Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Cryptocurrency Is Bunk - Cryptocurrency promises to liberate the monetary system from the clutches of the powerful. Instead, it mostly functions to make wealthy speculators even wealthier.


They are eroding people's trust in fiat and pushing us towards alternatives.

Crypto is by far the most popular right now, with lots of folks thinking it is some panacea to evade the globalist banks and governments. Do not fall for this scam.

SHA-256 algorithm was created by the NSA

We have no idea who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

Countries are quickly 'recognizing' and integrating it. It is legal almost everywhere and some like El Salvador have either or are considering adopting it as Legal Tender.

El Salvador. THE SAVIOR. Subliminal signaling to the people that crypto is the savior.

It is a way to make people feel they are taking back financial freedom from the big banks and governemnts. WRONG !! They can turn off the internet and electricity anytime they want and getting it back up is going to be near impossible for most.

Your money will be tied up in a few lines of useless code.

Buy physical assets. Buy precious metals and land. Buy guns.

Mark Zuckerberg ‘bought’ 2020 election for Biden with ‘staggering’ funding, new analysis suggests

$590 mil in ransomware payments reported to U.S. in 2021 as attacks surge

After spending 100 years of afghanistan's gdp to "help" the country, things have improved to the point where 100% of Afghani people live in poverty

Israel Assassinates Former Syrian Legislator in Golan

GOP senator calls for senility test for aging leaders

  1. crypto is a big bubble that is competing with the fiat bubble in a game of chicken who bursts first.

  2. burning supply to artificially pump the price is a giga red flag and will make ETH lose market share to its competitors which will ultimately REDUCE its price (compared to what it could have been) instead of increasing it.

  3. if a coin with the codebase of bitcoin would release today it would be labeled a shitcoin and forgotten faster than the average time it would take to make a block, which to be fair, takes a while.

  4. crypto will not make everybody "financially free". if everybody is rich, nobody is. you just want to ride on the back of the people that missed the crypto train that then have to work for you if crypto really flips fiat at some point.

  5. its not enough for crypto to be "not as bad" as the traditional banking system.
    want to be the future? behave like it. be efficient. don't waste a fuckton of energy. don't have fees that make it impossible to buy a fucking ice cream without paying double.

  6. every coin/token was at some point centralized. decentralization is a process. judge a crypto by the effort it makes to get there.

  7. the average crypto investor has such a limited knowledge of cryptography and/or economics it SCARES ME.

Donald Trump Asks Supporters for $45 Each to Help 'Solve the Election Fraud'

The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks

Sen. Bernie Sanders Backs John Deere Strike, Citing CEO Salary up 160% During Pandemic

Capitol Siege Defendant Who Admitted Tasing Michael Fanone Files Court Documents Suggesting He Was 'Acting Upon' Donald Trump's 'Authorization'

A Florida federal judge appointed the Rosen Law Firm PA on Friday to lead multidistrict litigation that alleges stock-trading app Robinhood caused more than $10 billion in market capitalization losses after its customers were hit in January with trading restrictions on GameStop

Marjorie Taylor Greene called a "Communist" by Qanon.

Re: Chinese hypersonic missiles and our "shocked" intelligence community: We've seen this movie before, and it ends with our spy services and defense contractors asking for a hundred billion dollars to catch up.

There was no Soviet missile gap but they lied about it to get a lot of money. There were no WMD's in Iraq but they lied about it to get a lot of money. There was catastrophic failure on 9/11 but we gave the people who were asleep at the wheel a lot of money.

Now, a mere few weeks after the clusterf**k in Afghanistan where we handed the Taliban enough arms to make them the 3rd largest defense budget in the world--we suddenly have a new threat: the Chinese built a hypersonic missile (which is redundant, but never mind) that supposedly came within only 30 miles of hitting its target. Ratheon and General Dynamics! Call your lobbyists!

The Earth Is Inside an Enormous Cosmic Tunnel, New Research Proposes - The new model proposes a filament-like magnetic tunnel encompassing the entire solar system, explaining two mysterious features of the sky

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