Thursday, August 04, 2022


Kansas voters reject effort to eliminate state abortion protections 

Truth Social is shadow banning posts despite promise of free speech

Rainwater everywhere on Earth contains cancer-causing ‘forever chemicals’, study finds

Ukraine's army is waging its 1st major offensive against Russia to retake Kherson

Senate approves bill to aid vets exposed to toxic burn pits

DOD ‘wiped’ phones of Trump-era leaders, erasing Jan. 6 texts

The coverup just keeps growing: Not only were Secret Service texts from Jan 6 deleted. Not only were DHS texts from Jan 6 deleted. But now, texts from Pentagon officials from Jan 6 have been reported deleted, too.

Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar??

Equifax sent lenders inaccurate credit scores on millions of U.S. consumers.

Solar storm from hole in the sun will hit Earth on Wednesday (Aug. 3)

FEMA Warning: 10 Years Without Electricity After Major Solar Storm (A Perfect Solar Storm Similar to One That Slammed Into Earth In 1859 Would Knock Out The United States Electric Grid.)

A perfect solar storm similar to one that slammed into Earth in 1859 would knock out the United States electric grid for four to 10 years if it hit today, an unpublished report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) indicates.

The 36-page report was posted this month at, which uncovers old government documents that often are acquired via Freedom of Information Act requests. The 2010 document was titled, “Mitigation strategies for FEMA command, control, and communications during and after a solar superstorm.”

The storm that hit Earth in 1859 was dubbed the Carrington Event and caught telegraph machines – the most advanced technology of the day – on fire.

Predicting what would happen if that type of solar crashed into Earth in the 21st century, the document says: “Significant power grid collapses may occur in North America and elsewhere; could require 4-10 years to fully restore.”

But even a smaller storm, like the one that hit Earth in 1921, would “could cause large-scale power grid collapse” if it hit today.

The report predicts that Internet, cable TV and telephone service would shut down. Cell phone service also would quickly be lost.

“Approximately 60% of the cellular towers in the U.S. have battery backup only for 2-24 hours,” the report states. “As these towers lose power, large portions of the cellular network will begin to fail. Urban and populated suburban areas are more likely to have cell towers with generator backup with fuel reserves ranging from 1-7 days, depending on location and equipment owner.”

FEMA never published the report, which is dated December 2010. Off The Grid News reached out to an expert on the grid who has frequent contact with government agencies. This person said the report appeared to be legitimate.

“This paper recreates the 1859 event today using the latest research to explain and understand: 1) The nature and effects of radio blackouts, solar radiation storms, and geomagnetic storms; 2) their potential for cascading effects on global power and telecommunications systems; and, 3) the implications for FEMA …in planning for and responding to such an event,” the report reads.

A Carrington-type event would generate massive amounts of energy that would blow out transformers. It is the replacement of these transformers that is of concern to FEMA and other government agencies. Each transformer is custom-made; there are no backup parts. It is not known how many transformers there are in the U.S., but it likely is in the tens of thousands. Each one takes up to two years to build.

“Loss of key infrastructure for extended periods due to the cascading effects from a space weather event (or other disturbance) could lead to a lack of food, given low inventories and reliance on just-in-time delivery, loss of basic transportation, inability to pump fuel, and loss of refrigeration,” is how a 2008 report from the National Academy of Sciences described the aftermath of a major solar storm.

Oil giants reap record profits from war, pandemic and skyrocketing prices

The US is officially in a recession

The definition of recession has always been a decline in GDP for 2 consecutive quarters. Our GDP has officially been negative % for 2 quarters.

Coincidentally, the White House released a statement a couple days ago trying to change the definition of recession, and to ignore the long agreed upon understanding.

We are in an economic decline. Hyper Inflation is destroying the value of the USD. The stock market is the most fraudulent system ever created, and wallstreet OWNS our government. We are not a democracy, we are an oligarchy. Blockchain technology is quickly developing a brand new stock market which should eradicate any form of financial manipulation, a stock market 2.0. We are on the brink of a monumental time in history. I don’t mean to fear monger or be a doomer, but things are going to get worse. Think 2008 housing crisis, but way way worse.

FUCK the 2 party system. Voting doesn’t do ANYTHING. They’re preselected for you. Fuck any conversations about race. The only color that matters is green. We are in a financial war, disguised as a political war, disguised as a race war. If this sub could unite on ONE common goal, we could make a huge difference in this financial war going on. It starts with becoming more financially focused. It is a lot to learn, and it is MEANT to be confusing. But knowledge is power. Fight FIRE with FIRE, or should i say, money, with money. We can win this war without any bloodshed.


Join the fight, power to the players.

Trump baffles GOP by endorsing ‘Eric’ in the Missouri Senate primary — a race with three Erics. All 3 had a Phone Call with him and All 3 put up they were endorsed by him on social media.

Rockefeller document from 2010 with details on using a world pandemic to usher in a global agenda.

Chinese military drills have invaded Taiwan's territory, says defence ministry

Billions more for US science: how the landmark spending plan will boost research

The people of Kansas have soundly rejected an amendment to the state constitution that would have allowed its R legislature to pass an abortion ban. The next step, of course: Republicans pretending "leave it to the states" means legislatures, not voters

Fueled by virtually unrestricted social media access, white nationalism is on the rise and attracting violent young white men

UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’

Every main agency deleted it's records from Jan 6th. Yes there was a coup attempt and it was 100% successful. Wake up. Your country is being dismantled and sold off.

The dementia is an act by the guy with business ties to China that is currently selling your country off to China.

The Jan 6th comedy show is also part of the cover up. A real hearing has the accused able to confront the accuser. The media psychological operation your are seeing is part of the cover up for the coup.

Can't you just feel they hate you and are doing everything in their power to make life harder and help everyone that is not American with you tax dollar, which they can not find ways to waste and ship out of country fast enough?

There was a coup and you are seeing the results right now.

Rand Paul Calls For “Restrictions On Exporting DNA Technology To Communist China”

FBI conducts coordinated raids against Black Liberation organization.

Pelosi Stares Down Xi's Threats, Giving Reality Check...
Trip culmination of decades challenging Beijing...
U.S.-China tensions flare... White House scrambles to avoid crisis...
Taiwan defiant... Drills invade waters... Missiles Over Island...
'Communist China Deserves To Be Disrespected'...

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