Sunday, August 21, 2022


Russia Has Lost Two Squadrons of Its 'Best' Su-35 Fighters 

Old laptop hard drives will allegedly crash when exposed to Janet Jackson music

Lawmakers press Facebook, TikTok, and Truth Social over threats against FBI

Robert Reich
So the party of law and order has turned a blind eye to a former president running off with classified documents, but wants to criminalize people for making decisions about their own reproductive health?
BREAKING: A federal judge has just REJECTED Lindsey Graham’s second attempt to squash his subpoena and rules he MUST testify before the Georgia criminal grand jury investigating Trump's 2020 election interference. F*ck yes!

Occupy Democrats
BREAKING: A massive, 50-year study by the London School of Economics finds that a half century of tax cuts for the rich completely FAILED to trickle down to the American working class and middle class — and only made the rich richer. RT TO EXPOSE THE REPUBLICAN TRICKLE-DOWN SCAM!

Trump is spreading lies about the FBI on Truth Social again. Inciting violence & putting more lives at risk. Everything Trump says & does hurts America & helps Russia. This is because Trump was groomed to be a Russian asset for 40 years, according to a high-level former KGB spy:

The globalists are deliberately collapsing the economies of the countries where they are attempting to replace democracy with tyranny.

Senator Rick Scott oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in history when he was CEO of a for-profit hospital network. Naturally, the GOP put him in charge of their campaign PAC. GOP operatives are now wondering where all the money went.

Mar-a-Lago: Trump Could Soon 'Get Indicted,' Legal Insider Says

Reminder: Inflation isn’t being driven by government spending. It’s being largely driven by the fact that a handful for mega corporations have consolidated their market power and can raise prices on consumers.
So when that little 4th grade girl who had to cover herself in her dead classmate's blood to avoid being shot herself goes to high school, Texas will tell her she can't handle "The Diary of Anne Frank?!"

Donald Trump complains about the 1st Amendment, urges violence with the 2nd Amendment, is being criminally investigated under the 4th Amendment, and likes to plead the 5th Amendment
Why is a “billionaire” raising $$$ for his legal bills from people who can’t really afford it?
DOJ, please release the UNREDACTED Mueller Report. We want to see exactly what Trump had Barr cover up. Resisters, please RT if you agree.

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