Thursday, August 11, 2022


Steven Seagal appears in Ukraine, serving as a Russian spokesperson. 

Rep. Scott Perry says FBI agents seized his cellphone

Growing calls for 'civil war' in far-right groups after FBI search

Judge suggests Rudy Giuliani travel by train or 'Uber or whatever' after his lawyers said a medical issue prevents him from flying to Atlanta to testify in a Trump election probe

Nebraska mother, teenager face charges in teen's abortion after police obtain their Facebook DMs

Elon Musk Sells Nearly $7 Billion Worth of Tesla Stock; just months earlier he planned no further Tesla stock sales

Elon Musk sold nearly $7 billion worth of Tesla Inc. TSLA -2.44%▼ stock in recent days, regulatory disclosures show, just months after saying he wasn’t planning to sell additional shares in the company.

Mr. Musk sold around 7.9 million shares between Friday and Tuesday, regulatory filings show.

Former Apollo 15 member Al Worden: “We are the aliens, but we just think they are somebody else. And if you don’t believe me, go get books on Ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say. They’ll tell you right up front." He died on March 18, 2020.

“The mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" - Donald Trump


Meet the man who made it a felony to mishandle classified documents

Compilation of Trump slamming people taking the fifth amendment calling them guilty.

Trump himself slamming people who take the fifth amendment, calling them guilty and hiding something.

Trump took the fifth amendment.

Is he ironically saying he’s guilty and has something to hide?

Donald Trump Pleads 5th Days After FBI 'Raid' On His Maralago Florida Residence

Google's data center in Iowa exploded, this should be headline news.

Trump pleads fifth in civil case

Why would he plead the 5th? Man, it looks really bad for a former President to do that. That seems like something only criminals and mob bosses would do. Honestly, imho, innocent people don't invoke the 5th amendment.

What is he hiding. Why not be more transparent? He's an honest man, right?

Did Shrillery Killton ever take the 5th? I can't find any links. But I'm sure I'm just missing something.

Trump attorneys met with DOJ over the summer about the documents taken in the raid. Is it possible Trump purposely kept them to score political points on a raid?

Does anyone else think that Mark Meadows has flipped on Trump?

Two days ago trumps lawyers told him to cut off contact with Meadows. Then the raid.

He is the one person that ties all of this together, he’s been at the centre of destroying documents/taking documents, deleting messages and White House call logs.

He’s been awfully quiet in recent days. Has he flipped to save his own skin and given up details on trump?

Meadows reportedly burned documents after meeting with Scott Perry, who just had his cellphone seized by the FBI.

In 2010, Epstein pled the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.

Birds of a feather plead the fifth together.

During its investigation, the FBI obtained a copy of Epstein's private 194-page phone book. Lawyers for one of Epstein's victims told VICE News it was stolen by a household employee sometime around 2004.

A copy we obtained includes investigators' margin notes pointing to key witnesses against Epstein as well as handwritten notes identifying dozens of then-underage girls, as well as their phone numbers.

Among people listed in the phone book were well-known political figures such as Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, former Utah governor and Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, Senator Edward Kennedy, and Henry Kissinger. Also listed were major political contributors like David Koch and Pepe Fanjul.

All those names were listed alphabetically at the front of Epstein's telephone book, along with the names of Trump's former wife, Ivana, his daughter Ivanka, and his brother, Robert.

Epstein created a number of other odd categories, including one called "Jeffrey." There were dozens of names in the Jeffrey category, including Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, then–Senator John Kerry, former senator and lobbyist George Mitchell, powerhouse DC lobbyist Thomas Quinn, and David Rockefeller.

Trump was also listed in this section. Under his name were 14 phone numbers, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.

The corrupted FBI is only a symptom. The organized, globalist criminals, that have completely subverted the government, MSM, and financial system, are the cancer.

The FBI is completely controlled by the globalist criminals. The same can be said about:

  • the White House

  • Congress

  • the CDC, FDA, ATF, DOJ, FEC, Treasury and countless other federal agencies

  • the MSM

  • most major social media

  • the Federal Reserve

  • Wall Street

The globalists have looted the monetary system and spent the last 70 years buying the destruction of the US.

Letter from the White House to the Archivist Regarding Trump Presidential Papers

The White House

Debra Steidel Wall
Acting Archivist of the United States
National Archives and Records Administration 700 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20408

Dear Ms. Wall:

I write in response to your communication of March 9, 2022, informing us that former President Trump has made claims of executive privilege with regard to a subset of documents requested by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (the “Select Committee”) that you provided to the White House for review on February 21, 2022. You have requested President Biden’s views with respect to the disclosure of those documents to the Select Committee and on the former President’s claims of privilege.

As I noted in my last letter, the White House has reached an accommodation with the Select Committee to prioritize documents related to certain custodians. Identifying numbers for the prioritized documents in this set have been provided by my staff. I understand that NARA has determined that some of these prioritized records, including some records subject to the former President’s assertion of executive privilege, are not responsive to the Select Committee’s request and therefore NARA has removed them from the notification. Additionally, there are some records within the prioritized set for which the White House has not yet completed its review. Identifying numbers for those records have been provided by my staff as well.

As to the remaining prioritized records, President Biden has considered the former President’s claims, and I have engaged in consultations with the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice. The President has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified. As I wrote in my letter to you on October 8, 2021:

[T]he insurrection that took place on January 6, and the extraordinary events surrounding it, must be subject to a full accounting to ensure nothing similar ever happens again. Congress has a compelling need in service of its legislative functions to understand the circumstances that led to . . . the most serious attack on the operations of the Federal Government since the Civil War. . . . Constitutional protections of executive privilege should not be used to shield, from Congress or the public, information that reflects a clear and apparent effort to subvert the Constitution itself.

Accordingly, President Biden does not uphold the former President’s assertions of privilege as to any of the records within the prioritized set for which review is complete. He therefore instructs you, in accord with Section 4(b) of Executive Order 13489, to provide to the Select Committee the prioritized records identified as privileged by the former President for which the White House’s review is complete and that have not been deemed nonresponsive upon further review. In light of the urgency of the Select Committee’s need for the information, the President further instructs you to provide those records 15 days after your notification to the former President, unless prohibited by court order. If the 15-day period expires on a weekend or holiday, you should provide the records to the Select Committee on the next business day.

Consistent with my prior instructions, non-responsive content in otherwise responsive records should be redacted as appropriate in any documents produced to the Select Committee.


Dana A. Remus

Counsel to the President

TRUMP FLASHBACK: 'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?'
Lawyers Rotate Among Inner Circle as Legal Woes Mount...
Speculation about 'flipped' aide...
Ghostwriter muses classified docs taken to sell...
FBI searched Melania wardrobe?
Search-Warrant Judge Doxxed...
Simmering threat of violence...
REPORT: Armed protesters planning to descend on Mar-a-Lago...

Hillary testified for eleven hours and never plead the fifth.
You know who never needed to plead the fifth? Hillary Clinton.

Larry Middleton - Democracy Forward in 2022!🇺🇸🌻
Why haven't any republicans asked one simple question: Why did Trump take classified documents in the first place?

Former President Donald Trump invokes Fifth Amendment rights and declines to answer questions from NY attorney general

FBI delivers subpoenas to several Pa. Republican lawmakers: sources say

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