Monday, August 08, 2022



Voters’ threshold for transgressions by political candidates. Republicans were more likely than their political counterparts to maintain support of their candidate even after learning of transgressions of rather high severity, such as "paid a witness to give false testimony in a criminal trial,"

Flight tracking exposure irks billionaires and baddies

BREAKING: Vice President Kamala Harris casts the tie-breaking vote as the Senate passes a historic, landmark bill to combat climate change, tax the rich, drastically lower the costs of prescription drugs for struggling seniors.

There’s absolutely no difference between CPAC, KKK, NRA, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, the Federalist Society, Fox Propaganda, neo-Nazis and MAGA hate rallies. All the same, just different labels.

A company that makes MAGA clothing has been caught cutting out the “made in China” labels and replacing them with “made in America.” A great metaphor for the America First scam.

So let me get this straight: the supposedly "pro-life" states with the most restrictive abortion laws, also have the weakest social services for women and children?

Republicans complain about inflation a lot, but none of them are voting for the Inflation Reduction Act. On May 19 the U.S. House passed a bill to prevent gasoline price gouging without a single Republican vote in favor. The vote was 217-207. Do you see a pattern here?

It's been almost 2 full years since they started talking about all of this fraud in the 2020 election, and they're still talking about it, but so far all they found was a shit ton of trumpers and Republicans trying to cheat

BREAKING NEWS: Trumper Congresswoman Lauren Borbert calls for mandatory “biblical citizenship training” in schools. Boebert’s husband was arrested for exposing his penis to a teenager — and Boebert has been arrested three times. RT IF YOU THINK THAT IS A HYPOCRITE!

Republicans want fewer math books in schools but more Bibles, but do go on about who’s doing the grooming won’t you?

Hey Ron Johnson, Don’t call my social security an entitlement when I have been paying into it for 47 years and my employers have been matching my payments for those 47 years.

Get this! Republicans successfully STRIPPED from the reconciliation bill Democrats’ proposed $35 per month CAP on out-of-pocket INSULIN COSTS for patients enrolled in private health insurance. The cap still remains for patients on Medicare. Remember this betrayal in November!!

DeJoy is well aware that many more Democrats vote by mail. That’s why he’s letting 50,000 employees go right before the Midterms.

Are black and Latino Republicans pretending CPAC didn’t just give a standing ovation to a guy who wants a white-only society?

This midterm it’s simple. If you care about preserving our 246 year history of Self Rule, vote Democrat. If you care about forcing 10 year olds who have been raped by a family member to give birth, vote Republican.

A child who is read to becomes a thinking child… why do republicans want to ban books?

BREAKING NEWS: In a brutal new poll, the British people declare that Donald Trump, is “the worst thing to ever come out of America,” edging out “the Kardashians” and “its obsession with guns.” RT TO THANK THE BRITISH FOR CALLING IT LIKE IT IS!

Saying you are a Christian while supporting the republican agenda is like saying you are vegan while eating a double bacon cheeseburger.

America is suffering from an epidemic of Fox Pox.

Breaking: Senate Republicans have just blocked the $35/month insulin price cap for Americans on private insurance from Democrats' spending bill.

Republicans killed the $35 cap on insulin. Reminder Joe Manchin’s daughter was the CEO of EpiPen she raised the price by 500%

If Senate Republicans want to keep us here all night to protect tax loopholes that let billion dollar corporations pay almost nothing in taxes, that's a fight I'm willing to have.

Polio and Nazis are making a comeback in America in 2022. I really don't want to relive the 1930s-1940s.

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