Thursday, August 18, 2022


Feds Interview The Don's White House Lawyers...
'Not theirs, it's mine'...
Speculation about informant intensifies...
Jr. has meltdown discussing search...
Judge sets hearing on request to unseal affidavit...
Garland Raid Only 'First Inning'...
You Don't Have to be Spy to Violate Espionage Act...

Trump rushing to hire seasoned lawyers. But keeps hearing 'No'...

Giuliani 'Nervous' Over Investigation...

Judge orders Lindsey Graham to testify...

GA election data copied under direction of attorney...

UPDATE: Weisselberg expected to plead guilty in tax avoidance scheme...

The Don pushing theory attack on FBI in OH was false flag...

The Last, Lonely Days of Ivana...

Feds announce more water cuts as Colorado River hits dire lows...

Trying to avoid 'catastrophic collapse'... 

Welcome to Oklahoma, where the elected officials refuse to listen to the constituents, and the constituents refuse to vote for anyone who will.
Not indicting donald trump would do far more damage to this country than charging him for his crimes ever could.

Dash Dobrofsky
Trump appointed the FBI Director Christopher Wray. He’s not a deep-state operative — he’s a Trump-appointee. I’ll say it again. Trump appointed the FBI Director. The media needs to repeat this over and over again. The guy who ordered the raid on Mar-a-Lago was appointed by Trump.
Not a single Republican voted for the Inflation Reduction Act.
Reasonable people wonder why low-population Wyoming and high-population California each get 2 senators. But I’m wondering why Russia gets 2 senators too — Ron Johnson and Rand Paul.

Texas schools pulled The Diary of Anne Frank. Here I thought I was being an alarmist about the nazis rising.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats want you to live your life as YOU see fit. Republicans want you to live your life as THEY see fit.
How do Republicans claim to be such wonderful Christians when over and over again they vote against feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and healing the sick?
I should be sleeping but still awake as I can’t help thinking that we have elected officials in Congress who think when we convert to solar power, we don’t have electricity after the sun goes down, so we have to go to bed. This scares me.
I’m extremely disappointed that not ONE Republican in the House or the Senate voted for this legislation that will put the American people first.
An FBI operation has located 37 missing children and 84 minors who were victims of child sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation offenses, the DOJ announced today. You should now have a better understanding of why Republicans are calling for defunding the FBI.

Had some fun tonight and went on YouTube to look at cnn and Fox News videos and had to read the comments. It’s crazy how many people are clueless of what’s really going on in the country and around the world.

I predict once America falls (less than 2 years) the whole world will succumb to the globalist agenda and the great reset. Until people realize it’s not red vs blue, but US vs elites, US Vs them then we are truly fucked. Enjoy your life my brandon and orange man lovers, life will be much different and more chaotic soon.

Two former Pennsylvania judges who orchestrated a scheme to send children to for-profit jails in exchange for kickbacks were ordered to pay more than $200 million to hundreds of people they victimized

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