Tuesday, May 17, 2022


We basically live on a prison planet.

The simple act of just existing on this planet costs money. This alone is proof that we live on a prison planet. You need money just to have access to basic things like food, water and shelter. And everytime you get paid, the powers that be take some of that money (taxes) and and if you buy something, even property, they take some of that money too.

And you have no say about what they do with it, so some of your money ends up contributing to war and the killing of other human beings, and you have no choice over that. And if you wake up to how much of a prison all of this is, you can't even leave. If you try to "leave" this prison and you fail, they lock you up in a mental institution.

To live on this prison planet you basically have to sell your soul so you can afford to buy food to feed your body, which is basically a prison in itself, and if you question the idea of work your fellow prisoners call you lazy for not wanting to contribute to the system imprisoning them. And If you question any of the "official" narratives about what's going on in the world, they call you crazy. 

Buffalo shooter targeted Black neighborhood...
Inspired by racist theory underpinning global carnage...
Scene like Armageddon...
Terrified shoppers jumped in freezers...
Gov. calls for social media crackdown; 'Instruments of evil'...
Copycats becoming deadlier... Grim chronology...
UPDATE: One dead, multiple injured in CA church shooting; Taiwanese congregation...


Legal team tells Elon he violated NDA...

Saudi oil giant reports record profit!

Americans feeling more pain at pump...

Just a friendly reminder that Governor Abbott is spending $1.25B on 900 feet of border wall and election audits instead of fixing our power grid.

One peaceful protest outside a Supreme Court Justice house and Congress acted in 24 hours to pass a bill to protect their families. Three deadly mass shootings in three days and Congress won’t do a damn thing.

I am a gun owning Army veteran. I do NOT have an AR15. No civilian should own one. If you need one for hunting, don’t hunt. I support gun control. I support background checks. I support banning assault weapons. I support gun insurance. I support age restrictions.

Republican Lawmaker Claims White Supremacist Buffalo Shooting Was False Flag

Global hunger crisis on the horizon as US, Britain, Australia, others deliberately demolish their own food production

Apple, Google, and Microsoft are working together to deploy Passwordless sign-in

Buffalo mass shooter’s alleged manifesto leaves no doubt attack was white supremacist terrorism

Musk Tells Users to Switch Off Manipulative Twitter Algorithm

US Supreme Court rules DNA is not patentable, but synthetically created yes

20 million acres of farmland contaminated. Poison inbound

Senator Dick Durbin Eyes Screwing with the Nutritional Supplement Market with a New Bill.

What are your thoughts on AMERICA as a corporation?

I have done some research on this, but from the looks of it, it seems that the District of Columbia incorporated. I fail to see how this has to do with the United States becoming a corporation and our Constitution being somehow "nullified." Here is some text:

1788 Original Constitution for the united states, original organic, of the people government. 1871 Amended version CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, US is a private corporation. The UNITED STATES was formed in 1871, which controls only the District of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico, Guam, Virginia Islands. Many think that income taxes, and some laws do not effect people in the sovereign states of the union as they are outside of the control / jurisdiction of the United States corporation.

The United States of America is different from the "United States" [corporation].

The terms UNITED STATES and/or United States of America and/ or United States Government are all a private corporation, even with registered trademark The US corporation (originally called the District of Columbia) does not effect or control the 50 sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution for the United States adopted in 1788.

There are 2 United States, one formed in 1787, the collection of the several sovereign states of the union, and another separate and different one formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories.

Supposedly we also filed for bankruptcy in 1933 as well. Anyone have superior sources on this to shed some light on the subject?

Stronger gravity in the early universe may solve a cosmological conundrum

The hypocrisy of US politics when it comes to funding the war in Ukraine, where is the $56 Billion the US is pledging actually going?

What made this Democratic Party unanimity so bizarre, even surreal, is that many of these House Democrats who voted YES have spent years vehemently denouncing exactly these types of war expenditures.

Some of them — very recently — even expressed specific opposition to pouring large amounts of U.S. money and weaponry into Ukraine on the grounds that doing so would be unprecedentedly dangerous, and that Americans are suffering far too severely at home to justify such massive amounts to weapons manufacturers and intelligence agencies.

Here, for instance, is the shocking-in-hindsight warning of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on March 8 — just two months before she voted YES on this $40 billion weapons package:

"The consequences of flooding Ukraine with billion dollars in [US] weapons, likely not limited to just military-specific equipment but also including small arms + ammo, are unpredictable & likely disastrous. Specially when they are given to paramilitary groups w/out accountability. {Mar 8, 2022} twitter"

Full Article


Where is the $56 billion 'to Ukraine' actually going?

