Sunday, October 31, 2021


 Aurora borealis could be visible in wide swaths of continental US, Europe on Saturday because of large solar flare

911 transcripts filed in updated “Trump Train” lawsuit reveal San Marcos police refused to send escort to Biden bus

Pro-Trump rioter who declared she was 'tired of paying taxes to crooks' owed $35K in back taxes: feds

BREAKING: 'Strong' Geomagnetic Storm Watch (G3) For October 30 AND October 31, 2021 Issued By NOAA

Who Owns The Media? - Powerful 2019 Expose'- Zionists and Council on Foreign Relations in Control of Mainstream Media and Talking Points. Look No Further to See Who is Dividing, Inflaming, Propagandizing and Fearmongering the American People

Covid-19 has killed more people in the US than HIV/Aids did in 40 years

It’s clear capitalism isn’t working when US politicians try to bring back child labor

I ran for office as a Republican in Virginia, but now I'm voting for the Democratic candidate for governor because the GOP has lost its way.

Woman fills her car with gas, goes to her apartment, dies of 20 stab wounds. Medical examiner rules it a suicide.

Trump wants call logs, aide's notes hidden from Jan 6 panel...

The government is manufacturing the shortages.

I believe the US government is purposely manufacturing shortages in order to establish the great reset. Inflation in the US has been snuffed since the 70's switch to the petrodollar, and the economy has never truly recovered from the dot com bubble. All major composites are showing what looks to be the holy grail of bubbles.

r/conspiracy - The government is manufacturing the shortages.

Sure many of you are familiar with this image, but those aren't should take a close look at the 00' dot com bubble.

The total currency in circulation (M1) has increased by historical amounts, and conveniently the tracker has been discontinued as a means of assessing the economy. Also convenient is that it aligns with the obvious bubble we are in.

r/conspiracy - The government is manufacturing the shortages.

M1 Money Supply

The CPI is being suppressed by the FED, who assess current inflation at 5.4%. These numbers are fudged, and don't include energy costs in the rating. I'm almost certain they're also manipulating the percentages provided, as many are reporting much more drastic cost increases. If they were being true to the info they've provided, inflation would track at 9.7%

r/conspiracy - The government is manufacturing the shortages.

Current CPI

Unemployment rates are being fudged, tracked currently at 4.8%. They aren't tracking anyone who has been unemployed over 6 months. ~300,000 jobs "created", this number is comprised mostly of those who have switched employers. Many are reporting being incapable of getting jobs even in the "unskilled" sectors.

r/conspiracy - The government is manufacturing the shortages.

There are reports of this number actually being in the ~15%+ range

The list just goes on and on...Now we'll get in to the "conspiracy."Is it not odd that amidst all of this, the fed continues to print more and more money on things which we simply do not have the funds for? Infrastructure is simply not feasible when your citizens can barely function. We are going to print another 3 trillion after printing a total of currency equal to 30% of what was circulating?

The government is reporting a shortage on almost all commodities, and yet they are implementing mandates which are inherently limiting their shipment, transport and sales. You will never have a 100% vaccination rate, it is simply not feasible. Applying these standards to indepent contractors, many of which refuse the vaccine, is bound to further fuck up supply lines. With the obvious censorship we see across social media, it should be a mystery that r/antiwork has been allowed to grow to the state it has. That is unless you realize that this narrative is being encouraged. The gov wants the public to stay out of work right now.

The majority of wealth created by said pandemic went to corporations, and the entire pandemic played right in to their hands. Mass fear spread by propaganda has caused large scale psychosis allowing those corps to enact their plan unscrutinized. Evictions en masse, Blackrock and friends buy up all properties. Mass climate concerns, Gates and friends buying up farmland. Manufactured shortages increase the price of goods, and wages are not increasing to meet the demand.

If we reference the two paragraphs above, I believe we get their motive. Corporations alongside the government will own everything. The dollar is going to hyperinflate, slowly crushing you and your family if you aren't prepared. Is it not convenient that at a time where economic future is extremely uncertain, workers en masse are being encouraged to not work at all? The masses will be silently crushed until they are begging for something different. Their assets will be used for survival, their homes sold to corps, their possessions sold for food.

Thus we get the solution, we build back better!Universal basic income will be implemented, and debts will be erased, but only if you comply with the government's measures. It's likely that a centralized digital currency will be implemented, and all of your assets will be tracked. They're already implementing bank tracing, attempting to place taxes on unrealized gains, and with the soon to arrive vaccine passports they'll slowly worm you in to complying with a digital passport containing all of your info. The joke about phones being all they need to track you is a perfect primer for it becoming the norm. Everything you do, everywhere you guy, everything you buy, there will be a record. In effect, you become a commodity, just another statistic.

You willll own nothing and you will be happy.

There’s a lot more to the Chevron news making the rounds about the lawyer that was investigating them being put in prison.

Stunning auroras will be visible across the northern US this weekend Astronomy

China drafts tough rules to stop data from leaving its borders as Beijing tightens grip on information

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