Thursday, October 28, 2021



Happy Anniversary Shirley!

La Palma research

There is a great deal of speculation around La Palma. Experts have rushed to downplay the tsunami potential after it began erupting. Unfortunately, we are currently awaiting a 5.0 earthquake between 10-15 km in depth before the tsunami hazard becomes a greater possibility. I've added a URL from a scientific paper. Note that there are atmospheric implications in addition to the tsunami that are not being discussed.

Politicians Profiting on Inside Knowledge

WTF! I get so tired of seeing these articles. Why are we allowing people with access to inside information to buy short term call options that capitalize on inside information !!! 🤬

Lobbyists are up there on Capitol Hill doing sleazy things. Likely giving insider tips to politicians in exchange for a bill to be passed or a bill to be blocked. So instead of the old way of corporations paying politicians, they now just alert the politicians when stock price moves are going to happen. So there is no direct payment to trace.

New rule. When you give up private life and become a politician, you can only invest in the S&P index. If you want to make more money, then you need to exit political life.

People, stop fighting over what bathroom people should use and start paying attention to how your government MUST change. Demand it!

Elon Musk is assisting with the destruction of our financial system.

As I hope many of you are aware, our financial system is built upon a house of cards. Our fiat system of monetary policy is based off of nothing. Nada. Kaput. It was taken off of the gold standard decades ago.

Over the past few days we’ve seen $Shib grow enormously and up millions of % over the past year. People who invested a paycheck a few months ago are now millionaires/billionaires. Others have made life changing money off of it even if not millions. It just further outlines how ridiculous our financial system is, and how the money is as real as monopoly money.

Back to Elon Musk. Elon is the worlds richest person sans Rothschilds/Soros/Morgan etc. Elon is also the biggest proponent of cryptocurrencies, often supporting projects like $Doge, $BTC and $ETH. Elon knows the power of influence holds.

Our financial system is facing a dire future regardless of Elon and cryptocurrencies. Inflation is ramping up, money printing has never been greater, and the wealth transfer to the top 1% over the last year really stands out. Elon is not only prepping himself for this, but all of us as well.

Once Elon begins tweeting about $Doge, $BTC, $ETH, and other cryptos AGAIN, the prices will skyrocket like never before. People already invested will gain millions/billions, while normies who are late to the party will FOMO in. The timing of everything is lining up quite nicely.

Elon tweets about cryptos -> pumps the prices to the moon -> HODLers profit -> normies invest in -> fiat inflation causes more and more people to invest -> inflation keeps devaluing the dollar -> financial system collapse. People will see the house of cards with their own eyes and it will come crashing down. Elon is playing a huge role in this.

TL;DR: invest in cryptos/gold/silver/land/property/etc before the financial system collapses. Any saving you have in dollar will be decimated.

Republicans and Democrats are two heads of the same coin.

For only $1.2 million you too can buy a congressman to work against the common man! The records don't lie Toomey, you are a traitor to the American people!

It's interesting Pat Toomey introduced a bill to protect PFOF considering His second largest contributor is the DTCC....

Article discussing his bill:

Toomey's campaign contributors are listed below, the second largest personal contributor being the DTCC. Numbers 5, 8, 16 and 20 are also very interesting and merit further investigation.

Toomey has received ~$1,200,000 + in above board donations between Securities and Investment groups, Retirement Funds, Large Banks and more!

A Message to those assholes in Washington giving away our financial freedom for personal gains: We are watching you. We are documenting your transgressions against The People and it will be remembered. Your thinly veiled attempts at stopping the 99 from rising up in the interest of the Oligarchy is treason against your own countrymen!

WE are The People, not Kenny G, not Citadel, not the DTCC or NSCC or any of those assholes. We fix your cars, we cook your dinner, we watch you while you sleep. Remember whose back you're stabbing, because eventually it'll be the wrong one.

EDIT 1: for accuracy, it should read how much to buy a senator. Toomey is a member of the senate finance committee, not a congressman.

EDIT 2: This is a HUGELY Important edit. While this post is talking about a politician, it is not partisan. This is not Red vs. Blue. This is not "we should have elected this person" or "Russia is to blame" or whatever. This is the ApeWatch, a concept I'm kicking off, to document the corruption in the markets and no matter how you look at it politicians and their actions are part of it.

Toomey is not being seen here as a GOP Senator. He is being looked at for who he is: A corrupt piece of shit who is selling out The People of The World to pay back a debt he has to people who got him elected. It doesn't matter how he got there. All that matters is hiring this guy to fight against your financial freedom only cost $1.2 million.

It’s been less than 24 hours and the billionaires tax has already been shut down

Are you serious? Guys, one of the highlights of my year was yesterday after seeing that someone actually proposed a tax that would make Billionaires pay something. After all the shit we’ve been going through for over a year now, it was a taste of change. And it’s already gone.

I wanted so badly to believe that the struggle was really going to do something this time. I used to avoid news more often, but I started watching when employees were standing up for their jobs and their health, when pay started (minimally) increasing, and I just sat there, like a hopeful idiot.

Now I just see the new proposal to actually tax billionaires who haven’t paid anything in years, a tax plan that would have given them 3 YEARS to PREPARE to pay their taxes, get struck down in less than a day.

Bioweapon found in Walmart air freshener which causes Covid symptoms and pneumonia, deaths have been caused, Walmart recalling. Now the World Wildlife Fund is also getting involved with air freshener, EcoHealth are partners with them.

The pandemic may not be all that it seems, bio-weapons are being discovered in air fresheners, fortunately some of them have now been busted and Walmart are recalling them.

"discovery of Burkholderia pseudomallei-contaminated room freshener being sold at one of the country’s largest big box chain required urgent action."


The bacteria causes Melioidosis - "Melioidosis, also known as Whitmore Disease, is a largely tropical or subtropical disease caused by the bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei." ... "The United States and Soviet Union biological weapons programs both studied melioidosis as a possible biological weapons agent."


Typically manifesting as severe pneumonia - "Melioidosis is an endemic disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Concerns exist regarding B. pseudomallei use as a potential bio-threat agent causing persistent infections and typically manifesting as severe pneumonia capable of causing fatal bacteremia."


The company that has been caught spreading the bioweapon in its airfreshener is Better Homes and Gardens.

However, Be Warned! A partner of EcoHealth (formerly known as the Wildlife Trust) has also got involved in air fresheners too. The World Wildlife Trust (WWF) have recently partnered with AirWick to make a special air freshener. The WWF are partners with Ecohealth in the Preventing Pandemics coalition, of course we know very well that pandemics help the almost identical agendas of both EcoHealth and WWF, who want the global population reduced and a mass rewilding of the planet. So when they say they are 'preventing pandemics', any thinking person knows it means it exactly the opposite. Spraying bio-weapons via air freshener makes it appear that there is a deadly virus circulating person-to-person, which then allows for Gates, WEF and Co to push their experimental injections onto humanity = a depopulation double-whammy.

Think very wisely before using any air fresheners from large companies, try to use only natural options which multi-national corporations and foundations cannot have contaminated or interfered with.

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