The United States has now delegated some $56 billion in new money to debase the currency “for Ukraine,” but hardly any of it is actually going to the Ukrainian people.

The $56 billion and counting in “aid for Ukraine” that’s passing through the American legislature primarily serves the purpose of greasing the skids of the D.C. Beltway ruling class. And [the American taxpayers are] paying for it.

If you think the people of Ukraine are going to see one dime of this money, think again. Not even the “humanitarian aid” portions of the assistance will reach the Ukrainian people, as it will be absorbed by a variety of DC lawyers, lobbyists, NGOs, and other well connected middle men. See: Afghanistan.

If they gave the bill a more accurate title, it would be called the “Money For Raytheon And Friends” bill, as the majority of the funds from the latest $40 billion behemoth will be used to supply weapons purchase orders, and resupply weapons that were already sent to Ukraine, which arrived with a seeming back room deal to add to the deep pockets of the weapons manufacturers back home.

Since the beginning of this conflict, our corporate press and government propagandists (yes, one in the same) have been labeling the war with a nonsensical good vs evil narrative, which has helped to demand consensus in D.C. Notably, not a single Democrat voted against the bill. Republicans largely support it, and the Uniparty is outraged that Rand Paul decided to hold up its “emergency” passage.

This is only the beginning of the money printing “for Ukraine.” Uniparty legislators agree that they will need to print much more money “for Ukraine” in the coming months, if not sooner. Sadly, the people of Ukraine will probably not see one penny of the $56+ billion (and counting) delegated "for Ukraine,” and it’s all by design. This latest replenishment bill much more resembles money laundering via the narrative of America’s undeclared war against Russia. Money is being printed and distributed to a small group of wealthy regime insiders on the backs of the American taxpayer.


If there is one thing that you should have learned over the past 2 years, always ask, "Where's the money coming from, who is it going to, and who does it ultimately benefit?" What you realize is that in many instances, it comes from you, goes to some corporation, and benefits the wealthy.

Destroying crypto and the stock market is just the beginning. The US financial institutions are the next targets.

The Demented - and Selective - Game of Instantly Blaming Political Opponents For Mass Shootings

He’s proving most Social anything is filled with bots.

I have no faith in E Musk (controlled opposition. Asperger’s kid is handed a bunch of money to do what he wants, memes and connects with the populace to give hope.) and think this whole social media feed with twtter is a psyop to some extent, I don’t know how much you hear about it on MSM(no intake on any front), but that doesn’t matter really.

If Twit has as many bots as we are seeing, are we to believe that all social media on any front doesn’t have the same amount? Utube, reddit, insta, etc. There’s always a narrative being spewed.

Question everything.

Most of all, think critically and talk amongst yourselves don’t rely on media to steer your views.

There isn't any more proof needed, that Politicians are completely out-of-control.

As if we we needed more evidence that the globalists are manufacturing hyperinflation.

Issues at baby formula plant went back 'years': former FDA head

America’s Justice: Broken and Rotten

Not all Americans feel the effects of the dysfunctional American justice system equally, and only the marginalized and politically disenfranchised bear the brunt of this injustice, especially people of color.

A ridiculous example – the Shreveport, LA ordinance had made it illegal to wear saggy pants. During the 12 years it was on the book, 726 people were arrested for violating the law – 96 percent of them involving black men – until police shot and killed a man named Anthony Childs while trying to arrest him for wearing saggy pants, then the law was finally repealed.

The constant and indiscriminate expansion of the law by legislators in high places and the failure of the judiciary to refuse to enforce unreasonable regulations has led to a system in which the judiciary can judge non‐​morally‐​wrongful conduct that poses no real threat to others or society. Moreover, in this system, police are also more likely to stop, search, and arrest people of color. Blacks are more likely than whites to experience use of force or gunfire by police. A black man will face harsher charges than a white man when arrested for the same crime. White defendants are 25 percent more likely to have their principal initial charges dropped or reduced to a lesser crime than black defendants. Racism has even created hierarchies within the black population, with lighter-skinned blacks often receiving more lenient sentences than darker-skinned blacks.

Another program that has stirred great controversy and been scrapped is the Trump-era “China Initiative” program led by the Department of Justice,started from 2018 in the name of “ crack down on perceived spying and theft of American academic research for China’s benefit”, while ended up with intense racial profiling and sloppy legal work. Nearly 75% of the suspects have been proven to be far from economic espionage, and many charges ultimately dismissed as wrongful prosecutions. For the Department of Justice, the China Initiative is nothing more than a pretext to justify violating the constitutional rights of Asian Americans. It fueled intolerance and prejudice against Asian Americans at a time when assaults and hate crimes against Asian Americans have skyrocketed.

