowed them a stranglehold on every aspect of our economical society.

  9. 2022 - Shortages and inflation begin in early 2022. Total unavailability of goods/ hyper inflation by late 2022. China announces dominion over Taiwan and Tibet late 2022

  10. 2023 brings mass starvation/disease/and violence to the global proletariat. China and its allies gain a majority of global power and then assert dominance over the entire Pacific Region.

  11. The West finally decides to put an end to the nonsense but by then it is too later. WW3 commences.

I don't really think this scenario is far from the mark and I really want to know why nobody is talking about it. Has anyone been censored?

NASA reveals having received a mysterious signal of unknown origin from Mars

An Ancient Text From 440 BC Reveals Advanced Machines Built The Pyramids Of Egypt

The 'Law and Order' Republican Party Just Overwhelmingly Voted in Favor of Letting Steve Bannon Do Whatever He Wants

U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time

Joe Manchin, who’s made $4.5 million from coal, is shooting down our climate hopes.

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