Sunday, October 24, 2021


 States that cutoff of jobless aid see no surge of job seekers

Wife of Rep. Mike Kelly may have used 'confidential information' she got via her husband to reap thousands in a stock, report says

I think the government doesn't control the government anymore. It's fully run by pharmaceutical and large corporations who give ALL the orders. Corporatocracy

I don't just mean like oh yes the government takes money from big pharma and big corporations. I am starting to believe the entire country is run 100% by pharmaceutical companies and corporations.

Think about it. The government does NOT care about your health. Healthcare is costly, people die by preventable illnesses every day. But they want to mandate vaccines for "the health of the people" and it's free for every body?

Feels like something isn't being told. Like the gov owes these companies something. They got into bed with them and can't get out.

Everything from mandates, journalism, gov agencies, they are ALL corrupt. FDA tells you sugar cereal is healthy, and other medications are healthy, but then will ban certain health supplements or raw milk. Ban any alternative medicine but opioids are FDA approved (with prescription of course). FDA controlled by big pharma. Hence why FDA members are often board members of the large companies.

The list goes on and can be an entire essay.

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia 1906, the Rothschilds are considered the guardians of the papal treasure.

Meanwhile, on /r/geology: M4.9 earthquake on La Palma makes main cone collapse

La Palma,, Take a look at the earthquakes appearing as grids. Weaponized natural disaster?

Self-Fact-Checking 101

You can tell if something is true by looking for the following signs:

  • Facebook Blocks it

  • Twitter Deletes it

  • Google Hides it

  • YouTube Bans it

  • Government Forbids it

  • and the Media Lables it a "Conspiracy".

I guess its time to teach you the real reason La Palma is being watched like a hawk...


For those wondering, this is a basalt flooding event, all we can do is PRAY that it stops.

The reason this is terrifying is because the worst case scenario is called "A large igneous province" caused by continuous basalt flooding, it would destroy the entire planet and change the chemical composition of our oceans and atmosphere.

Everything you heard about Covert Operation Via Infectious Disease, island collapse, etc, its all just a distraction from the real truth.

Warming, flooding the atmosphere with sulfur dioxide, sulfurous microbes becoming extremely prevalent, melting of the oceanic methane clathrate leading to even quicker ocean acidification, the interglacial period (leaving an ice age still mofos) exponential shortening, etc.

It would fuck us so fucking bad. Even if its short, it may effect growing seasons for years, leading to famine, etc.

No one has talked about this once and everyone is just "fear jerking" over an island collapse.

TL;DR: Island collapse is a ploy, this is a basalt flood, if its a large enough event and leads to a new "large igneous province" caused by a large basalt flooding event, its over.

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