Tuesday, October 26, 2021



I believe TPTB are covering up the situation unfolding at La Palma!

The title says it all, I’ve been watching this YouTube live stream of the volcano; LaPalma Livestream

The live chat censors and deletes any talks of a full on collapse or any talks of tsunamis forming. They have 3 different angles of the live feed; all the live chats are censoring as such.

I also downloaded an app called QuakeFeed . This was the top rated app for watching seismic activity on apples App Store; it was the first option when you hit search. That app shows 0 seismic activity out of the La Palma island; ZER0!

Here is a link to a website who is reporting the earthquakes at La Palma; view here

What do y’all think of this?

CEO Mark Zuckerberg responds to the massive Facebook document dump

Thomas Jeffersons thoughts on private banks.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.”

Thomas Jefferson


The (entertaining) history of the Federal Reserve...


US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, suggests imposing a tax on unrealized capital gains. This means stock gains will be taxed even when they have not been sold. It also means that taxes will be owed when the value of a home appreciates, even though it has not been sold.

Rep. Mo Brooks shifted blame onto his staff after he was accused of helping to organise the January 6 Capitol rally

Marjorie Taylor Greene fumes after explosive report links her to Jan. 6 ‘Stop the Steal’ rally

As if Covid hasn’t done enough to destroy small business —— Janet Yellen's Idea to Tax (steal) 'Unrealized Capital Gains' is "an act of war against the middle-class"

The Facebook Papers Spur More Calls to 'Break Them Up!'

How Hillary and Trump primed the world for the Covid Plandemic

Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton were/are partners in the plandemic and the NWO. Here's how:

For months, and even years, before the 2016 election the media fed the brainwashed masses the idea that Hillary was a the front runner for the White House. Once Trump came along, she was guaranteed to win because he just didn't have a chance according to the media. The media went on and on about what a landslide victory it would be. Irt was obvious that they were pushing a narrative. They were so convincing that weeks before the election people were already celebrating the first female president and referring to her upcoming presidency as if it was fact.

And then, they pulled the carpet from underneath these fools and handed Trump the victory. Whether it was a legitimate win or not is irrelevant because as we know, they can choose whichever winner they want regardless of the vote. The Trump victory completely demoralized Hillary's people and from that point on, they would do anything to get revenge for such an embarrassing defeat/wound to their egos. Of all people to lose to, pussy grabbing Trump was the best to throw Hillary's supporters into a tailspin of narcissistic rage.

All of the stories about Hillary having a meltdown and losing her mind on election night are bogus. Her delayed concession speech was bullshit theater. Behind the scenes they were all laughing and celebrating the coming new world order that they have been working so hard to bring to fruition their entire adult lives.

They allowed Hillary supporters to stew for 3+ year before they offered them a deal with the devil. If they bought into the pandemic they would get their revenge against Donald Trump and his supporters. So, without any concern for reality, facts, or actual science, they bought right in and jumped on board with the plandemic. It's clear that the majority of people have the necessary intelligence to see what's going on, but they have ben so mindfucked by their own narcissistic delusions that they have lost their ability to think autonomously. They are trapped in the matrix.

On the other side of the coin, a similar ruse was pulled on Trump supporters. Trump supporters were intentionally demoralized by the 2020 loss to Biden. So much so that they were also unable to see the truth about team Hillary/Trump or their role in the plandemic. So many people bought into the idea that Trump was a good guy that they also willingly bought in to the plandemic. Many also took the vaccine because Trump told them to take it.

The powers that be have a deep understanding of human behavior and psychology that makes modern psychology look like a joke. They acquired this knowledge from ancient cultures and civilizations that were far more advanced than we are. They know how to control and manipulate the masses using the ego, narcissism, and fear. We're all surrounded by literal narcissistic zombies who are incapable of rational, intelligent thought because they have been lobotomized. Their subconscious mind has been hijacked and they are so deluded that they will attack anyone that attempts to speak the truth to them.

All politicians including Trump are just puppets of the powers that be.

Take everything the media says as lies.

Food-grade solvent can be used to extract rare earth metals from coal ash

A Pair of Jan. 6 Planners Just Rolled on Their Congressional Accomplices

Here's the FBI's Internal Guide for Getting Data from AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon | The newly obtained document shows in granular detail the sort of data that the country's carriers keep, and for how long.

In 2000, a Disneyland ticket cost $41. It's just increased to $164.

Biden Denies Trump Request To Cover Up His Role In The Jan. 6 Insurrection. Again.

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