Thursday, May 26, 2022


 Tesla Stock Losses Top $575 Billion As 'Investor Patience Wears Thin' With Elon Musk's Twitter ‘Circus Show’

We need mental health reform not gun reform. If we didn’t have a bunch of nuts running around they wouldn’t commit mass murder that simple.

The govt and big pharma have purposely gotten in the way of serious reform in that area. Pushing toxic antidepressants that make people dead inside and psychotic While banning actual natural remedies such as psilocybin and cannabis. The state with the help of corporations deny its citizens medicine for big pharma poison.

Judge rules Tesla can’t hide behind arbitration in sexual harassment case.

Florida’s social media free speech law has been blocked for likely violating free speech laws

A $280 billion investment fund wants to boot all of Meta and Twitter's directors over their handling of the Buffalo shooting

The Handmaid's Trail — S.T.O.P. - The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project

ExxonMobil Loses Bid to Nix Climate Change Lawsuit

“Tough to forge” digital driver’s license is… easy to forge

A new Senate report finds the government is unprepared to stop ransomware attacks

China Develops Plan To Destroy Elon Musk's Starlink Satellites

Federal Trade Commission launches investigation into reports baby formula firms engaged in deceptive practices and price gouging and whether the GOVERNMENT contributed to supply chain chaos that caused widespread shortage

I think the Government/ Wef/ Who/ Elites will keep murdering children until we surrender our Gun rights.

First things first:

  • The parents are NOT Crisis actors.

  • Actual children HAD been murdered.

  • I deeply, deeply hope that the parents of this terrible tragedy will, in time, find peace. I can't begin to elaborate how hard my heart goes out to them.

That said; someone clearly wants to take away our gun rights.

500,000 people died in Iran, George Bush recently admitted that the war was "unjustified and brutal." It was also previously discovered that the 'Weapons of mass destruction' narrative was a lie.

This is just one example, out of countless others, which demonstrates how little the people at the top care about us tax slaves. We, our Children, our loved ones are all pawns to them.

Please understand how little they care about you.

However, people in the United States specifically, are unique in the fact we are also very dangerous. We are the most independently armed nation in the world. We have a strong Gun lobby that is funded by its citizens.

This is very inconvenient for them.

So, what can these psychopaths do? Simple, they start killing our children.

  • Isn't it a bit weird how many of these mass shootings target children? (Our most protected citizens)

  • Isn't it a bit weird how they offer only one real solution to the problem? (Gun control)

  • Isn't it a bit weird how the number of these mass shootings exploded in the past 10 years? (NWO)

Alright, I said what I needed to say.

Did you know the Navy spent $600,000 to hide the online photos of the aerial view of the Navy Seal Barracks in San Diego? Didn't work.

Live the truth or live the lie

From everything I've learned about conspiracies and spirituality I think I understand it. We are trapped in this matrix. We are on this moving ball or lava. Time doesn't exist and money just has power for poor rich and middle people.

We work jobs We don't need to to live in houses to pay for it to work. Light gas etc. Energy is unlimited but nikola tesla was killed. Cars ran on water. We are poisoned daily. We are told we need to brush our teeth and eat fake food. We can't grow our own or drink clean water.

We wear shoes so we can't feel the ground and earth's Energy. So we can always stay on low vibration. The music we listen to and movies we watch keep it is a dazed slump and controlled. We can't be free thinkers and free ourselves. We are drowning in debt because we let that happen. We live in the matrix because we don't wanna leave our friends and family. We care too much. Not all of us but most of us.

Everything we use is so bad for us. Fake processed food. If we tried to eat healthy it's still gmo with chemicals. Even if we grow our own are we suddenly healthy? Do we get cancer from the sun or is it actually good for us. We wash our clothes with more chemicals. Detergent and softener. We don't need clothes. But we live in a society where everything is played out and controlled. We program ourselves to put deodorant on perfume body spray. ALL this extra chemicals we keep pumping ourselves with on a daily. Shampoo conditioner. People on tiktok literally have a product for each body part. Oh this is good for my eyes, this is good for my skin, this is good for my ears. Just so much chemicals..even from washing dishes.

We learn We need those things to look good to feel good and confident but we are only doing more harm.

We grew up in a house with stuff in it we don't need so we grow up and do the samething we see our parents do or saw on TV. We watch TV and get into hobbies so we can say it's ok and deal with it and be distracted. Even people who live a healthy life are financially stable have a happy family and house are they still in the matrix are they really happy?

If my purpose is just a human experience how can i forget that and just live and be happy? We worship actors and singers who might be doing satanic stuff in the background.

Unless we escape the matrix. WHAT is escaping the matrix like though? Living naked in nature and off the grid alone? Is that true happiness? Once you do that are you achieving enlightenment?

I know people who live like that and tribes monks etc live to be 120 years old or something. Living in the USA you are not going to live that long.

Me personally I find myself in the middle. I dont want to be lied to. Believing in aliens and Bigfoot is cool. But believing in cloning celebrities and pizzagate makes me sick and sad. We are glued to social media endless subscriptions and ipads and phones even wireless headphones so much radiation and vaccums can connect to Bluetooth wifi now? Everyone wants a smart home but some don't see how bad for your health that is.

I love video games and collecting stuff. Drawing, books. But I know its a distraction. I know video game consoles are my life yet they are the same devices that do harm frequency devices. I dont wanna feel so alone anymore. Something tells me i should ignore everything and keep living the lie. But i also wanna learn how to sage and get rid of negative energy and use my brain to do things we are not meant to learn and know. Sometimes i dont wanna know or learn too much because i feel like ill loose interest in life and loose my purpose and just make it up and feel pointless. Thoughts?

Why Is America Polarized? The Answer May Surprise You

Twitter suspends user for linking WEF clip of speaker stating "We need a re-calibration of human rights like freedom of speech"

Sussmann trial: MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC ignore testimony that Clinton OK’d leaking of Trump-Russian allegations.

Biden openly admits that manufactured fuel scarcity is another one of his globalist puppetmasters' scams.

DuckDuckGo caught giving Microsoft permission for trackers despite strong privacy reputation

Southern Baptists to Release List of Ministers Accused of Sexual Abuse - They actually had a secret list of rapists and pedophiles and did not release it to the police

Republicans seized on a study as proof of Google’s bias. Its authors say it's being misrepresented.

Russia has fired more missiles in the Ukraine war than have been fired by any country in any conflict since WWII—and has shockingly little to show for it.

over 90% of the mass shooters in the last 30 years have been on Pharmaceuticals, or had just stopped taking them. This is what the Pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know. They are trying to blame guns, to take the spotlight off of them.

Earth’s orbital debris problem is worsening, and policy solutions are difficult

Tennessee makes camping on public land a felony.

Exxon must go to trial over alleged climate crimes, court rules

Russia ready to allow ships leaving Ukraine with food in exchange of lifting of sanctions

Guns are banned during Trump's upcoming speech at the NRA conference

Strippers say a recession is guaranteed because the strip clubs are suddenly empty

Amazon shareholders reject 15 motions on worker rights and environment

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