When will the U.S. justice system truly act out of national security concerns, rather than applying lower standards in investigating and prosecuting criminal conduct, or viewing people of racial, ethnic or familial ties to Asia and Africa in a way that deepens harmful perceptions?


‘He Was Murdered’: Bombshell Claims Surround ‘Makeshift Gallows’ Death Of Clintons Special Advisor Who Let Sicko Jeffrey Epstein Into White House

Decline in World Conventional Oil Output and Peak Oil. I'll bet your TV forgot to mention this one.

Privacy Experts Warn Data From Period-Tracking Apps May Soon Be Used Against You

McCarthy "has nowhere to run" after Jan. 6 subpoena, ruling: Kirschner

Liz Cheney says Republicans have ‘enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism’

Goldman Sachs warns companies to ready for a US recession, declaring it a’very, very high risk.’

fter 30 Years of Turning Abortion Clinics Into War Zones, Now You Want “Civility”?

Twitter Legal Team Accused Elon Musk Of NDA Violation

The GOP thinks teens can be trusted with guns, but apparently not with books.

Can we talk about the fact that the 18 year old was LIVE-STREAMING his murderous rampage at Tops?

Grand jury probe may reveal Trump stole top-secret documents for 'personal profit' post-presidency.

America is running out of baby formula because 3 companies control the market. Fuck Nestle and its constant issues causing babies to die worldwide

Buffalo Shooter's writing says his plan and desired result is the removal of gun rights in the US. Will politicians work to aid and abet the terrorist's goal?

terrorism: noun The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.

Are US politicians and media corporations going to aid and abet this terrorist?

The Epoch Times' Jack Phillips notes, the alleged manifesto suggests that the shooter chose Buffalo, NY because of its stringent gun laws:

New York state, the author said, “has heavy gun laws so it would ease me if I knew that any legally armed civilian was limited to 10 round magazines or cucked firearms,” likely referring to New York laws restricting magazines to only 10 rounds and laws that limit the purchase of certain types of semi-automatic rifles. New York state residents also need to obtain a permit, which can take months if not years, to buy a pistol under the provisions of the SAFE Act.

“Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the United States?” the author rhetorically asked himself.

“Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, soon will come the time.”

“NY has cucked gun laws. Assault style weapons and high capacity magazines are illegal for civilians to own, thus lowering threats from law-abiding civilians,” the individual wrote, adding that he obtained a Bushmaster XM-15.

“Since I live in New York, I had to buy a cucked version of this before illegally modifying it,” he said.

A Chilling Feat: Superconducting X-Ray Laser Reaches Operating Temperature Colder Than Outer Space

Did Twitch Violate Texas’ Social Media Law By Removing Mass Murderer’s Live Stream Of His Killing Spree?

Taiwan invasion imminent: Leaked audio of top Chinese Military discussing invasion

Supreme Court sides with Ted Cruz, striking down cap on use of campaign funds to repay personal campaign loans

Buffalo shooter's prior threat, hospital stay face scrutiny

Watch: John Oliver Dedicates Entire Segment to Exposing Tucker Carlson as a 'White Supremacist'

Neofascist Minority Rule by the GOP Is Laying Waste to the United States

MIT, Harvard scientists find AI can recognize race from X-rays — and nobody knows how

Boomers in Florida who voted against rent control their whole lives upset when their rent is increased by 60%

Plot to Blow Up Democratic Headquarters Exposed California Extremists Hiding in Plain Sight


Assures Ukraine open-ended military support...

Erdogan Says Swedish, Finnish Should Not Bother Coming to Turkey...


3 Scenarios for How Putin Could Actually Use...

MCDONALD'S to permanently leave...

Still waiting to hear what pharma drugs he was on.

Buffalo massacre puts spotlight on hate-filled website

Hacker Shows Off a Way to Unlock Tesla Models, Start the Engine

Bank of England warns of 'apocalyptic' global food shortage

NSA Swears It Won't Allow Backdoors in New Encryption Standards | The National Security Agency claims that the encryption standards it's developing will be so tough that even its own hackers won't be able to crack them. Okay!

Google Is Sharing Our Data at a Startling Scale

Malware Can Be Loaded Even Onto Phones That Are Turned Off, Researchers Show

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