Sunday, May 01, 2022


The problems with Elon Musk’s plan to open-source the Twitter algorithm | It could introduce new security risks while doing little to boost transparency 

DRAMA: Election probe in Georgia to seat special grand jury...

The Don loses bid to lift contempt charge; Swears can't find subpoenaed docs...

Republican who refuses to bend the knee surges in Ohio...

'Hang Mike Pence' rioters acted on orders 'from above,' Jan. 6 investigator says...

Second Oath Keeper pleads to seditious conspiracy...

Inside House Freedom Caucus' identity crisis...

Greene and Boebert nearly came to blows...

Georgia City Reckons With New District, Led by MTG...

Don’t let the media and pundit class fool you into thinking Democrats have gone too far left. It's corporate hogwash. 88% of Americans want to lower drug prices. 84% want to expand Medicare. 73% support paid family leave. These policies aren't "far-left." They're common sense.

Exxon, Chevron post massive Q1 profits amid soaring gas prices

This is insane. In the last three months: Exxon DOUBLED its profits to $5,500,000,000. Chevron QUADRUPLED its profits to $6,300,000,000. All while we suffered through the highest gas prices in US history. Big Oil does not care about us. We need a windfall profits tax NOW.

The status of key investigations involving Donald Trump Probes of Trump’s business and political conduct are underway in multiple places.

Remind us which party incited an insurrection on the US Capitol. Which party is passing total abortion bans in the states. Which party thinks climate change is a hoax. Which party is banning books. But sure, it’s the left that’s sprinting off the cliff.

Elon Musk: I need $1.5 billion or SpaceX will go broke Feds: Approved Lloyd Blankfein: I need $824 billion for Goldman Sachs Feds: Approved Charles Koch: I need a $1.4 billion tax break Feds: Approved Average Joe: My wife got cancer. Can we get Medicare? Feds: We're bankrupt

does anyone else notice that when these people talk about “free speech”, it’s almost never about the freedom to challenge power and systemic abuse, and almost always about the freedom to denigrate marginalized people without being criticized for it?

Alex Jones receives over $1 million in Bitcoin from anonymous billionaire. Infowars is funded by wealthy elites who keep their identities in the shadows

Food Shortages Are Coming, And Not Because Of Anything But TPTB And Their Intentional Acts.

Ok so there’s all these food distribution centers that “Burned” or got destroyed, and now millions of chicken and turkeys have been killed over “Avian Bird Flu” and China & Bill Gates have purchased millions of farmland in the past two years. Oh yeah the Governments has paid hundred of thousand farmers to “Retire” early around the world on the conditions they destroy their crops. And let’s not forget that fertilizer shortages and price hikes. Do you get it and understand now, that our political leaders are intentionally starting a food shortage in the US and globally? I’ll post the links for each topic below, you decide what you think?

Food processing plants;

22+ million Chickens and Turkeys bird flu;

China and 6ill 6ates buying up farmland in the US;

Biden Admin and UK paying farmers for early retirement to stop farming;

IMF warns of Global Food Crisis;

Fertilizer prices skyrocketing;

Fertilizer Shortages;

I’ve done the work for the second time, last time my post was ignored. And because it was ignored I decided to delete it, but I’m trying again to see your thoughts and opinions regarding this?

And a final list of items that will be missing by summer;

Theory: Joe Biden was chosen for the sole purpose of taking all the blame for the collapse of the USA that is actually bring directed by the ruling elite (Rothschilds, Khazarian Mafia, Skull and Bones, CIA, Rockefellers, Gates, Schwab, Musk, etc.) so the NPCs don't know they are actually behind it

Idaho Republican found guilty of raping teenage legislative intern

Putin ‘to undergo cancer operation and hand power to hardline ex-spy chief’, says ‘Kremlin insider’ in shock claim

FBI Searched the Data of Millions of Americans Without Warrants

Figliuzzi, during an appearance on the Really American PAC’s “Talking Heads” show, said Carlson’s on-air parroting of Kremlin propaganda before and during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has “gone way beyond free speech.”

Remember, when cornered in court and under oath, their networks identify them as entertainment.

IT’S COMING: France announces digital ID

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