Friday, August 05, 2022


Equifax Sent Lenders Inaccurate Credit Scores on Millions of Consumers - During a three-week period this year, Equifax sent faulty scores to lenders, resulting in higher interest rates and denied applications 

The U.S. made a breakthrough battery discovery — then gave the technology to China

$80 Billion Army Of New IRS Agents Unleashed On The Middle Class & Poor To Steal Even More Of The Fruits Of Their Labors

A College Student Discovered a Bug in Cloudflare Email Routing That Let You Read Any User’s Emails | Cloudflare has patched the bug and says that it was never actually exploited, and Albert Pedersen earned $6,000.

High tide flooding days increasing on East and Gulf coasts

Alex Jones concedes Sandy Hook attack was ’100% real’


The Cult of BAAL Map

North Korea-backed hackers have a clever way to read your Gmail | SHARPEXT has slurped up thousands of emails in the past year and keeps getting better.

Sandy Hook Parents's lawyers have every text and email Alex Jones has ever sent

Why are the Georgia Guidestone bombings NOT a big deal? where is the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security? why the very limited media coverage or intrest? no outrage, fear, or panic?

At 4am on July 6, 2022 what appears to be a lone person, possibly male, is seen on security cameras hastily but calmly placing a device in what could be a very well thought out strategic placement, very closely to the foundation of the Georgia Guidestones pillars.

Shortly afterwards the person flees, the device is than detonated. It's safe to assume this device was a homemade I.E.D. (improvised explosive device). A IED powerful enough to turn to a 19 foot tall concrete pillar into nothing more than rubble. The combined weight of all 19 foot tall concrete pillars weigh 238,000 pounds.

We can sit here and argue all day about who made the guidestones or more specifically who funded them, why they are there, what they really mean, good, bad, satanic, what it's favorite color is...what I find most disturbing is the no fucks given by the US military and government.

Some whacko conspires this plan, gathers the right materials, has the knowledge to make these devices, clearly has access to these materials and ingredients, manufacturers this homemade bomb, brings it to a public place and willingly detonated it. From a far.

W H E R E is the FBI? CIA? Homeland Security? The US government? Why is this no biggie? Why is this simply a meme now and old news. Some guy is making homemade bombs, and shows he's willing to use them but it seems like there was very little to no investigation. Nor does it seem like this is being treated as seriously as it should be.

I wokr up To this news on the morning of July, girlfriend told me about it the second i woke up. I thought this was going to be huge news...every media outlet in the country would be out in the middle of Georgia trying to speak to the police and investigators, news choppers flying over the scene while special agents from the secret service, FBI, and CIA all walked around the crime scene, news vans parked up and down the street.


It was like the media rolled their eyes at this story. I don't get it. A mom has her home raided for googling pressure cookers and backpacks. Some person or people create a IED and detonated in on American public soil damaging and destroying a 40 year old massive monument...and they just put up some yellow tape and knocked it down.

U.S. Rep Jackie Walorski (R-Indiana), three others killed in Elkhart County car crash. Walorski, has served Indiana since 2013. Zach Potts and Emma Thomson were also killed in the crash. Potts was the chairman of the St. Joseph County Republican Party. Thomson was Walorski's communications director.

Yale-developed technology restores cell, organ function in pigs after death

Report: Apple retaliated against women who complained about misconduct

Space-Based Infrared System satellite launch to complete missile warning system

Big oil collusion. Russia not the cause of gas price hike.

Is it just me or did anyone notice that when the ports in California began to unclog, the price of gas skyrocketed and subsequently so did inflation. Collusion between the oil companies anyone? Blaming Russia was a red-herring. When considering Russias contribution to oil in the U.S.; it didn’t correlate to the increased oil prices in any sensible way.

Oil company’s were opportunists and have profited tremendously since April.

Sanders Announces Amendment to Strip All Fossil Fuel Handouts From Manchin Deal

‘Never seen it this bad’: America faces catastrophic teacher shortage

US police charged over death of Breonna Taylor

Upset over LGBTQ books, a Michigan town defunds its library in tax vote

TIL that Nike created a pair of shoes that were so advanced, they were banned from the Olympics because they were considered as technological doping.The Alphaflys, or “the shoe that broke running”, as sports scientist Dr Ross Tuckercalled them, contain tech designed to deliver greater energy return

A Copy of Alex Jones’ Cellphone Will Be Turned Over to the January 6 Committee ‘Immediately’

An EMT describes a flipside of gun ownership -- being left to die of a heart attack until police arrive to secure the weapon

Senators: Prohibit Chinese Communists from purchasing US land

Brittney Griner found guilty in Russian drug trial, faces up to 9 1/2 years in prison

Interest rates rise to 1.75% in biggest hike for 27 years

Alex Jones’ cellphone records include ‘intimate messages with Roger Stone,’ Sandy Hook attorney says

Analysis: Latest subpoenas suggest DOJ probe could be aiming squarely at Trump

Illinois gets a foot of rain, the U.S.’s 3rd 1,000-year rain in 1 week

So Alex Jones and Johnny Depp gets publicly televised trials but none for Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, all the "terrorist suspects" in Guantanamo, Julian Assange, and so on and so forth

Who exactly decides what gets made public and what does not?

Doesn't anyone ever wonder why there have been so few public trials over the last several decades considering how many people the government has accused of crime? Those the government accuses usually end up executed, tortured, in black sites, or with max sentences.

And then the people who actually do commit the worst crimes and are tied to the government themselves like Epstein and Maxwell, end up with light sentences, in country club prisons, or simply "commit suicide" while the prison cameras conveniently broke, so you can't even confirm they died.

Chinese info operation uses false news and social media to hammer U.S.. 72 suspected false news sites targeting audiences in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia with messages critical of America and boosting China.

150,000 Qubits Printed On a Chip

Texas Power Grid Facing Test as 104℉ Bakes State...


Heat-Related Deaths Soar in Phoenix...



'Never been greater threat to our republic'...

Can 'America First' exist without The Don? Conservatives planning on it...

'FOX Would Die Without Me'...

NY depo in weeks...

How come when banks, car companies and airlines collapse they get a bailout, but when people's bank accounts collapse they get an overdraft fee?

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