Friday, August 26, 2022


Florida Judge Who Blocked Teen's Abortion Loses Reelection 

Uvalde school board fires police chief after mass shooting

Missouri school district reinstates spanking as punishment: 'We've had people actually thank us'

Biden rebukes the criticism that student-loan forgiveness is unfair, asks if it's fair for only multi-billion-dollar business owners to get tax breaks

Dem win in key special election stuns GOP, jolts political world

The Latest Webb Observations Don't Disprove The Big Bang, But They Are Interesting

Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar??

US Government: Stop Dickering and Prepare for Post-Quantum Encryption Now "Do not wait until the quantum computers are in use by our adversaries to act," the government's computer security agency warns.

The world is run by psychopaths who are basically in a satanic cult.

The world is run by idiots and controlled by psychopaths who actually belong to a satanic cult. Members of this cult are the presidents, prime ministers, leading bankers and business families, media owners and so on. Basically, the world has been controlled by the same interbreeding cult for thousands of years and this cult manipulates the world through a network of secret societies, like the Skull and Bones Society, for example.

Their main goal seems to be to enslave humanity in as many ways as possible, this is why children start being conditioned from the moment they are born, and why now they're pushing for humans to merge with A.I and connect our minds to the smart grid, they call this 'the internet of bodies', which will be part of 'the internet of everything.'

'No Other Material Behaves in This Way': Scientists Identify A Compound With A Memory

DeSantis pushes to remove vaccine mandates, allow vaccine-injured to sue for damages

Politico's Agenda Shifts, Network Begins Blaming Trump For COVID Vaccine Injuries

Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’

In 1981 a supreme Court ruled that police do not have to protect you.

Data privacy bill would give you more control over info collected about you

The Grateful Dead and their wall of sound in 1974. It was 3 stories high, 100 feet wide and weighed 75 tons with six independent sound systems using eleven separate channels. Because each speaker carried just one instrument or vocalist, the sound was exceptionally clear and free of distortion.



Cancel student debt. If we can subsidize banks, chipmakers, pharmaceutical companies, big oil, wind and solar manufacturers, telecoms, aerospace, defense contractors, and big agriculture, why not our students?

Elon Musk has never actually invented anything. DARPA invented Neuralink, Starlink, etc. and Elon Musk is just the front man puppet they use to bring the stuff out in public and normalize it. His only job is to party it up, make stupid tweets, and make WEF/CIA brain chips seem cool

'That's not what our report said': Mueller lawyer nails Bill Barr for lying in bombshell Trump memo

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