Wednesday, August 10, 2022



Agent With Machine Gun Photographed Outside Of Compound...
Disqualified from holding office ever again? US Code on records could bar him...
Bernie Kerik Predicts Assassination...




BOOK: Asked Why His Generals Couldn't Be Like Hitler's...

When prosecution is in public interest...

DRAMA: Michigan AG details MAGA conspiracy to break into voting equipment...

Giuliani won't testify Tuesday in GA probe...

List of Tax Hikes in Reconciliation Bill...

Manchin Violates Pledge!

Biggest winners and losers...

Private-Equity Lobby Prevails Again...

8 months ago this writer predicted Trump's Mar-a-Lago would be raided by the FBI as the election season started.

This article predicted the FBI raid last year. Also seems to believe Trump will be arrested as the election season approaches and "perp-walked" for the media.

This is all part of a plan drawn up by the DOJ, FBI, and intelligence agencies long ago.

Breaking: Donald Trump's Florida Residence Maralago Raided By FBI Team

Without Any Legislative Powers, the Fed Is Rewriting the Law and Creating a Permanent $500 Billion Bailout Facility for Wall Street. It won't be enough for the banking crisis that is swiftly coming. It is not a recession said Joe, it will be the deepest depression of this century.

Paul Manafort admits he shared Trump campaign info with Russian agent “purely to make money”. Manafort's associate then "passed the data on to Russian spies," according to the Treasury Department

Judge who signed Mar-a-Lago warrant was former attorney for Jeffrey Epstein

Gov. DeSantis and Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Action ban guns from “Unite & Win” rallies across the country

Trump is apart of the same cabal as Biden and everyone else… wake up

Donald John Trump= 220 in gematria … this news distraction happened on the 220th day of the year … every aug 8th trump has a major headline .. it’s just another coincidence though that Trump=88 like the date 8/8 in gematria …

I bet it’s a hard pill to swallow waking up and realizing that Trump is in the same cabal as the people he claims to be against. It’s always been this way an illusion to keep people divided … angry .. distracted with headlines arguing with each other…

Wake up… see how they purposely date and plan these distractions ahead of time… learn Gematria … the language all these elites worship along with the Kabbalah

Jan. 6 committee acquires Alex Jones’s texts: report

DRAMA: Michigan AG details MAGA conspiracy to break into voting equipment...

Alex Jones Texts Turned Over to Jan. 6 Committee...

Tucker Messages May Leak...

Republicans have long feuded with media. Now shutting them out...

Lawsuits allege 'sexually hostile' culture, underpayment at PROJECT VERITAS...

“Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before," Trump said. Yeah, well no president in history has staged an attempted coup to change the outcome of an election.

Joe Walsh
The Republican Party has abandoned the rule of law. Just listen to them tonight. They’re at war with the rule of law.

Kyle Keegan
I dont know who needs to hear this, but the search warrant was issued by a federal judge, not by Biden’s DOJ.

Who wants to bet that Trump sold or planned to sell classified US top secret documents for his own financial gain?
Concealment and removal of official federal records is a federal crime — and one of the punishments is disqualification from holding ANY federal office ever after.
BREAKING: A MAGA clothing company has been fined over $200,0000 for replacing "Made in China" labels with "Made in USA."

What classified info did Jared Kushner take from Trump to give to the Saudis to secure a $2B investment…
If you don't think Trump would sell highly sensitive documents for a buck, you haven't been paying attention.

Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul should have been right there with President Biden as he surveyed the flood damage in their state, but they were nowhere to be found. Kentuckians should remember that.

Duty To Warn 🔉
“Whoever having the custody of [presidential records] willfully & unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys the same shall be fined…or imprisoned not more than three years or both; & disqualified from holding any office under the US.”
Trump is under federal criminal investigation, inflation is going down, the economy is adding jobs at lightning speed, the January 6 Committee is exposing Trump’s crimes for EVERY American to see, and women are more energized than ever to vote blue. Republicans TOAST in November!

Lawrence O'Donnell
The Director of the FBI—which is currently raiding Donald Trump’s home—was appointed by Donald Trump.
For all the hypocrites making an absurd comparison now, 3rd world dictators: Appoint useless relatives to gvt. jobs Pardon their criminal cronies Hold military parades to feed their ego Treat free press as enemy Are above the law Stay in power thru insurrections Sound familiar?

“My father never got so much as a speeding ticket in his life,” says Eric Trump, whose father paid $25 million to people he defrauded through Trump University.

This is wild. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 794(a) if Donald Trump sold classified documents to Russia or Saudi Arabia, it could be punishable by life imprisonment or death.
"The former president of the United States did not handle classified documents properly. I watched him do it...I watched him go through documents, throw some away, rip some up and put some in his pocket.” —Stephanie Grisham
Lauren Boebert wants a bible literacy test to be a citizen of the US. So, what happens when all the atheists pass, and the Christians fail?

Chris Dier
What’s striking is how the FBI raided the residence of a former POTUS, and we’re all left speculating as to which crime it is in relation to.
Hey GOP/MAGA/ , if Trump and his henchmen can launch a campaign of harassment, intimidation, and retaliation against a serving Army Officer for testifying before Congress, it can happen to anyone.

An FBI raid on a former president sets a dangerous precedent by implying the rule of law applies equally to everyone.

Facebook Gave Nebraska Cops A Teen's DMs So They Could Prosecute Her For Having An Abortion

Appeals court says House can obtain Trump's taxes from the IRS

Biden to sign documents backing Sweden, Finland for NATO

Trump real estate appraiser turns over documents to NY Atty General

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