Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 Chinese censors hail country’s ‘internet civilisation’ as Beijing secures its grip on online content controls and information flows

13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses

Alex Jones' 2nd defamation trial over Sandy Hook massacre to move forward

Trump Bragged He Had ‘Intelligence’ on Macron’s Sex Life

Republicans are increasingly sharing misinformation, research finds

‘On a par with the Russians’: rise in Chinese espionage alarms Europe

U.S. government sues Idaho data company it says tracks people at abortion clinics

When you see Nazi flags flying at republican rallies, is it really that much of a stretch to call them fascists?

Can someone please tell Lindsay Graham what happened during the last time South Carolina started a civil war? Or have they banned any teaching about that too?
Over the past 25 years, the healthcare industry spent $5B+ in lobbying and contributions. In 2020, the NRA spent ~$5M+ lobbying & ~$23M through its PAC. Last year, the oil & gas industry spent $120M on lobbying. Why is our democracy failing us? Answer: Big money in politics.
Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson and the Florida wonder, Rick Scott, have all come out publicly and said they are going after seniors Social Security and Medicare. Why again, do seniors vote for these people?

What will the Republican party do if it is truly discovered that Trump sold secrets to foreign nationals?
Material was found within the boxes that was classified so highly, that even the National Archives didn't have the clearance to look at it. MSBNC
Remember when GOP Senators Roy Blunt, Mike Crapo, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Jim Inhofe, Jerry Moran, Rob Portman, Richard Shelby, Mitch McConnell, John Thune & Roger Wicker voted to convict Bill Clinton for lying about an affair - but acquitted Trump for attempting a coup.
Republicans are threatenin' our streets will run with blood if Trump is indicted. All the more reason to render justice impartially and prove our Democracy is alive and well. Americans are tough enough to handle a dimestore fascist like Trump!

Real America doesn’t support coups or violent insurrections attacking the Capitol — or stealing America’s most sensitive documents so they can be sold to the highest bidder.

Is he selling secrets to our adversaries as a way of getting even with America for not choosing him in 2020? #ArrestTrump

It's time for Julian Assange to be FREE!

When Kentuckians try to visit Rand Paul’s office in DC, they are regularly turned away. In Kentucky, Rand Paul only has 1 district office. In 12 years, he hasn’t introduced a single bill that has passed. He’s not even trying to do his job. Let’s fire him.

The GOP platform: No taxes for those making over $5 million a year. No public schools. No Social Security. No Medicare or Medicaid. No more voting by the People, the GOP will decide who gets elected to office. Do away with the DOJ. Trump to made king.
Endless stories of DeJoy slowing down mail PISS ME OFF! The Postal Service is -- A SERVICE! It doesn't LOSE money. It COSTS money! Ever hear anyone accuse the US Military of losing billions? No! It provides a service that COSTS money. They need to oust him. DeJoy deserves DeJail!
The Republican Party is an extremist domestic terrorist organization that openly advocates for violence in order to achieve its political aims.

Riots if prosecuted?
FBI completes review of docs...
Don Bragged He Had Intel on Macron Sex Life?
Republicans forced into strained defense...


POLL: More than 40% Americans think civil war likely within decade...

Secret Service agent for Trump retires after Jan. 6 scrutiny...

Judge forces Kemp to testify...

TX school district rejects 'In God We Trust' signs featuring rainbows, Arabic...

Please explain. How is it that a person, like Boebert, who is married to a registered sex offender, got a GED after 4 tries, a failed business owner is a viable representative?
Don’t let this story get buried like they all do. A Russian spy who posed as a “Rothschild” and used a fake ID — had untethered access to Mar-a-Lago; the same hotel where Trump illegally stored classified documents. She also played a round of golf with Trump and Lindsey Graham.
Donald Trump said that he is being treated like a criminal and is very upset about it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Lindsey Graham’s illegal attempt at pressuring Georgia officials to throw out black votes and his public calls for violence disqualify him from being on the Senate Judiciary Committee let alone in Congress? America has terrorists in power.

‘People are tired of being ignored while the rich get richer’: Bernie Sanders on anger and hope in the US and UK

7 more Republican leaders endorse Democrat Josh Shapiro for Pennsylvania governor, following news of GOP candidate Doug Mastriano wearing a Confederate military uniform

Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree

Why did trump need a special counsel? A special prosecutor? A special investigator? A special master? Constant special treatment from DOJ? Because if he got treated like everyone else then he wouldn’t be special, he’d be in prison.

America is not a Christian Nation. It’s a nation where you’re free to be a Christian. Or Hindu. Or Jewish. Or Muslim. Or Atheist. Or none of the above.

Republicans should be forced to carry Donald Trump to term, even it if endangers the life of the party

Ron Perlman
Funny, Joe Biden calling Maga Americans a bunch of fascists. And even funnier how once they got called what they were, turned into a bunch of pussies for being called what they are.

Republicans want to know why Hunter's laptop stories were held until after the 2020 election. I wd like to know why stories about Ivanka's Chinese trademarks including voting machines or Jared's Saudi deals were not pursued. After all, Hunter was not a Govt employee. They were.

Can Trump blackmail the US government by threatening to disclose top secret information that’s so sensitive the government would actually make a deal with him not to disclose it?

Machine Pun Kelly 🇺🇦
"Civil War" is trending because the same people who are mad at being called fascists are willing to kill people who disagree with them if they don't get their way.

Russia obtained access to the Jeffrey Epstein "tapes" from a Palm Beach Sheriff, John Mark Dougan. This is why Dougan was granted asylum in Moscow in '16. In fact, the KGB may have purchased these tapes as blackmail to cultivate high-profile Russian assets/agents on American soil.

37 indictments, 7 guilty pleas. Special Counsel Mueller declined to exonerate President Trump and instead detailed multiple episodes in which he engaged in obstructive conduct.

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