Sunday, August 28, 2022


Ted Cruz Worries Working Class Might 'Get Off the Bong' and Vote After Student Debt Relief


MAGA Republicans fit the definition of fascism, says White House spokesperson

DOJ releases heavily redacted search affidavit...
Top secret info... 'Evidence of obstruction'...
ROVE: Secret Service mole?
The Don Rages At FBI 'Hacks and Thugs'...
NYT demands criminal prosecution... 'Not above law'...
Inside 20-month fight to get him to return material...
Intel officials to assess national security fallout...
Republicans, once outraged, become quieter as details emerge...

We need to set extra qualifications for someone to be allowed to run for President. They must release their previous 20 years of tax returns and must be able to qualify for security clearance.

He called our troops 'losers and suckers'. Then he stole 'national defense information'. Not very hard to connect the dots.

Kyle Griffin
Bharat Ramamurti⁩: "Why is it, from the perspective of Republicans, great to forgive a loan of up to $10 million to a business owner, but if we want to provide $10,000 or $20,000 in loan relief to a teacher or a bus driver or a nurse, all of a sudden its socialism?"
How many Americans in history have risked or sacrificed their lives for the political system that Trump was so cavalier about jeopardizing?
Kellyanne Conway just said President Biden shouldn’t call Republicans fascists “without having anything to back it up.” Reminder: The phrase “We are all Domestic Terrorists” ran across the big screen at CPAC this year.

Wajahat Ali
Just randomly feel like reminding everyone Saudi Arabia's MBS bragged he had Jared Kushner in his back pocket. #Affidavit

Republicans will give a million dollars to a billionaire before they’ll give a dollar for a student’s lunch.
The U.S. Secret Service announced Friday that it has seized more than $1.4 billion in fraudulently obtained COVID-19 relief funds since 2020.
We had a President of The United States who could not borrow money from an American bank because he never paid his bills. He had to use a Russian bank. Just think about that.

Crazy how all these GOP members of Congress who REFUSE to comply with subpoenas are suddenly interested in transparency, GTFOH
So did Ivana conveniently fall down the steps so the crime family could postpone their testimony? Or so they would have an excuse to bury a coffin containing classified docs? Or both?

Ed Hull
If anyone other than Trump had stolen USA Classified Documents they would have already been arrested and charged by now.
Keep in mind: the entire time that Donald Trump was committing all of his crimes of espionage, obstruction, and incitement, his behavior was condoned by GOP Senators and members of Congress. They are all culpable.
So, CIA informants that were listed in the Trump stolen top secret documents start dieing after Trump stole them. Did I get this right?
Convincing yourselves that voting is pointless is exactly what authoritarians hope you do.

In fact, the media overlooked the biggest story of the decade. A former KGB spy, Yuri Shvets, admitted Trump was groomed to be a Russian Asset for 40+ years — since the 1980s. They bailed him out for billions after his Atlantic City Casinos filed for bankruptcy. They owned him:

Only legally elected President’s are refered to as ‘President’ This one is just a ‘Trump’ A euphemism that will outlast our lifetimes and be reserved for the likes of describing pig shit or bad luck

Brown Eyed Susan🇺🇦

Rand Paul is compromised. McCain called it, ages ago. He personally brought a letter from 45 to the Kremlin for Putin. He also tried to get the Ukraine whistleblower killed by leaking his name. He also discredits all experts. Take a better look at Paul, DOJ?

ON MSNBC, Frank F. former FBI said he know how to read the markings on the TRUMP stolen DOCS and sent shivers down his spine. DT sold out FBI, CIA and all their assets, some will have to be "PULLED" from their locations for safety DT HAS SCREWED AMERICA AND ACTS LIKE THE "VICTIM"
Never forget: Michael Flynn was behind Trump’s plan to sell tech for 40 nuclear power plants to the Saudis. He did while Jared Kushner was developing his “Middle East peace” plan — which resulted in a $2B investment from MBS. Flynn also lied to the FBI during the Russia probe:

Why the f*ck does Mar-a-Lago have a secret tunnel?

Donald trump is a fully bought asset for Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Mary MMM
Sexual assault, perpetual lying, nepotism, destroying the Iran nuclear deal, colluding with Russia (yes, he did), children in cages, family separations, mocking the disabled, destroying the environment. None of that was enough. How about selling top secret docs? Is that enough?

Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦
The Sandy Hook families have filed to ask the bankruptcy trustee to immediately seize control of Alex Jones’s media company, alleging he has moved $62 million out of it since they filed suit into accounts and entities owned by him or family members.

Laura Ingraham is Anti - Abortion but she had Three Abortions.

The only reason Republicans want an unredacted affidavit is to witness tamper.
There needs to be an additional investigation as to why Trump hosted the Saudi Arabian Golf League at his Bedminster Club, why Jared Kushner received a $2B investment from Muhammed Bin Salman, and why Trump/Pompeo/Kushner whitewashed the murder of US Journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The mother of all ‘zero-days’ — immortal flaws in semiconductor chips

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